Extractor accessories
Product Code Description
Ducting aed51 125mm x 1m flexible ducting kit which includes a white wall outlet, 2 cable ties, 1m
flexible hose and fixing kit
aed53 125mm x 6m flexible ducting kit which includes a white wall outlet, 2 cable ties, 6m
flexible hose and fixing kit
aed54 125mm x 3m rigid ducting kit which includes a white wall outlet, 2 x 1m rigid ducting,
500mm rigid ducting, wall plate, connector, 125mm elbow bend, 2 threaded hose
connectors, 1m flexible hose, horizontal bend and fixing kit
aed61 150mm x 1m flexible ducting kit which includes a white wall outlet, 2 cable ties, 1m
flexible hose and fixing kit
aed63 150mm x 6m flexible ducting kit which includes a white wall outlet, 2 cable ties, 6m
flexible hose and fixing kit
aed64 150mm x 3m rigid ducting kit which includes a white wall outlet, 2 x 1m rigid ducting,
350mm rigid round ducting, wall plate, connector, 125mm elbow bend, 2 threaded
hose connectors, 1m flexible hose, horizontal bend, round to rectangular adaptor
and fixing kit
aed54 aed64
Extractor Accessories
Extractor accessories
Product Code Description Compatible with
Chimneys aec01ss Stainless steel chimney section 3c9
aev01ss Stainless steel chimney section evm9
Filters cha2 Charcoal filter (pack of 2) evm9, evc4, evck4, evpc9
cha5 Charcoal filter (pack of 1) cst6
cha10 Charcoal filter (pack of 1) 3l9
cha11 Charcoal filter (pack of 2) edd91
cha12 Charcoal filter (pack of 1) ecn62/72/92, ecp62/72/82/92/102/112
cha14 Charcoal filter (pack of 2) 3d9
cha16 Charcoal filter (pack of 1) evq7
cha18 Charcoal filter (pack of 2) evx100, evx140
cha19 Charcoal filter (pack of 2) edd61
cha21 Charcoal filter (pack of 2) cca5, cca7, cte6, evp61, evp91, evp101, evp121,
evpk90, evg6, evg9,
cha24 Charcoal filter (pack of 2) ech61/71/91/101
cha25 Charcoal filter (pack of 2) ein60, echk90, ecpk90
cha30 Charcoal filter (pack of 1) 3s10
cha31 Charcoal filter (pack of 1) 3b10
cha32 Charcoal filter (pack of 2) 3u10
gre1 Acrylic grease filter cca5, ein60
gre2m Metal grease filter cca5
gre3m Metal grease filter ein60