Continuing Professional

Colorado Continuing Professional User guide

  • Hello! I'm a chat assistant that has read through the Continuing Professional Development Program Manual for Psychologists. I understand the CPD requirements, PDH and PDA categories, as well as the documentation processes. I'm ready to assist with your questions about this manual or the program itself.
  • Who is required to comply with CPD requirements?
    How many Professional Development Hours (PDH) are required?
    What are some of the Professional Development Activities (PDA) categories?
    How long should I keep my documentation?
Rev. 6/2023
Continuing Professional Development Program Manual
Rev. 6/2023
Table of Contents
Continuing Professional Development Requirements .............................................. 1
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program Steps ...................................... 1
Step 1: Complete the RSAT and Establish Learning Goals .................................... 2
Step 2: Create a Learning Plan ..................................................................... 2
Step 3: Execute the Learning Plan ................................................................ 3
Professional Development Hours (PDH) .......................................................... 3
Rules for Accruing PDH ....................................................................... 3
Professional Development Activities (PDA) Categories ........................................ 4
Coursework ..................................................................................... 4
Ethics ............................................................................................ 4
Develop and Teach an Academic Course ................................................... 5
Graduate Coursework ......................................................................... 5
Presenting ...................................................................................... 5
Publication ..................................................................................... 6
Editorial Review ............................................................................... 6
Step 4: Documentation .............................................................................. 6
Multi-Licensed Professionals ............................................................................ 7
Military Exemptions ....................................................................................... 7
Audit of Compliance ....................................................................................... 8
Audit Documentation ................................................................................ 8
Questions .................................................................................................... 8
Psychologist Continuing Professional Development Requirements
What is Continuing Professional Development?
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the State Board of Psychologist Examiners’
(Board) program through which a licensed psychologist satisfies requirements to ensure their
ongoing ability to learn, integrate, and apply the knowledge, skill, and judgment to practice
psychology according to generally accepted industry standards and professional ethical
Who is required to comply with CPD requirements?
All licensed psychologists with an Active-status license are required to satisfy CPD
requirements in order to renew or reinstate a license to practice as a psychologist in
Colorado, regardless of current employment status or number of hours worked.
How do I comply with CPD requirements?
There are two ways to comply:
1. The State Board of Psychologist Examiners’ CPD Program.
2. Military Exemption: If you were called to federally-funded active duty for more
than 120 days for the purpose of serving in a war, emergency or contingency,
you may be eligible for an exemption from CPC requirements.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program Steps
If you do not qualify for a Military Exemption, you must participate in the Board’s CPD
Program. The program consists of the following steps:
1. Complete the Reflective Self-Assessment Tool (optional) and establish learning
2. Create a Learning Plan.
3. Execute the Learning Plan. Completion of 40 Professional Development Hours
(PDH) through Professional Development Activities (PDA) is required.
4. Document the completed Professional Development Hours (PDH).
Step 1: Complete the Reflective Self-Assessment Tool and
Establish Learning Goals
Self-reflection upon your practice can assist you in identifying learning opportunities. To
assist in this self-reflection, the Board developed the Reflective Self-Assessment Tool (RSAT),
which uses the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Benchmarks Model to identify the
foundational knowledge areas of the psychology profession according to one’s professional
role. Reflecting on your practice with honesty and sincerity while completing this tool will
assist in the realization of potential areas for improvement and growth. Results from the RSAT
can guide you in creating useful learning goals to achieve during the license period.
Completing the RSAT is an optional step and will not be
viewed or used by the Board.
The RSAT is available online at This document can be
completed as a fill-in document by saving it to your computer and entering the information
onto it, or it can be printed from the website and saved in paper format. Either way, a
completed copy should be retained to use as a resource during the license period.
Step 2: Create a Learning Plan
In accordance with Colorado statute, all licensed psychologists are required to develop and
complete an official Learning Plan. Learning Plan forms are available at
Learning Plans are to be used as a tool to document professional learning goals and
demonstrate completion of required Professional Development Hours (PDH). They should be
created at the beginning of each license period, consist of learning goals that develop new
skills or improve upon existing skills, and allow time for completion of all learning goals by
the end of each period.
The Learning Plan may be changed throughout the license period, but it must
be final upon the renewal of a license.
