Assembly & Setup
Star Trac Embedded Display Installation
Use the checklist below to ensure proper installation of Star Trac Embedded:
All parts and hardware from packaging are accounted for.
Check all screws and bolts to ensure they are all tightened to the proper torque specifications.
Electronic display console is properly mounted and secured to the display frame.
All cables and harnesses are properly plugged to their respective connectors.
TREADMILL ONLY: ensure the ribbon/data cable is run down the middle of the CPU. If this does not
occur the potential of pinching the cable between the CPU and frame is very high. The ribbon cable
should move freely between the CPU and display frame
TREADMILL ONLY: Access maintenance mode (Vol +, CH+, 3) Under calibration and setup, process a
motor calibration NOTE: the calibration must say “Calibration status: complete” when the process is
complete – repeat process if this does not occur
TREADMILL ONLY: Access maintenance mode (Vol +, CH+, 3) Under calibration and setup, process
incline calibration NOTE: the calibration must say “Calibration status: complete” when the process is
complete – repeat process if this does not occur
BCS displays (Bikes, Cross Trainers, Stepper, Stairmill*): When securing the screen to the rear shroud
ensure the data cable is not pinched on the user right side of the display. If this cable is pinched, error
21 and 23 will occur on the display
Verify machine software versions and update to most recent if necessary.
All embedded displays require the correct model to be set within maintenance mode, configure
console for the appropriate machine type
Conduct a touch screen calibration if the screen keys are not functioning correctly
If cable TV is available connect the coax cable from the base and conduct a channel scan through
maintenance mode
Conduct a full function test of the display touch screen, fan keypad, quick start/stop, center controller
board (CCB)
Overall visual & cosmetic inspection: All equipment is to be wiped down and checked for defects prior to
leaving the facility. Installer is to contact an authorized Core Health & Fitness representative while on site, if
there are any issues that have not been resolved.
STAR TRAC FITNESS 0 of 1 637-1585 Rev: A
*Embedded display not available for Stairmill at this time