9X4XX Series Local Management
Reboot After Download (Toggle) (Only available for the RUNTIME option)
This field notifies a user that the module will reboot after the download is
complete. This field toggles between the following:
• YES - The module reboots after th e download is completed.
• NO - The modu le continues u sing the existing firmware image an d stores the
new firmw are i mag e in Fl ash memory. W hen the module is reset or during the
next power up, the device b oots from Flash memory using the n ew imag e.
TFTP Gateway IP Addr (Modifiable)
This field displays the IP address of the TFTP gateway server defined on the
General Configuration screen.
Last Image Server IP (Read-Only)
This field displays the IP address of the server used for the previous F lash
Last Image File Name (Read-Only)
This field d isplays the complete path and file n a me of th e last image downloaded
to Flash.
Transfer Status (Read-Only)
This field displays the status of the current or most recent download or upload.
Using RUNTIME to Download an Image File
To download an image file using RUNTIME:
1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Download M ethod field.
2. Press the Space Bar to select RUNTIME.
3. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Reboot After D ownload field.
4. Use th e Sp ace Bar to select either of th e following:
• YES - A user wants th e modu le to reboot af ter the download is completed.
• NO - A user wants the modu le to store the new im age in Flash memory
until the module is manually reset.
5. Use the arrow keys to highlight the TFTP Gateway IP A ddr field.
6. Set th e IP address of the TFTP gateway server (this defaults to the same IP
address as that set in the TFTP Gateway IP Addr field on the General
Configuration Screen).
7. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Download Server IP field.