Feature Description
Teacher Tools Access, view and manage all assessment data in
one location. This powerful tool allows you to create
class lists, and set up, conduct and manage tests
and quizzes.
You can also monitor each student’s progress
during a test and instantly view their results.
Smooth integration SMART Response integrates with SMART
New user interface With its simple interface, SMART Response’s
intuitive software allows you to create pages that
have clear, contextual and concise information for
both novice and expert users.
Integrated Gradebook Through Gradebook, you can build comprehensive
reports based on your students’ grades, and you
can sort, organize and monitor their students’
Reports can be as simple or as detailed as you
need. Create high-level comparisons of class
performance, specific reports based on tagged
characteristics such as demographics or curriculum
standards, or personalized reports on how
individual students are doing.
Integration with third-party
question bank
You can easily integrate third-party questions into
SMART Notebook.
Tagging You can tag students and questions, and
automatically generate reports with comprehensive
student and class performance breakdowns.
You can also tag key words to describe various
characteristics, correlate questions to curriculum
standards and break down performance into a
printable chart.
Teacher Tools makes it easy to keep everything
organized. The easy-to-use management tool
automatically files test results in the built-in
Gradebook. It also lets you view performance
reports and test scores, and manage your class
lists, all from one location.