Electrolux SB407CNN User manual

User manual

Electrolux SB407CNN is a fridge freezer. It is a household appliance specifically designed for storing edible foodstuff. In addition to the fridge and freezer compartment, it has a Drinks Chill function that quickly cools beverages. The Holiday function allows for energy saving during prolonged absences. Furthermore, it features a customizable alarm system that alerts you in case of a sudden temperature increase in either compartment. Finally, its sleek design and adjustable shelves make it easy to use and fit into any kitchen.

Electrolux SB407CNN is a fridge freezer. It is a household appliance specifically designed for storing edible foodstuff. In addition to the fridge and freezer compartment, it has a Drinks Chill function that quickly cools beverages. The Holiday function allows for energy saving during prolonged absences. Furthermore, it features a customizable alarm system that alerts you in case of a sudden temperature increase in either compartment. Finally, its sleek design and adjustable shelves make it easy to use and fit into any kitchen.

UUsseerr MMaannuuaall
SB 407 CNN
Fridge - Freezer
Welcome to the world of Electrolux
You’ve chosen a first class product from Electrolux, which hopefully will provide
you with lots of pleasure in the future. Electrolux ambition is to offer a wide variety
of quality products that would make your life even more comfortable. You can look
at some examples on the cover in this manual. But now it’s time to study this
manual and start using and enjoying the benefits from your new machine. We
promise that it’ll make your life a little easier. Good luck!
The following symbols are used in this manual:
Important information concerning your personal safety and information on
how to avoid damaging the appliance.
General information and tips
Environmental information
The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product
may not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the
applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential
negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could
otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more
detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city
office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased
the product.
Safety IInformation 6
Use 99
Cleaning the interior 9
Control panel 9
Display 10
Switching on 10
Switching off 10
Temperature regulation 12
Fresh food refrigeration 14
Use of the freezer compartment 15
Storage of frozen food 15
Freezing Calendar 16
Thawing 16
Ice cube production 16
Movable shelves 17
Bottle rack 17
Positioning the door shelves 17
Drawer 18
Humidity Control 18
Air recycling 19
Installation of the Taste Guard Filter 20
Replacing of the Taste Guard Filter 20
Hints 21
Hints for refrigeration 21
Hints for freezing 21
Hints for storage of frozen food 22
Maintenance 222
Periodic cleaning 22
Defrosting 22
Interior light 23
Technical information 24
Customer sservice aand sspare pparts 224
Installation 25
Location 25
Rear spacers 25
Shelf holders 25
Electrical connection 26
Door reversibility 26
It iis mmost iimportant tthat tthis
instruction bbook sshould bbe rretained
with tthe aappliance ffor ffuture rreference.
Should tthe aappliance bbe ssold oor
transferred tto aanother oowner, oor
should yyou mmove hhouse aand lleave tthe
appliance, aalways eensure tthat tthe
book iis ssupplied wwith tthe aappliance iin
order tthat tthe nnew oowner ccan bbe
acquainted wwith tthe ffunctioning oof tthe
appliance aand tthe rrelevant wwarnings.
If tthis aappliance ffeaturing mmagnetic
door sseals iis tto rreplace aan oolder
appliance hhaving aa sspring llock ((latch)
on tthe ddoor oor llid, bbe ssure tto mmake
that sspring llock uunusable bbefore yyou
discard tthe oold aappliance. TThis wwill
prevent iit ffrom bbecoming aa ddeath-ttrap
for aa cchild.
These wwarnings aare pprovided iin tthe
interest oof ssafety. YYou mmust rread tthem
carefully bbefore iinstalling oor uusing tthe
General Safety
This appliance is not intended for
use by persons (including children)
with reduced physical, sensory or
mental capabilities, or lack of
experience and knowledge, unless
they have been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the
appliance by a person responsible
for their safety.
Children should be supervised to
ensure that they do not play with
the appliance.
It is dangerous to alter the
specifications or modify this
product in any way.
Before any cleaning or
maintenance work is carried out,
be sure to switch off and unplug
the appliance.
