Barco MCM-100s User manual

User manual
MCM series
Safety manual
Barco nv
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Printed in Belgium
1. Safety
About this chapter
Read this chapter attentively. It contains important informa tion to prevent personal injury while installing and using a MCM series
device. Furthermore, it includes several cautions to prevent dama ge to the MCM s eries device. Ensure that you understand and
follow all safety guidelines, sa fety instructions and warnings mentioned in this chapter before installing your MCM series device.
After this chapter, additional “warnings” and “cautions” are given depending on the installation procedure. Read and follow these
“warnings” and “ca utions” as well.
1.1 General considerations
WARNING: Ensure yo u un derstand an d follow all the safety guidelines, safet y instructions, warnings and
cautions mentioned in this m anual.
WARNING: Be aware of suspended loads.
WARNING: Be careful while w orking w ith heavy loads.
WARNING: Mind your ng ers w hile working with heavy loads.
General safety instructions
Before operating this equipment please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
Installation and preliminary adjustments s hould b e performed by qualied B arco personnel or by authorized Barco service deal-
All warnings on the device an d in the documentation manuals should be adhered to.
All instructions for operating and use of this equipment m ust be followed precisely.
All local installation codes s hould be adhered to.
Notice on safety
This equ ipment is built in accordance with the requirements o f the international safety standards IEC60950 -1, EN60950-1,
UL60950-1 and CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60950-1, which are the safety standards of information technology equipment including
electrical bus iness equipment. These s afety standards impose important requirements on the use of safety critical components,
materials and insulation, in order to protect the user or operator against risk of electric shock and energy hazard and having access
to live parts. Safety standards also impo se limits to the internal and external temperature rises, radiation levels, mechanical stability
and strength, e nclosure construction and protection against the risk of re. Simulated single fault con dition testing ensures the
safety of the equipm ent to the user even whe n the equipment’s normal operation fails.
1.2 Important safety instructions
To prevent the risk of electrical shock
This pr oduct should be operated from a mono phase A C power source.
This apparatus must be grounded (earthed) v ia the supplied 3 c onductor AC power cable. If none of the supplied power cables
are the correct one, consult you
r dealer.
If you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the
purpose of the grounding-type plug.
Do not allow anything t o rest on the power c ord. Do not loc ate this product where persons will walk on the cord. To disconnect
the cord, pull it out by the p lug. Nev er pull the cord itself.
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1. Safety
Use only the power cord supplied with your device. While appearing to be sim ilar, other power cords have not been safety
tested at the factory and may not be us ed to powe r the dev ice. F or a re placement power c ord, contact your dealer.
Do not operate the dev ice with a damaged cord. R eplace the cor d.
Do not operate the device if the device has been dropp ed or dam aged - until it has been exam ined and approved for operation
by a qualied s ervice technician.
Position the cord so that it will not be tripped over, pulled, or contact hot surfaces.
If an ex tension cord is necessary, a cord with a current rating at least equal to that of the device should be us ed. A cord rated
for less am perage than the device m ay overheat.
Neve r push objects of any kind into this product through cabinet slots as they may touch dangerous v oltage points or short out
parts that could result in a risk of re or e lectrical shock.
Do not expose this device to r ain or mois ture.
Do not immer se or expose this device in w ater or other liquids.
Do not spill liquid of any k ind on this dev ice.
Sho uld any liquid or solid object fall into the c abinet, unplug the set and have it chec ked by qualied service personnel before
resuming operations.
Do not disassemble this device, always take it to an authorized trained service person when service or repair work is required.
Do not use an ac cessory attachment which is not recommended by the manufacturer.
Lightning - For added protection for this video product during a lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused f
or long
periods of time, unplug it from the w all outlet. This will prevent damage to the device due to lightning a nd AC power-line surges.
To prevent personal injury
To prevent injury and physical damage, always read this m anual and all labels on the system before connec ting to the w all
outlet or adjusting the devic e.
To prevent injury, ensure that all c overs are correctly installed. See installation procedures.
Before attempting to remove any of the device’s covers, you m ust turn off the device and di
sconnect from the w all outlet.
W hen required to switch off the device, to access parts inside, always disconnect the pow er cord from the power net.
The power input at the device side is considered as the disconnect device. W hen required to switch off the device, to access
parts inside, always disconnec t the power cord at the device side. In case the power input at the device side is not accessible,
the socket outlet sup plying the device shall be installed nearby the device and be easily accessible, or a readily accessible
general disconnect device shall be incorporated in the xed wiring.
Do not place this equipment on an unstable c art, stand, or table. The product may fall, causing serious damage to it and
possible injury to the user.
To prevent re hazard
Do not place ammable o r combustible materials near the d evice!
