Product familyProduct family Refrigerator
Installa tionInstalla tion Free-standing
Cate goryCate gory Single door
DefrostDefrost Automatic for refrigerator, manual for
Hing eHing e Standard
Kitchen p ane lKitchen p ane l Not supplied
Hing e positionHinge position Right
EAN cod eEAN cod e 8017709321420
Aesthe ticsAesthe tics Retro-style
ColorColor White
FinishingFinishing Glossy
Ha ndleHa ndle External
Ha ndle colorHa ndle color Chromed
Log o colorLog o color Chromed
Side mate rialSide mate rial Steel
Side colorSide color White
Log oLog o Applied
Door she lf p rofile colorDoor she lf p rofile color Silver
Glass shelf profile colorGlass shelf profile color Silver
No. of a djusta b leNo. of a djusta b le
shelve sshelve s
Numb er of fruit andNumb er of fruit and
ve get ab le s dra wersve get ab le s dra wers
Ty p e of a djustab leTy p e of a djustab le
shelve sshelve s
Crisp er draw er ty peCrisp er dra we r ty pe Standard
Crisp er cove rCrisp er cove r Yes
Ty p e of crisp er cove rTy p e of crisp er cove r Glass
Re frig era tor Re frig era tor lightinglig hting Yes
Re frig era tor lightingRe frig era tor lighting LED
Numb er of a d justab leNumb er of a d justab le
door shelv esdoor shelv es
2 No. of b ottle shelv e sNo. of b ottle shelve s 1
Refrigerator compartment featuresRefrigerator compartment features
Refrigerator Inner DoorRefrigerator Inner Door
Freezer featuresFreezer features