WARNING: This cuttingmachine isoapable ofamputatinghandsand feet and throwingobjects.Failureto
observethe followingsafety instnJctionscould resultin sedous injuryor death.
Warnings, Cautions,_nd Notes are s means of attracting
attention to important,ororiUcal informationinthis
J A Lookfor this symbolto pointout important
safety precautions.It means-AttenUon!
Becomil Alertl Yoursafety is involved.
Read opening ana Service instructionscarefully.Be
thoroughlyfamiliar with the controlsand the proper
use of the equipment.
Never allow childrento operate the machine. Do not
allow adultsto operate the machine without proper
Keepthe area of operation ctsar of all persons,
psrticulartysmall children and pets.
Stop engine end disconnectspark plug lead wire
before cleaning augers, removingobstacles, or
making adjustments,except forthose which must
be donewith the engine running.
Never place hands or feet under or into rotating
parts or concealed areas, Keep handsand feet
clearly away from auger elements, belts,pulleys,
etc. while engine is running,
Wear substantial shoes and eye protectionwhile
Never attempt tomake a maintenance adjustment
while engine is running,except on the carburetor.
Do not run the engine indoors;carbon monoxide
fumes are dangerous to inhale.
Never operate machine withoutproper guards,
plates, or other safety protectivedevices in place.
Disengage theTins ClutchLever, stop tillerand
tractor engines before gettingoffthe tractor.
Disengage the Tine Clutch Leverand stop the tiller
engine during transportationto and from the work
• Check the fuel and lubricationbefore starting the
engine. Do not fi!lthe gasolinetank indoorswhen
the engine is runningor while the engine isstillhot.
Wipe off any spilledgasoline before starting the
• Inspect the area:to be Uned.Remove glass, wire,
metal objects, lai'gesticks, and stones. Avoid
underground pip,asand wiring.
• Have a complete working knowledgeof your tractor
and know how to handle yourtractor with a tiller or
other attachment attached.
Followmaintenance instructionsas outlined inthis
manual and yourEngine Owner's Manual supplied
with the unit.
Disconnectspark plugwire before making
maintenance adjustment or repair,
Store gasolinein an approved metal container in a
cool, dry place.
Safety and performancelevels can be assured only,
bythe use of specified replacement parts.
Give complete and undividedattention to thejob at
hand. Operate tktetiller in daylightor good artificial
Personal injurymay resultfrom contact with the
augers or debris'thrownbythis machine,Therefore,
alwaysstay a safe distanceaway fromthe augers,
Stop the tiller engine when leavingyourtiller
Check before each use forloose fastenersor parts.
Never store the elquipmentwith gasolinein the tank
insideof a buildil_gwhere fumes may reach an open
flame or spark. Allowengine to cool before stodng in
an enolosure.
WARNING: This unitisequippedwith an
internslcombustion engine and should
not be used onor near any unimproved
forest-ooveredor grass-coveredland
unlessthe engine's exhaustsystem isequippedwith a
spark arrester meeting applicablelocalor state laws
(ifany), If a sparkattester is used, itshouldbe
maintained in effectiveworkingorderbythe operator.
In the state ofCalifornia,the above law is requiredby
law (Section4442 ofthe CaliforniaPublic Resources
Code). Other states may have similarlaws.Federal
lawsapply on Federal lands.A spark attester for the
muffler isavailablethroughyournearest Sears
AuthorizedService Center.