IBA ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server Owner's manual

  • Hello! I have reviewed the user manual for the ibaPDA IEC 61850 Server. This document details how to configure the server for publishing signals, setting up data models, creating data sets and report control blocks and more. I'm ready to answer your questions about its features, configuration options, or any other topics covered in the manual.
  • What is the purpose of the IEC 61850 server in ibaPDA?
    How many client connections are supported?
    What type of communication does the server support?
IEC 61850 Server for Measurement Data
Issue 1.0
Measurement Systems
for Industry and Energy
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The current version is available for download on our web site www.iba-ag.com.
Version Date Revision - Chapter / Page Author Version SW
1.0 08/2019 First edion St 7.0
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Issue 1.0 3
ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server Content
1 About this manual .............................................................................................................4
1.1 Target group and previous knowledge ..................................................................... 4
1.2 Notaons .................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Used symbols ............................................................................................. ...............5
2 System requirements ........................................................................................................6
3 IEC 61850 server ................................................................................................................7
3.1 General informaon ................................................................................................. 7
3.2 System topology ....................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Conguraon and engineering ibaPDA..................................................................... 8
3.3.1 Conguraon tab ......................................................................................................9
3.3.2 Data aributes tab ............................................................................................. ..... 10
4 Diagnosis ........................................................................................................................ 24
4.1 License .................................................................................................................... 24
4.2 Diagnoscs tab ....................................................................................................... 24
4.3 Connecon diagnoscs with PING .......................................................................... 25
4.4 Log les ............................................................................................ .......................26
5 Support and contact ........................................................................................................ 27
4 Issue 1.0
About this manual ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server
1 About this manual
This document describes the funcon and applicaon of the IEC 61850 server in ibaPDA.
1.1 Target group and previous knowledge
This documentaon is aimed at qualied professionals, who are familiar with handling electric
and electronic modules as well as communicaon and measurement technology. A person is
regarded as professional if he/she is capable of assessing safety and recognizing possible con-
sequences and risks on the basis of his/her specialist training, knowledge and experience and
knowledge of the standard regulaons.
In parcular, this documentaon is intended for personnel involved in the engineering, tesng,
commissioning or maintenance of the respecve programmable logic controllers and communi-
caon systems as well as protecon and control technology in electric switchgear. For handling
the IEC 61850 server in ibaPDA, the following previous knowledge is required and/or useful:
■ Windows operang system
■ Basic knowledge of ibaPDA
■ Knowledge of IEC 61850 communicaon
1.2 Notaons
In this manual, the following notaons are used:
Acon Notaon
Menu command Menu Logic diagram
Calling the menu command Step 1 – Step 2 – Step 3 – Step x
Select the menu Logic diagram - Add - New funcon
Keys <Key name>
Example: <Alt>; <F1>
Press the keys simultaneously <Key name> + <Key name>
Example: <Alt> + <Ctrl>
Buons <Key name>
Example: <OK>; <Cancel>
File names, paths "Filename", "Path"
Example: "Test.doc"
Issue 1.0 5
ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server About this manual
1.3 Used symbols
If safety instrucons or other notes are used in this manual, they mean:
of death or severe injury:
■ Observe the specied measures.
death or severe injury!
■ Observe the specied measures.
injury or material damage!
■ Observe the specied measures
A note species special requirements or acons to be observed.
Tip or example as a helpful note or insider p to make the work a lile bit easier.
Reference to addional documentaon or further reading.
6 Issue 1.0
System requirements ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server
2 System requirements
The following system requirements are required to use the funcon IEC 61850 server:
■ ibaPDA v7.0.0 or higher
■ License ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server
■ Network connecon to one or more IEC61850 clients
Further requirements for the respecve computer hardware and the supported
operang systems can be found in ibaPDA documentaon.
It is advisable to place the IEC 61850 communicaons for data acquision on a
separate network to avoid interference from the Ethernet data trac between
ibaPDA and other network nodes (le servers, data le requirements, etc.),
which may aect the IEC 61850 data telegrams.
Order no. Product name Descripon
30.670052 ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server Extension license for an ibaPDA system which
adds the funcon:
IEC 61850 server
Table 1: Available IEC61850 server licenses
Issue 1.0 7
ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server IEC 61850 server
3 IEC 61850 server
3.1 Generalinformaon
The standard IEC 61850 of the Internaonal Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) describes a gen-
eral transmission protocol for protecon and control technology in electrical switchgears of
medium and high-voltage technology. The standard denes communicaon structures and an
object-related data model. The devices used, so-called IED (Intelligent Electronic Device), can
thus transmit their properes and communicate with each other.
ibaPDA oers an integrated IEC 61850 server, which can publish signals from ibaPDA. Signals in
ibaPDA are mapped on aributes in the data model. The data structure described in IEC 61850
generally consists of 5 hierarchy levels:
■ Server
■ Logical Device, (LD)
■ Logical Node, (LN)
■ Data Object, (DO)
■ Data Aribute, (DA)
It is possible to create an own data model from logical nodes, data sets and report control
blocks. ibaPDA supports the following logical node types:
■ GGIO (Generic Process I/O)
■ IARC (Archiving)
■ LCCH (Physical Communicaon Channel Supervision)
■ LPHD (Physical Device Informaon)
■ LTMS (Time Master Supervision)
■ RDRE (Disturbance Recorder Funcon)
The IEC 61850 server supports MMS communicaon, either through polling, buered and un-
buered report control blocks.
