Importantî€ Safetyî€ Instructionsî€ and
Readî€ thisî€ entireî€ manualî€ before
proceedingî€ toî€ installî€ theî€ cooler.
Failureî€ toî€ observeî€ theseî€ warnings
andî€ instructionsî€ willî€ void
manufacturer'sî€ warrantiesî€ andî€ will
dischargeî€ theî€ manufacturerî€ ofî€ all
ALWAYSî€ disconnectî€ theî€ cooler
fromî€ theî€ powerî€ supplyî€ before
commencingî€ maintenance
Avoidî€ Dangerousî€ Situations:
Protectî€ theî€ coolerî€ fromî€ all
sourcesî€ ofî€ ignitionî€ because
polymersî€ andî€ coolingî€ padsî€ will
WARNING: Theî€ warningsî€ andî€ safety
instructionsî€ inî€ thisî€ manualî€ mustî€ be
followedî€ toî€ reduceî€ theî€ riskî€ ofî€ fire,
electricî€ shockî€ orî€ injury,î€ andî€ toî€ provide
reasonableî€ safetyî€ andî€ efficiencyî€ in
usingî€ thisî€ Evaporative Airî€ Cooler. The
operatorî€ isî€ responsibleî€ forî€ followingî€ the
warningsî€ andî€ instructionsî€ inî€ this
manualî€ andî€ onî€ theî€ cooler.
Duringî€ maintenanceî€ procedures,
NEVERî€ useî€ aî€ nakedî€ flameî€ forî€ any
inspectionî€ orî€ cleaningî€ purposeî€ as
aî€ fireî€ couldî€ beî€ causedî€ byî€ aî€ flame
comingî€ intoî€ contactî€ withî€ theî€ cooler
NEVERî€ useî€ aî€ waterî€ hoseî€ toî€ squirtî€ the
interiorî€ ofî€ theî€ coolerî€ forî€ cleaningî€ as
residualî€ waterî€ couldî€ damageî€ electrical
componentsî€ andî€ createî€ theî€ riskî€ ofî€ fire
andî€ /orî€ electricî€ shockî€ toî€ theî€ userî€ after
Thisî€ applianceî€ isî€ notî€ intendedî€ for
useî€ byî€ personsî€ (includingî€ children)
withî€ reducedî€ physical,î€ sensoryî€ or
mentalî€ capabilities,î€ orî€ lackî€ of
experienceî€ andî€ knowledge,î€ unless
theyî€ haveî€ beenî€ givenî€ supervisionî€ or
instructionî€ concerningî€ useî€ ofî€ the
applianceî€ byî€ aî€ personî€ responsible
forî€ theirî€ safety.
Underî€ noî€ circumstancesî€ are
"Powerî€ Clean"î€ styleî€ timedî€ pumps
toî€ beî€ usedî€ inî€ anyî€ Breezair
evaporativeî€ airî€ cooler.
Failureî€ toî€ followî€ this
instructionî€ willî€ VOID ALL
WARRANTY andî€ mayî€ createî€ severe
riskî€ ofî€ electricî€ shockî€ andî€ fire!
Failureî€ toî€ followî€ thisî€ instructionî€ will
createî€ severeî€ riskî€ ofî€ electricî€ shock
andî€ fire!
Theî€ waterî€ pumpî€ isî€ suppliedî€ withî€ this
coolerî€ andî€ isî€ factoryî€ fittedî€ intoî€ its
correctî€ location.
Ensureî€ thatî€ itî€ isî€ properlyî€ securedî€ and
uprightî€ asî€ intended.
Thereî€ isî€ noî€ needî€ toî€ adjustî€ theî€ water
flowî€ sinceî€ theî€ coolerî€ isî€ designedî€ to
operateî€ withî€ maximumî€ coolingî€ atî€ low
airî€ velocities.
Factoryî€ authorizedî€ pumpsî€ areî€ fitted
withî€ thermalî€ overloadî€ protection.
Waterî€ pumpsî€ mayî€ seizeî€ upî€ and
overheat,î€ creatingî€ aî€ fireî€ risk.î€ Pumps
thatî€ haveî€ thermalî€ overloadî€ protection
areî€ designedî€ toî€ shutî€ offî€ theî€ pumpî€ if
theî€ motorî€ overheats.
Seeleyî€ "Tornado"î€ pumpî€ (partî€ no.
Useî€ ofî€ these
devicesî€ orî€ anyî€ otherî€ non-approved
deviceî€ willî€ causeî€ seriousî€ damageî€ to
theî€ specialî€ safetyî€ circuitsî€ ofî€ this
Thisî€ coolerî€ isî€ suppliedî€ withî€ aî€ fan
motorî€ madeî€ byî€ theî€ cooler
manufacturer.î€ î€ USEî€ ONLY THE
Seeley Variable Speed motors:
550W (3/4HP) motorpart # 095118
750W (1HP) motor part # 095125
Theî€ fanî€ motorî€ isî€ equippedî€ withî€ inbuilt
overheatingî€ protectionî€ thatî€ willî€ reset
automaticallyî€ onî€ cool-downî€ toî€ aî€ safe
temperature. Thisî€ mayî€ takeî€ upî€ toî€ 45
Thisî€ coolerî€ isî€ fittedî€ withî€ circuitî€ breaker
protectionî€ forî€ theî€ fanî€ motorî€ andî€ pump.