This appliance is heavy. Care
should be taken when moving it
Ice lollies can cause frost burns if
consumed straight from the
Take uutmost ccare wwhen hhandling
your aappliance sso aas nnot tto ccause
any ddamages tto tthe ccooling uunit
with cconsequent ppossible ffluid
The aappliance mmust nnot bbe llocated
close tto rradiators oor ggas ccookers.
Avoid pprolonged eexposure oof tthe
appliance tto ddirect ssunlight.
There mmust bbe aadequate vventilation
round tthe bback oof tthe aappliance
and aany ddamage tto tthe rrefrigerant
circuit mmust bbe aavoided.
For ffreezers oonly ((except bbuilt-iin
models): aan iideal llocation iis tthe
cellar oor bbasement.
Do nnot uuse oother eelectrical
appliances ((such aas iice ccream
makers) iinside oof rrefrigerating
Any electrical work required to
install this appliance should be
carried out by a qualified electrician
or competent person
This product should be serviced by
an authorized Service Centre, and
only genuine spare parts should be
Under no circumstances should
you attempt to repair the appliance
yourself. Repairs carried out by
inexperienced persons may cause
injury or more serious
malfunctioning. Refer to your local
Service Centre, and always insist
on genuine spare parts.
This appliance contains
hydrocarbons in its cooling unit;
maintenance and recharging must
therefore only be carried out by
authorized technicians.
The domestic refrigerators and
freezers are designed to be used
specifically for the storage of edible
foodstuffs only.
Best performance is obtained with
ambient temperature between
+18°C and +43°C (class T); +18°C
and +38°C (class ST); +16°C and
+32°C (class N); +10°C and +32°C
(class SN). The class of your
appliance is shown on its rating
Warning: when the ambient
temperature is not included within
the range indicated for the class of
this appliance, the following
instructions must be observed:
when the ambient temperature
drops below the minimum level, the
storage temperature in the freezer
compartment cannot be
guaranteed; therefore it is advisable
to use the food stored as soon as
Frozen food must not be re-frozen
once it has been thawed out.
Manufacturers’ storage
recommendations should be strictly
adhered to. Refer to relevant
The inner lining of the appliance
consists of channels through which
the refrigerant passes. If these
should be punctured this would
damage the appliance beyond
repair and cause food loss. DO
to scrape off frost or ice. Frost may
be removed by using the scraper
provided. Under no circumstances
should solid ice be forced off the
liner. Solid ice should be allowed to
thaw when defrosting the
Do not place carbonated or fizzy
drinks in the freezer as it creates
pressure on the container, which
may cause it to explode, resulting in
damage to the appliance.
During normal operation, the
condenser and compressor at the
back of the appliance heat up
considerably. For safety reasons,
minimum ventilation must be as
shown in the instructions.
Attention: kkeep vventilation oopenings
clear oof oobstruction.
Care must be taken to ensure that
the appliance does not stand on
the electrical supply cable.
if the supply cord is
damaged, it must be replaced by a
special cord or assembly availa-ble
from the manufacturer or its service
If the appliance is transported
horizontally, it is possible that the oil
contained in the compressor flows
in the refrigerant circuit. It is
advisable to wait at least two hours
before connecting the appliance to
allow the oil to flow back in the
There are working parts in this
product which heat up. Always
ensure that there is adequate
ventilation as a failure to do this will
result in component failure and
possible food loss. See installation
Parts which heat up should not be
exposed. Wherever possible the
back of the product should be
against a wall.
This aappliance ddoes nnot ccontain
gasses wwhich ccould ddamage tthe oozone
layer, iin eeither iits rrefrigerant ccircuit oor
insulation mmaterials. TThe aappliance
shall nnot bbe ddiscarded ttogether wwith
the uurban rrefuse aand rrubbish. AAvoid
damaging tthe ccooling uunit, eespecially
at tthe rrear nnear tthe hheat eexchanger.
Information oon yyour llocal ddisposal ssites
may bbe oobtained ffrom mmunicipal
authorities. TThe mmaterials uused oon tthis
appliance mmarked bby tthe ssymbol
are rrecyclable.
12 3 4 5 67
Cleaning the interior
Before using the appliance for the first
time, wash the interior and all internal
accessories with luke-warm water and
some neutral soap so as to remove
the typical smell of a brand-new
product, then dry thoroughly.