Up to 16 client connecons are permissible at the same me.
8 Issue 1.0
IEC 61850 server ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server
3.2 System topology
The following drawing gives an overview of a possible conguraon.
Fig. 1: Possible IEC 61850 network topology
3.3 ConguraonandengineeringibaPDA
Open the I/O manager, e.g., from the toolbar .
You will see the IEC 61850 server node in the signal tree under General.
Fig. 2: IEC 61850 server in the I/O manager
Select the node and then select the Conguraon tab on the right.
Issue 1.0 9
ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server IEC 61850 server
3.3.1 Conguraontab
Fig. 3: IEC 61850 server, Conguraon tab
Make the following sengs in the Conguraon tab:
Check this box to enable the IEC 61850 server funcon.
If this opon is enabled, the acquision will start even if the IEC 61850 server cannot be started.
A warning is issued in the validaon dialog. If the system has been started without an IEC 61850
server, ibaPDA will periodically try to start the IEC 61850 server. If the IEC 61850 server has not
been started, no signals will be published and ibaPDA will not be visible as an IEC 61850 server
in the network.
The port the IEC 61850 server uses to communicate. The default value is 102.
The default IEC 61850 port 102 is simultaneously the default port for the S7
communicaon. If Siemens soware, such as Step7, is installed on the ibaPDA
PC, the user will likely have problems, because the port is already being used by
some Siemens soware components. In this case, either use a dierent port for
the IEC 61850 server or uninstall the Siemens soware from the ibaPDA PC.
You can assign a password here.
IED Name
The default name is IBAPDA_IEC_61850_SERVER. The IED name can be changed, however. This
may be important if several ibaPDA IEC 61850 servers are congured in one IEC client so that
10 Issue 1.0
IEC 61850 server ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server
they can be dierenated. Otherwise the ibaPDA IEC 61850 servers all appear there with the
same name.
3.3.2 Dataaributestab
The actual content published by the IEC 61850 server is congured in the Data aributes tab.
The LLN0 node is available by default and contains general informaon. The data objects Mod,
Beh, Health and NamPlt of this node are read-only and contain default values.
Fig. 4: Logical node LLNO
To publish data, you can create a separate data model using logical nodes. To do this, click on
the link Add new logical node.... A dialog opens with the node types available in ibaPDA.
Fig. 5: Select node type
Issue 1.0 11
ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server IEC 61850 server
Select a node and conrm by pressing <OK>. The new logical node is added in the conguraon
tree. It contains the mandatory data objects and the mandatory aributes.
Fig. 6: New node in the conguraon tree
For node types with oponal data objects, these can be manually added by clicking on the link
Add new data object.... The respecve available data object type is available for selecon.
In the example, the node type GGIO (Generic Process I/O) has been selected. For this node type,
only the data object AnIn (Analog Input) is available in ibaPDA
Fig. 7: Example of adding data object to GGIO node
In the example here, you sll have to add an aribute to the data object AnIn. Click on the link
Add new aribute....
12 Issue 1.0
IEC 61850 server ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server
Fig. 8: Add aribute
The following aributes are available for selecon for the data object AnIn:
i: Data type integer 32
f: Data type oat 32
Select the aribute for which you would like to congure the value and edit this value in the
table to the right. Open the dropdown menu in the Source eld and either select a signal or
enter a stac value.
Fig. 9: Assign aribute
Note that the value of the aributes q and t cannot be set. For other aributes, you can select a
data source in the same way as the example above.
You will nd a list of possible data objects and aributes and their meaning in chapter
ì Overview of data objects and aributes, page 18.
Issue 1.0 13
ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server IEC 61850 server Create data sets
It is possible in the LLN0 node to congure data sets and report control blocks. Data aributes
that are to be published in a report are combined in a data set. A data set can contain mulple
The transmission of report and measured values is congured with a report control block. Both
properes of the transmission as well as the content, such as addional informaon and data
sets, are dened here. See chapter ì Report Control Block, page 14.
In order to create a data set, expand the node data sets and click on the link Add new data
set.... Or open the context menu and select Add new data set.
Fig. 10: Add new data set
Highlight the newly created data set in the conguraon tree, then you can assign an unambigu-
ous name in the table on the right side.
Fig. 11: Change the name of the data set
You can now add data set elements to the newly created data set. For this purpose, click on the
link Add new data set element.... A dialog opens in which all available data aributes are listed.