Waterî€ pumpî€ replacement
Factory Authorizedî€ waterî€ pump
“Powerî€ Clean"î€ Styleî€ Timedî€ Pumps
FactoryAuthorized Fan Motor
Disconnectî€ electricalî€ powerî€ atî€ theî€ fuseî€ or
circuitî€ breakerî€ boxî€ beforeî€ installation
commences. ALWAYSî€ turnî€ OFFî€ theî€ isolating
switchî€ (disconnect)î€ locatedî€ onî€ theî€ electronic
moduleî€ insideî€ theî€ coolerî€ BEFORE
commencingî€ anyî€ maintenanceî€ procedures
Keepî€ children,î€ bystandersî€ andî€ animalsî€ at
aî€ safeî€ distance,î€ aî€ minimumî€ ofî€ 30ftî€ (10m)
awayî€ fromî€ workingî€ areas.
Dressî€ safely.î€ Wearî€ non-skidî€ shoesî€ when
workingî€ atî€ highî€ levelsî€ andî€ roofs.î€ î€ î€ Doî€ not
wearî€ looseî€ clothingî€ orî€ personalî€ accessories
whileî€ installingî€ orî€ servicingî€ theî€ airî€ coolerî€ as
theyî€ mayî€ becomeî€ caughtî€ inî€ movingî€ parts.
Keepî€ looseî€ hair,î€ looseî€ clothing,î€ fingers
andî€ allî€ otherî€ partsî€ ofî€ theî€ bodyî€ awayî€ from
openingsî€ andî€ movingî€ parts.
Checkî€ theî€ coolerî€ forî€ worn,î€ loose,î€ missing,
orî€ damagedî€ partsî€ beforeî€ operation.
Ifî€ youî€ workî€ withî€ powerî€ tools,î€ wear
protectiveî€ eyewearî€ andî€ gloves.
Takeî€ careî€ whenî€ liftingî€ orî€ raisingî€ theî€ air
coolerî€ toî€ itsî€ finalî€ location.î€ Useî€ safe
equipmentî€ andî€ neverî€ attemptî€ toî€ liftî€ the
coolerî€ alone. Alwaysî€ haveî€ assistance.
Otherwiseî€ youî€ mightî€ damageî€ theî€ coolerî€ or
theî€ buildingî€ orî€ injureî€ yourself.
Groundî€ Faultî€ Circuitî€ Interrupterî€ (GFCI)
protectionî€ shouldî€ beî€ providedî€ onî€ theî€ circuit
supplyingî€ thisî€ airî€ cooler.î€ î€ Receptaclesî€ are
availableî€ withî€ built-inî€ GFCIî€ protection.
Airî€ coolersî€ installedî€ onî€ roofsî€ mustî€ not
haveî€ theî€ wasteî€ waterî€ directedî€ ontoî€ theî€ roof
asî€ stainsî€ willî€ occur.î€ Connectî€ theî€ coolerî€ drain
outletî€ toî€ aî€ gutterî€ orî€ drainî€ pipeî€ usingî€ a
suitableî€ hose.
Alwaysî€ useî€ theî€ correctî€ tools.
theî€ packagingî€ plasticî€ onî€ this
coolerî€ canî€ beî€ aî€ safetyî€ hazard.î€ î€ Disposeî€ of
Neverî€ drillî€ holesî€ inî€ theî€ panî€ orî€ wallsî€ ofî€ the
Avoidî€ dangerousî€ situations.î€ Doî€ notî€ use
theî€ coolerî€ inî€ theî€ presenceî€ ofî€ flammable
liquidsî€ orî€ gassesî€ toî€ avoidî€ creatingî€ fireî€ or
explosion. Thisî€ airî€ coolerî€ isî€ NOT flame
retardant. A fireî€ mayî€ resultî€ fromî€ contactî€ with
aî€ flameî€ orî€ fromî€ anî€ electricalî€ short.
Useî€ ofî€ wrongî€ replacementî€ partsî€ creates
riskî€ ofî€ severeî€ electricî€ shockî€ andî€ fireî€ which
mayî€ resultî€ inî€ seriousî€ propertyî€ damage,
personalî€ injuryî€ orî€ death.
Useî€ onlyî€ theî€ powerî€ supplyî€ voltageî€ shown
onî€ theî€ motor/cabinetî€ nameplate.
Doî€ notî€ installî€ orî€ serviceî€ theî€ airî€ cooler
duringî€ rain,î€ highî€ windî€ orî€ severeî€ weather
Allî€ installationî€ andî€ repairî€ workî€ must
conformî€ toî€ localî€ electrical,î€ waterî€ supply
andî€ environmentalî€ codes,î€ rulesî€ and
regulationsî€ andî€ applicableî€ national
Allî€ installation,î€ maintenanceî€ and
repairî€ workî€ mustî€ beî€ doneî€ byî€ a
licensedî€ andî€ qualifiedî€ electrician
and/orî€ aî€ qualified,î€ experienced
heating,î€ ventilating,î€ airî€ conditioning
technician. Allî€ suchî€ workî€ mustî€ be
effectedî€ withî€ factoryî€ authorized
spareî€ partsî€ only.