HE-2000 Standard_e
Place the cable on the device and crimp the sleeve.
After crimping the length from the front face of the ferrule
to the end of the sleeve should be 90mm.
Prepare the ferrules to be mounted into their termini (150).
Take the termini assembler (1074680) with the red point
facing up.
Press the lever and insert the termini by lining up the key
with the red dot.
Once the termini is half way in, release the lever and
push the termini all the way till it clicks.
Remove the cap from one ferrule being very careful not to
bump its front face into the termini edges and damage it.
Hold the fiber about 1,5 inches from the ferrule’s front
and rotate it so that the key faces up. Carefully insert
the ferrule into the termini until it clicks. If all the parts
are properly aligned, the ferrule slides in and gets locked
Push the termini assembler lever to release termini and
fiber and pull them out.
Cable preparation