Learning goals documented on the Learning Plan may be satisfied by the completion of
Professional Development Activities (PDA). Board-approved PDA are outlined in detail below,
or can be found at
Completed Learning Plans are subject to inspection upon an audit of completion.
Step 3: Execute the Learning Plan
After creating a Learning Plan, complete the activities that were planned to meet established
learning goals. Activities must be completed during the 2-year license period that
immediately precedes the renewal of a license. Time spent commuting, traveling, scheduling,
or planning your activities does not count towards the 40 PDH required for each license
Professional Development Hours (PDH)
Professional Development Hours are the units of measurement of active learning used to
accrue credit in the CPD Program. One PDH is equivalent to one clock hour (60 minutes).
Document on the Learning Plan form the number of completed PDH and in which PDA
category each PDH was completed. Documentation of completed activities must be retained
for at least five (5) years.
For licensees who obtain their initial license during the current license period,
PDH requirements will be prorated at 1.67 hours per month, including the
month the license is issued through the month the license expires.
Rules for Accruing PDH:
You must accrue at least 40 PDH during each 2-year license period.
A maximum of 10 PDH can be carried from the last license period to the next if the
hours were earned within three (3) months of the license expiration date and are in
excess of the required 40 hours.
PDH must develop your professional skill and be directly relevant to your competence
in psychology, the behavioral health field, and your learning goals.
Unless otherwise noted, PDH cannot be accrued for activities that fulfill duties for your
primary role or job description.
The Board does not pre-approve or accredit specific educational providers or programs.
Continuing competency requirements apply to all certificate holders and licensees in
Active status regardless of current employment status or number of hours worked.
The Board does not accept serving on a federal, state or municipal board or
commission as a CPD activity.
Professional Development Activities (PDA) Categories
Professional Development Activities (PDA) are defined as Board-approved learning activities
undertaken for the purpose of continuing professional development. PDH may be earned in
one or more of the PDA categories. PDA chosen should maintain or enhance competence as a
licensed psychologist, and they must be relevant to the documented Learning Plan.
Documentation of completed activities must be retained for at least five (5) years.
A quick reference for all PDA may be found at
Attend workshops, seminars, symposia, colloquia, invited speaker sessions, postdoctoral
institutes, or scientific or professional programs offered at meetings of local, state, regional,
national, or international professional or scientific organizations.
With the exception of five (5) PDH, activities must qualify as continuing education units
or continuing medical education credit as approved and/or accredited by the American
Psychological Association, state medical association, Accreditation Council for
Continuing Medical Education, or by a regionally accredited institution of higher
Coursework activities may be completed in-person or online.
One (1) continuing education hour is equivalent to one (1) PDH.
Documentation Required:
Documentation of learning activities shall include a transcript or certificate of attendance
with a statement of the credits earned, which includes the name of the participant, the
date(s) of attendance, the name of provider(s), the number of hours earned, etc.
Complete an ethics course offered by the American Psychological Association, state medical
association, Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, or a regionally
accredited institution of higher education.
One (1) continuing education hour is equivalent to one (1) PDH.
Documentation Required:
Documentation of completion of an ethics course shall include a transcript or certificate of
attendance with a statement of the credits earned, which includes the name of the
participant, the date(s) of attendance, the name of the provider(s), the number of hours
earned, etc.
Develop and Teach an Academic Course
Develop and teach an academic course in psychology at an institution accredited by a regional
accrediting association.
Credit can be earned for the first time within a given license period that the licensed
psychologist develops and teaches the course.
One (1) academic credit, unit, or hour is equivalent to 10 PDH.
Documentation Required:
Documentation of the development and teaching of an academic course shall include written
verification by the dean or head of the department of the institution in which the course was
Graduate Coursework
Successfully complete a graduate course in psychology offered by an institution accredited by
a regional accrediting association.
One (1) academic credit, unit, or hour is equivalent to 10 PDH.
Documentation Required:
Documentation shall include an academic transcript showing the graduate credits earned.
Develop and present a workshop, seminar, symposium, colloquium, or invited speaking
session, at a meeting of a professional or a scientific organization or a postdoctoral institute.
Credit can be earned for the first time within a given license period that the workshop,
seminar, symposium, colloquium, or invited speaking session is developed and
One (1) hour of workshop, seminar, symposium, colloquial presentation, or invited
speaking session is equivalent to three (3) PDH.