Do nnot uuse ddetergents oor
abrasive ppowders, aas tthese wwill
damage tthe ffinish.
Control Panel
1. Quick Freeze switch
2. Alarm reset switch
3. Freezer temperature setting
regulator and Hours setting
4. Clock switch
5. Fridge temperature setting regulator
and Minutes setting regulator
6. Holiday switch
7. Drinks Chill switch
8. Display
Quick Freeze Function
Alarm indicator Timer indicator
Freezer temperature indicator
Hours indicator
Time indicator
Bottom compartment alarm
Top compartment alarm indicator
Timer indicator
Fridge temperature indicator
Minutes indicator
Holiday Function
Drinks chill Function
SSwwiittcchhiinngg oonn
After plugging the plug into the power
outlet, appliance switches on.
As soon as the appliance is turned on,
if it is in alarm condition, reset the
alarm as described in "High
temperature alarm".
Activate the Clock display as
described in "Displaying the clock".
Set the clock as described in "Setting
the clock".
At first switching on:
• default fridge temperature setting is
• default freezer temperature setting is
You can change the temperature
settings as described in "Temperature
SSwwiittcchhiinngg ooffff
To switch off the appliance remove
the main plug.
Displaying the Clock
The Clock display is activated by pressing
the Clock switch.
It is possible to deactivate the Clock
display at any time by pressing the Clock
SSeettttiinngg tthhee CClloocckk
The Clock function is activated by
pressing and holding the Clock switch:
• and will light up
• backlight switch on
While holding the Clock switch, press the
Hour setting regulator to advance the
hours (hold button down for continuous
and fast advance). The pm indicator
will appear for times after midday.
While holding the Clock function, press
the Minutes setting regulator to advance
the minutes (hold button down for
continuous and fast advance).
When the correct time is displayed,
release Clock switch:
• and will light down
• backlight switch off
When Clock setting function is activated
temperature can not be regulated.
You must make new time setting after
power failure.
During this time it is possible that the
temperature displayed is different than the
setting temperature.
Use of the refrigerator
The temperature can be adjusted
between +2°C and +8°C.
During normal functioning the indicator
shows the temperature inside the
Difference between the temperature
displayed and temperature setting is
normal. Especially when:
- a new setting has recently been
- the door has been left open for a
long time
- warm food has been placed in the
Temperature regulation
The temperature may be regulated by
pressing the Fridge or Freezer
temperature setting regulator.
The current temperature setting
flashes on the Temperature indicator.
Any further pressure on this switch will
decrease blinking number of one
degree (if minimum value is reached it
starts again from maximum ) ; if no
other pressure is performed
in some seconds, the blinking number
is confirmed and the compartment
temperature is shown again.
The number of bars of the
Temperature indicator changes with
the changing of the current
temperature setting.
The newly selected-temperature must
be reached after 24 hours.
After a long period out of use it is not
necessary to set again the
temperature because it remains
Attention !!
During the stability period by the first
starting the temperature displayed can
not correspond to the setting
During this time it is possible that the
temperature displayed is different than
the setting temperature.
If the door remains ajar for a long
while, the internal lighting will turn off
automatically; after this, the lighting
function will be reset automatically by
closing the door and by falling the
temperature of the lamp.
Quick Freeze function
You can activate theQuick Freeze function
by pressing the Quick Freeze switch
once. An animated icon above the button
will light up as the following icons .
The Quick Freeze function will now
operate for 52 hours.
The following animation will be shown
instead of Freezer temperature indicator .
It is possible to deactivate the function at
any time by pressing the Quick Freeze
The icons will go out, and the appliance
will return to normal operation.
The Quick Freeze function can be resume
after power failure.
Holiday Function
This function allows you to keep the
refrigerator shut and empty during a long
holiday period (e. g. the summer
holidays) without the formation of a bad
smell and saving energy.
You can activate the Holiday function by
pressing the Holiday switch once.
An animated Holiday function icon will
light up.
The fridge compartment must be empty
with holiday function on.
It is possible to deactivate the function at
any time by pressing the Holiday switch.
When the door is open the Holiday
function will exit.
The Holiday function can be resume after
power failure.
