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7.2 Timer Cycles
7.2.1 Timed Cycle
When TIMED drying is selected, the
drying time in minutes is set on the timer
dial. The fabric type or temperature is
set with the selector switch. Actuating
the safety start switch starts the dryer
and timer operation begins, as shown in
the simplified circuit below.
If the timer dial is not in an OFF zone,
Switches TB, TC, and TT, TX are closed.
Drying temperature is controlled by the
thermostat system. See Thermostats for
7.2.2 Automatic Cycle
When automatic drying is selected, the
timer dial is set in the automatic zone. The
fabric type or temperature is set on the
selector switch. Actuating the safety start
switch starts the dryer.
240V is applied to the heaters, and drying
begins. The timer does not operate at this
time because it is bypassed by the TB, TA
timer switch and the thermostats which are
all closed. The TT, TH timer switch is open
when automatic drying is selected. When
drying temperature is reached, the drum
outlet thermostat opens. This removes the
bypass circuit around the timer, and a new
series circuit is established. The new
circuit is the timer, the 2000 ohm resistor
and the heraters across 240V. The
hearters being less than 10 ohms can be
disregarded, leaving the timer and the
resistor to divide the voltage. The
impedance of each being approximately
the same allows the timer to see 240 volts,
and timer operation begins.
When the dryer cools down to the reset
point of the drum outlet thermostat, the
drum outlet will close, bypassing the timer
and re-establishing the heater circuit. This
alternative action of heat and timer
operation continues until the end of the
cycle when timer switch TB, TA opens,
preventing additional heat (cool down) and
providing continuous timer operation into
the OFF zone. The cool down period is 8-
10 minutes.