use the device under the supervision of a responsible person or
after receiving necessary instructions.
• Pleaseensurethatchildrendonotusethedeviceas
a toy.
• Disconnectthedevicefromthepowernetworkpriortocleaning
ches and buttons and that the device is used only in an abso-
lutely dry condition.
• Donotdisassemblethedevice.Itdoesnotcontainanyparts
that can be repaired by the user.
• Thecoverofthedevice,i.e.thezipper,cannotbeopened;
this means that a repair of interior components must be per-
formed by specialized technicians.
• Donotinsertanyneedlesorpointyobjectsintothemassager
• Neverusethisdevicewithotherelectronicmedicaldevices,
electronic life-support systems, e. g. heart/lung machines, or
mobile electronic medical devices like electrocardiographs.
This device may cause malfunctions in the above-mentioned
electronic medical devices.
• Consultaphysicianpriortouseifyou
bosis, jaundice, diabetes, infections, sciatica, herniated
• Neverusethedevicewithopenwounds,burns,hematoma,
swellings, or similar conditions.
• Nevertreatjoints,thespine,head,andothersensitivebody
• Neverusethedeviceundertheinfluenceofalcohol.
• Stopthemassageifitfeelspainfuloruncomfortabletoyou.
• Ifyoufeelpaininmusclesorjointsafterusingthedevicefora
long period of time, immediately stop using the device and
consult a physician.
• Forthesamereason,thedeviceshouldneverbeusedunder-
neath pillows, blankets, or similar. Never use the device in a
bed to prevent falling asleep while the device is in use.