Drinks Chill Function
The Drinks Chill function is to be used as a
safety warning when placing bottles in the
freezer compartment. It is activated by
pressing Drinks Chill switch and the
corresponding icon appears .
In this condition it operates a timer with a
default value of 30 min. and it could
change from 1 to 90 min., by pressing the
Clock switch you select the minutes
• press and hold the Clock switch
• and appear
• press the Hours setting regulator to
advance the hours of one step
• press the Minutes setting regulator
tomadvance the minutes: if current time is
higher than 10 minutes they increase of 5
steps otherwise they increase of 1 step
• when the time is the requested one,
release the Clock switch
When the Drinks Chill function time limit
expires, there are the following indications:
• sounding of an acoustic alarm until
Alarm reset switch is pressed
• flashing
• flashing
You can deactivate the function by
pressing the Alarm reset switch.
The icon will go out, and the appliance will
return to normal operation.
At this point bear in mind to remove
the drinks contained in the freezer
It is possible to deactivate the function at
any time by pressing Drinks Chill switch.
High temperature alarm
An increase in the temperature in the
Freezer compartment (for example due to
an power failure) is indicated by:
• sounding of buzzer
• flashing
• blinking
• backlight switches on
You can press the Alarm reset switch to
deactivate the alarm and the warmest
reached temperature in the compartment
appears on Freezer temperature indicator
for some seconds. If the Freezer
temperature is still higher than threshold
keeps on
If the Alarm is active but the Freezer
temperature has decreased under the
threshold :
• the acoustic signal shuts off
• flashing
• blinking
• backlight keeps on
You can press the Alarm reset switch to
deactivate the alarm.
When normal conditions are restored:
• the acoustic signal shuts off
• switches off
• becomes steady
• backlight switches off
System stores the warmest reached
temperature which remains in memory if
a power off happens.
Compartment alarm
When the Bottom compartment alarm
indicator and/or the Top
compartment alarm indicator
appear, an error in the functioning of
the compartment has occurred; call
your service representative.
Fresh food refrigeration
To obtain the best performance:
do not store warm food or
evaporating liquids in the
do cover or wrap the food,
particularly if it has a strong flavour.
Position food so that air can
circulate freely around it.
Use of the freezer
The 4-star compartment is
suitable for long term storage of
commercially frozen food, and for
freezing fresh food.
The temperature can be adjusted
between -15°C and -24°C.
We suggest setting the knob to the
middle position to obtain an internal
temperature of approximately -18°C,
which guarantees proper freezing and
conservation of the frozen foods.
During the stability period by the first
starting the temperature displayed can
not correspond to the setting
temperature. During this time it is
possible that the temperature
displayed is lower than the setting
Difference between the temperature
displayed and temperature setting is
normal. Especially when:
- a new setting has recently been
- the door has been left open for a
long time
- warm food has been placed in the
Difference until 5°C inside the
compartment are quite normal.
During normal functioning the indicator
shows the warmest temperature inside
the freezer.
Storage of frozen food
When first starting-up or after a period
out of use, before putting the products
in the compartment let the appliance
run at least two hours on the coldest
setting, then turn the thermostat knob
to the normal operating position.
To obtain the best performance from
this appliance, you should:
if large quantities of food are to be
stored, remove all drawers and
baskets from appliance (except for the
last one at the bottom) and place food
on cooling shelves.
Pay careful attention not to exceed
load limit stated on the side of the
upper section (where applicable).
If tthere iis aa ppower ffailure wwhen ffood iis
in tthe ffreezer, ddo nnot oopen tthe ddoor oof
the ffreezer ccompartment. TThe ffrozen
food wwill nnot bbe aaffected iif tthe ppower
cut iis oof sshort dduration ((up tto 66-88
hours) aand tthe ffreezer ccompartment iis
full, ootherwise, iit iis rrecommended tthat
the ffood sshould bbe uused wwithin aa sshort
time ((a ttemperature iincrease oof tthe
frozen ffood sshortens iits ssafe sstorage
Freezing Calendar
The symbols show different types of
frozen goods.
The numbers indicate storage times in
months for the appropriate types of frozen
goods. Whether the upper or lower value
of the indicated storage time is valid
depends on the quality of the foods and
pre-treating before freezing.
