
Troubleshooting -tips:Save time and money!
Possible Causes What ToDo
Air conditioner
"Make sure the air conditioner I)lu(*_ is pushed
coml)letel ) into the outlet.
The air conditioner
is unplugged.
The fuse is blown/circtfit • Check the house filse/circuit breaker box and replace
breaker is lripped, the fl/se ()r reset th e brea kel;
Power failure. •/f power failure occurs, ttu'u the air comlitioner OFF
_,Vhen power is restored, wait 3 minutes to restart the
air comlitioner to l)revent tril)ping of the compressor
Air conditioner does Airflow is restricted. • Make st/l'e there are no curtains, blinds or fiu'niture
notcoolas itshould blocking the fl'ont of the air con(litionel;
The temp control may • On models with touch pads: Ill COOLmode, press the
not be set correctly, DECREASE• 1);1(1.
• On models with control knobs, tt/I'U the teml)erature
knob to a higher ntunbel:
The air filter is dirty. • Clean the filter at least every 30 (lays.
See the OperatingInstructiorTssecti_)u.
The room may have been hot. • \,Vhen the air conditioner is filst turned on, you need
to allow time fi)r the i'OOlii to COO1 dowu.
Cold air is escaping. • Check fiw olden fl/ruace I'egisteI_, aml cold air returns.
• Set the air conditioner's vent to the closed position.
Coofing coils have iced up. • See "Air conditioner freezingup"below.
Air conditioner Ice blocks the air flow • On models with control knobs, set the mode control
freezingup and stops the air conditioner at HIGHFANor HIGHCOOLwith tit e tern l) at I or 2.
from cooling the room. • On models with touch pads, sot the controls at
HIGHFANor HIGHCOOLand set the them/ostat to
a higher, tern l)erature .
The remote control is The batteries are inserted • Check the position of the batteries. They should be
not working incorrectly, inserted ill the opl)osite (+) and (-) direction.
• s
The batteries may be dead. Rel)lace the batteries<
Water drips outside Hot, humid weather. • This is hernial.
Water drips indoors The air conditioner is not • For l)r()per water disl)()sal, make sure the air conditi(mer
tilted to the outside, slants slightly fl'om the case front to the real;
Water collects in Moisture removed from air • This is nom, al fi)r a short l)efiod ill areas with little
basepan and drains into base pmz. lmmiditv;, nomml fiw a louger, l)eI]°d ill Vel'V hmnid areas.
"El"appears Fmlction error code. • [rnlJlug, the air conditionel: Wait .3 minutes and l)lu(*_ it
in the display back ill.
TIMERor SLEEPfeature A power outage or interruption • Ill the case of a power outnge or interruption, the unit
not workingproperly occurred. TIMER ;rod SLEEP teatlu'es will reset to the original settin
You may need to set a new filne if desired.
Normal Operating Sounds
::Ji::Y)u may hear a pinging noise caused by water
being picked up and thrown against the
condenser on rainy days or when the lmmidi_'
is high. This design teature helps remove
uloisture and improve efficiency.
::Ji::_m may hear the them/ostat click when the
COlnI)I'essoI"cycles on and ot]L_
::Ji::Water will collect ill the base pan during
high lmmiditv or on rainy days. The water
ulay ovei_low and dil I) fron/the outdoor side
ot the unit.
!i_:The tim max run exen when the comi)ressor
does not.