Barco products are des igned and ma nufactured to meet the most stringent safety regulations. T his device radiates heat on its
external surfaces and from ve ntilation ducts during normal oper ation, w h ich is both normal and sa fe. Exposing ammable or
combustible materials into close proximity of this device could result in the spontaneous ignition of that material, resulting in a
re. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to leave an “exclusion zone” around all external surfaces of the device whereby
no amm able or c ombus tible materials are present. The exclusion zone must be not less than 40 cm (16”). Do not cover the
device with any m aterial while the dev ice is in operation. Keep amma ble and combustible materials away from the device at
all times. M ount the dev ice in a well ventilated area away from s ources of ignition and out of direct sun light. Never expos e the
device t o rain or m oisture. In the event of re, use sand, CO
or dry powder re extinguishers. Nev er use water on an electrical
re. Always have service performed on this dev ice by authorized Barco service pe rsonnel. Always insist on genuine Barco
replacement parts. Never use non-Barco replacement parts as they m ay degrade the safety of this device.
Slots and openings in this equipme nt are provided for ventilation. To ensure r eliable operation of the device and to pro tect it
from overheating, these openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be block ed by placing the device
too close to walls, or other s imilar s urface. This device should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat register. This
device should not be placed in a built-in installation or enclosure unless proper ventilation is provided.
Let the device cool down completely before storing. Rem
ove cord from the device when storing.
Heat sens itive materials should not be placed in the path of the exhausted air.
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1. Safety
To prevent device damage
The device must always be installed in a manner which ensures free ow of air into its air inlets and unimpeded evacuation of
the h ot air from its cooling system .
In order to ensure that c orrect airow is maintained, and th at the dev ice comp lies with Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC )
requirements, it should always be operated with all of it’s covers in place.
Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation. To ensure reliable op eration of the product and to protect it from
overheating, these openings mus t not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked by placing the product
on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surface. This product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat register. The
device should not be placed in a built-in installation or enclosure unless proper ventilation is provided.
Ensure that nothing can be spilled o n, or dropped inside the device. If this does happen, switch off and unplug the mains supply
immediately. Do not operate the device again until it has been checked by qualied service personnel.
Do not use this equipm ent near water.
Save the original s hipping carton and packing material. They will c ome in handy if y ou ever have to ship your equipment. For
maximum protection, repack your se t as it was o riginally packed at the factory.
Unplug this product f rom the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol c leaners. Use a damp cloth for
cleaning. Neve r use strong solvents, such as thinner or benzine, or abrasive cleaners, s ince these will damage the cabinet.
Stubborn stains may be removed with a cloth lightly dampened with mild detergent so lution.
Rated maximum ambient temperature, t
= 40 °C (104 °F ).
On servicing
Do not attempt to service this product y ourself, as opening or removing covers may e xpose you to dan g
erous voltage p otentials
and risk of electric shock.
Refer all servicing to qualied service personnel.
Attempts to alter the factory-set internal c ontrols or to c hange other control settings not specially dis cussed in this manual c an
lead to permanent d amage to the device and cancellation of the warranty.
Unplug this pr oduct from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualied service technicians under the following conditions:
- When the power cord or plug is da maged or frayed.
- If liquid has bee n spilled into the equipment.
- If the product has b een exposed to rain or water.
- If the p roduct does not operate normally when the operating instructions are followed. Adjust only those controls that are
covered by t he operating instructions since improper adjus tment of the other c ontrols may result in damage and will often
require extensive wor k by a qualied technician to restore the pr oduct to normal operation.
- If the product has been dropped or the cabinet has been dam aged.
- If the pr oduct exhibits a distinct change in performance, indicating a need for service.
Replacem ent parts: W hen replacem ent parts are r equired, be sure the service technician has used original Barco replacement
parts or authorized replacement parts which have the sam e cha racteristics as the Barco original part. Unauthorized substitu-
tions m ay result in degraded performance and reliability, r e, electric shock or other hazards. Unauthorized substitutions may
void w a rranty.
Safety check: Upo n completion of any s ervice or repairs to this device, as k the service technician to perform safety checks to
determine that the product is in proper operating condition.
To prevent battery explosion
Danger of explosion if battery is inco rrectly installed.
Replace only with the same or equivalent type recomm ended by the manufacturer.
For disposal of used batteries, always consult federal, state, local and provincial hazardous waste disposal r ules and regulations
to ensure proper disposal.
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Barco MCM-100s User manual

User manual

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