14 Issue 1.0
IEC 61850 server ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server
Fig. 12: Select data set elements
Select the aributes that you would like to add to the data set and click on <Add>. Once you are
done adding data aributes, click on <Exit>. Report Control Block
The transmission of report and measured values is congured with a report control block. A
data set is used to reference which data objects should be reported.
A report control block can only be used by a client. If the user requires more instances of a re-
port control block, he must create copies of the report control block. See chapter ì Copy items,
page 17.
Expand the Report control blocks node and click on the link Add new report control block.....
Highlight the newly created report control block in the conguraon tree to congure its prop-
eres in the table on the right side.
Issue 1.0 15
ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server IEC 61850 server
Fig. 13: Properes of the report control block
Enter an unambiguous name here.
■ False: In the unbuered mode, no reports are created if the client is not connected.
■ True: In buered mode, reports are stored on the server unl the client connects.
The conguraon revision of this report control block
If an event triggers the creaon of a report, then the server packs any other events in this me
period (in ms) into a single report.
Integrity period
The me period in ms between two periodic reports.
Data set
The data set referenced by this report control block. Select a data set from the dropdown menu.
16 Issue 1.0
IEC 61850 server ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server
Fig. 14: Select a data set
Data change
The report is triggered if the data changes.
Quality change
The report is triggered if the quality changes.
Data update
The report is triggered if the data has been updated.
Integrity poll
The report is periodically triggered.
The report is triggered by a general interrogaon request.
Sequence number
The report contains a sequence number.
The report contains a mestamp.
Reason for inclusion
The reason for the creaon of the report is included in the report.
Data set reference
The report includes the reference of the data set whose data is sent.
Data reference
The report includes the references to the data set element shown.
Include the buer overow in the report. The ag is only set in the buered mode and in case
that entries are lost due to a buer overow.
Entry ID
The report contains an entry ID
Issue 1.0 17
ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server IEC 61850 server
The report includes the revision number of the conguraon. Copy items
Conguring logical nodes, data sets and report control blocks can be very me-consuming. To
make it easier, it is therefore possible to copy logical nodes, data sets and report control blocks.
You can access the copy and paste command in the context menu (right mouse click) of the re-
specve item.
Fig. 15: Paste logical node
Fig. 16: Paste data set
Fig. 17: Paste report control block
18 Issue 1.0
IEC 61850 server ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server CID Export
The data model conguraon of the IEC 61850 server can be exported into a CID le (Cong-
ured IED Descripon). Since the IP address of the server is contained in the CID le, a dialog
appears in which you must select the network card, which you would like to use for the IEC
61850 communicaon.
Fig. 18: Export of the conguraon into a CID le Overviewofdataobjectsandaributes
This chapter provides an overview of which data objects are available with which aributes in
the respecve logical node in ibaPDA. Mandatory data objects exist in the respecve logical
node by default. Oponal data objects can be manually added.
In the individual data objects, a value can usually be set for the stVal (status value) aribute. No
value can be entered for the aributes q (quanty) and t (me, me stamp of a status change).
In general, an IEC61850 client can only read data from the IEC61850 server in ibaPDA. Wring
data or execung control commands is not supported.
Issue 1.0 19
ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server IEC 61850 server
GGIO (generic modeling of devices)
Aributes Values Explanaon
Beh Behavior,
mandatory object
stVal Stac:
On (1)
Blocked (2)
Test (3)
Test-blocked (4)
O (5)
Allocaon of an ibaPDA signal
q, t -
AnIn Analog input,
oponal object
mag.i Dynamic:
Allocaon of an ibaPDA signal
Integer 32
mag.f Dynamic:
Allocaon of an ibaPDA signal
Float 32
q, t -
IARC (archiving) interface to the archive system
Aributes Values Explanaon
MemOv Memory overow; if true, a
memory overow occurred;
obligatory object
stVal Dynamic:
Allocaon of an ibaPDA signal
q, t -
Beh Behavior,
mandatory object
stVal Stac:
On (1)
Blocked (2)
Test (3)
Test-blocked (4)
O (5)
Allocaon of an ibaPDA signal
q, t -
20 Issue 1.0
IEC 61850 server ibaPDA-IEC61850-Server
Aributes Values Explanaon
ChLiv Physical channel status; if true,
the channel receives telegrams
within a certain me interval,
mandatory object
stVal Dynamic:
Allocaon of an ibaPDA signal
q, t -
Beh Behavior,
mandatory object
stVal Stac:
On (1)
Blocked (2)
Test (3)
Test-blocked (4)
O (5)
Allocaon of an ibaPDA signal
q, t -
Aributes Values Explanaon
PhyNam Physical device name plate,
mandatory object
vendor Text input
PhyHealth Device state,
mandatory object
stVal Stac:
OK (1)
Warning (2)
Alarm (3)
Allocaon of an ibaPDA signal
q, t -