Documentation Required:
Documentation shall include a printed program or agenda showing the name of the licensed
psychologist, the date(s) of the presentation, the name of the organization, the total number
of hours presented, etc.
Author or edit a psychology publication. Maximum hours earned as follows:
Authoring a professional or scientific book is equivalent to 40 PDH.
Authoring a professional or scientific book chapter or journal article is equivalent to 20
Editing a professional or scientific book or journal is equivalent to 30 PDH.
Documentation Required:
Documentation shall include a coversheet, masthead, or table of contents from the
publication showing the name of the licensed psychologist, the date of authoring or editing,
Editorial Review
Provide editorial review of a professional psychological or scientific journal article at the
request of the journal’s editorial staff.
Completion of activity is equivalent to one (1) PDH.
Documentation Required:
Documentation shall include the acknowledgment of the completed review by the editorial
staff with the name of the licensed psychologist, date of review, etc.
Step 4: Documentation
Document your PDH according to the requirements described in this manual or in the quick
reference PDA Chart. Documentation must be kept for a period of five (5) years from the
license expiration date of the license period for which PDH was accrued.
Do not send any documentation to DORA unless specifically requested.
An additional form to be saved with the documentation of completed activities includes the
Learning Plan. It can be completed as a fill-in document by saving it to your computer and
entering the information onto it, or it can be printed from the website and saved in paper
All forms can be found online at
Multi-Licensed Professionals
Licensees holding two (2) mental health licenses are granted an exemption of 40 hours. This
means if you are dually licensed, you only need to complete a total of 40 PDH each two-year
license period. Licensees holding three (3) licenses are granted an exemption of 80 hours.
This means if you are triply licensed, you only need to complete a total of 40 PDH. You do
not need to complete 40 hours per license.
For example: A licensee holds an Active psychologist license and is also licensed as a social
worker. They only need to complete 40 hours to renew their psychologist and social worker
licenses. They must still participate in the respective RSATs/Practice Surveys/Rubrics and
maintain a learning plan for each certificate or license. The separate learning plans may log
the same activities and hours.
Do not submit a formal request for a dual or triple license exemption, Board Rule extends the
exemption to all licensees who hold more than one license and participate in the CPD
Military Exemptions
A Military Exemption is one way to comply with continuing professional development
requirements. A Military Exemption must be pre-approved by the Division of Professions and
Occupations (DPO).
Pursuant to Colorado statute, a licensee who has been called to federally-funded active duty
for at least 120 days for the purpose of serving in a war, emergency or contingency may be
eligible to receive an exemption from the continuing professional development requirements
for the renewal of a license. The time frame of a license period is defined as the period from
six (6) weeks prior to the expiration date of the current license through 60 days following the
expiration date. The qualified service period must fall within the defined license period or up
to six (6) months prior to the license period.
A licensee seeking a Military Exemption from licensing fees and continuing professional
development requirements must submit a request in writing following the procedure found on
DPO’s website at Questions regarding military
exemptions can be emailed to dora_dpo_l[email protected].
Audit of Compliance
Audits of compliance will be conducted following each license period. All actively-licensed
psychologists can be audited. Do not send documentation of your compliance unless you
receive a notice of audit.
Any documentation received by DORA and/or the Board, that was not specifically
requested, will not be retained, and will NOT be returned to you.
A licensee will be notified by email if they have been selected for an audit of compliance.
Addresses of record and email addresses must be kept current with the Division of Professions
and Occupations. Instructions for updating an address can be found at
Audit Documentation
To show compliance with the Continuing Professional Development program, an audited
psychologist must provide the following documentation:
A Learning Plan signed by the licensed psychologist that contains the PDH completed in
each PDA category; AND
Documentation of all 40 PDH listed on your Learning Plan Form. Documentation
requirements can be found in the PDA Chart and the PDA Categories section of this
The CPD Program allows substantial flexibility to determine the course and subject matter of
learning; however, licensees are expected to comply with Board requirements. In an audit,
you may be asked to defend your PDH, PDA and Learning Plan, especially if activities appear
to be outside the normal scope of requirements.
Please contact the Continuing Competency Helpdesk with any questions, by email at
[email protected] or by phone at 303-894-2363.