190-02450-02 Rev. 1 AFMS, G1000 IAS and GFC 700 AFCS in Citation Mustang Model 510
FAA APPROVED Page 13 of 44
No changes were made to the airplane’s power plant limitations and indicator markings. The power plant
limitations and indicator markings on the Multi Function Display (MFD) and the Primary Flight Displays
(PFDs) while in reversionary mode are marked in accordance with the airplane’s AFM.
No changes were made to the airplane’s airspeed limitations and indicator markings. The airspeed
indicators on the Primary Flight Displays (PFDs) and the standby airspeed indicator are marked in
accordance with the airplane’s AFM.
1. The current Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide (CRG) Part Number and System Software
Version that must be available to the pilot during flight are displayed on the MFD Aux group, System
Status page.
2. Category II approaches are prohibited.
3. Takeoff is prohibited following a flight where either PFD/MFD COOLING or GIA1-2 COOLING
Garmin System Message was displayed, until the condition is identified and corrected.
4. Takeoff is prohibited with a PFD/MFD SERVICE, GIA 1-2 SERVICE, or GMA1-2 SERVICE Garmin
System Message displayed, until the condition is identified and corrected.
5. All display units must be installed and operational.
6. Takeoff with a display in reversionary mode is prohibited.
7. Autopilot:
a. One pilot must remain seated, with the seatbelt fastened, during all autopilot operations.
b. Autopilot operation is prohibited if either PFD is in AHRS reversion.
c. Autopilot Minimum-Use-Height:
1) Takeoff and Climb ............................................................................................ 700 feet AGL
2) Enroute and Descent ..................................................................................... 1000 feet AGL
3) Approach (GP or GPS Mode) .......................................................................... 200 feet AGL
4) Approach (FLC, VS, PIT, or ALT Mode) ............ Higher of 400 feet AGL or Approach MDA
8. [This limitation has been removed.]
9. Use of the NAVIGATION MAP page for pilotage navigation is prohibited unless required by AFM
procedure. The NAVIGATION MAP page is intended only to enhance situational awareness.
Navigation is to be conducted using only current charts, data, and authorized navigation facilities.
10. Use of the TRAFFIC MAP to maneuver the airplane to avoid traffic is prohibited. The TRAFFIC
INFORMATION SYSTEM (TIS) and the optional GTX 345 ADS-B Traffic system are for advisory
use only. TIS and ADS-B are intended only to help the pilot to visually locate traffic. It is the
responsibility of the pilot to see and maneuver to avoid traffic.
11. Use of the TERRAIN information for primary terrain avoidance is prohibited. The TERRAIN
information is intended only to enhance situational awareness. It is the pilot’s responsibility to
provide terrain clearance at all times.