2. Always wear a helmet (ISI marked)
with chinstrap securely fastened and
insist on a helmet for your pillion rider.
7. During night time, dip headlamps of
your motorcycle for oncoming traffic,
or when following another vehicle.
3. While riding, sit in a comfortable posi-
tion with your legs close to fuel tank.
5. For stopping motorcycle, use both
brakes simultaneously, keeping throttle
in the close position.
1. Always conduct simple pre-ride
inspections (ref. page no 18).
6. Respect road signs and obey traffic
rules for your own safety and that of
others on the road (ref. page no. 49-50).
4. Ride defensively and at a steady speed
(between 40-50 km/hr).
8. Give way to others on the road and sig-
nal before you make a turn.
10. Take care of loose / hanging clothes
while solo / pillion riding.
11. Get your motorcycle serviced regularly
by the Authorised Hero MotoCorp
9. To make yourself more visible, wear
bright reflective clothing that fits well.