Deep-frozen or frozen food, prior to
being used, can be thawed in the
refrigerator compartment or at room
temperature, depending on the time
available for this operation.
Small pieces may even be cooked still
frozen, directly from the freezer: in this
case, cooking will take longer.
Ice-cube production
This appliance is equipped with one or
more trays for the production of ice-
These are insert on the sides of the
upper freezer drawer.
Pull out the upper freezer drawer.
Extract the ice-tray.
Pull out the tap.
Fill with water to the limit indicated.
Refit the tap and insert the tray in the
appropriate place.
To remove the ice cubes rotate the tray
with the ice needles towards the top and
hit on a rigid surface.
To semplify the release of the ice needles
it is recommended to keep the closed
tray under if possible luke warm water for
a few seconds.
Do nnot uuse mmetallic iinstruments tto
remove tthe ttrays ffrom tthe ffreezer.
10 - 1210 - 1210 - 1210 -1 23-63-63-63-63-41-2
Movable shelves
The walls of the refrigerator are
equipped with a series of runners so
that the shelves can be positioned as
Bottle rack
Place bottles in the rack with the
bottleneck to the front.
Important: Only store unopened bottles
The bottle rack can be tilted for storing
opened bottles.
To do this pull the bottle rack forward
until it can be tilted upwards, then slide
up the front support to the next level .
Positioning the door
To permit storage of food packages of
various sizes, the door shelves can be
placed at different heights.
To make these adjustments proceed
as follow: Gradually pull the shelf in the
direction of the arrows until it comes
free, then reposition as required.
The drawer is suitable for storing fruit
and vegetables. There is a separator
inside the drawer that can be placed in
different positions to suit personal
There is a grille (if forseen) on the
bottom of the drawer to separate the
fruit and vegetables from any humidity
on the bottom surface.
All parts inside the drawer can be
removed for cleaning purposes.
Humidity Control
The drawer incorporates a device with
slots (adjustable by means of a sliding
lever),which makes it possible to regulate
the temperature in the vegetable
The opening in the ventilation slots can be
adjusted with the slider. Right slider:
Ventilation slots opened.
With the ventilation slots opened, more air
circulation results in a lower air moisture
content in the fruit and vegetable
compartments. Left slider: Ventilation slots
closed. When the ventilation slots are
closed, the natural moisture content of the
food in the fruit and vegetable
compartments is preserved for longer.
Air recycling
The refrigerator compartment is
equipped with a special
D.A.C.(Dynamic Air Cooling) fan which
can be turned on with the switch B,
with the green light on the fan is
As suggestion the fan (D.A.C.) should
be used with ambient temperature
exceeding 25°C .
This device allows rapid cooling of
foods and a more uniform temperature
in the compartment.
Installation of the Taste
Guard Filter
Taste guard filter is an active carbon
filter which absorbs bad odors and
permits to maintain the best flavour
and aroma for all foodstuffs without
risk of odour cross contamination.
On delivery the active carbon filter is
placed in a plastic bag to secure its
length of life.
Before the appliance is turned on,
remove the filter from its plastic bag
and place it inside the flap.
Pull the flap outward
nsert the active carbon filter in the
slot found in the back of the flap
Close the flap.
During the operation,always
keep the air ventilation flap
closed.The filter should be handled
carefully to prevent its surface from
being scratched.
Replacing the Taste
Guard filter
To get the best performance the active
carbon filter should be changed once
every year.
New active carbon filters can be
purchased from your local dealer.
The filter is placed behind the flap
and can be reached by pulling the
flap outward.
Pull out of the slot the exhausted
charcoal filter.
Insert the new charcoal filter in the
Close the flap.
During the operation,always
keep the air ventilation flap
closed.The filter should be handled
carefully to prevent its surface from
being scratched.
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Electrolux SB407CNN User manual

User manual

Electrolux SB407CNN is a fridge freezer. It is a household appliance specifically designed for storing edible foodstuff. In addition to the fridge and freezer compartment, it has a Drinks Chill function that quickly cools beverages. The Holiday function allows for energy saving during prolonged absences. Furthermore, it features a customizable alarm system that alerts you in case of a sudden temperature increase in either compartment. Finally, its sleek design and adjustable shelves make it easy to use and fit into any kitchen.

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