Making a Voice Distress
call .......................................... 2
Faire un appel De Détresse
Vocal ...................................... 3
cóMo hacer una llaMaDa
De apuro por Voz .................4
Features .................................... 1
Manual oVerView ...................1
what’s incluDeD ......................2
parts oF the raDio ..................3
parts oF the Microphone ....... 4
turning on the raDio .............. 5
setting the uic channel
MoDe (usa/can/int) ..............5
norMal MoDe operation .......6
scan MoDe ................................. 8
weather MoDe ......................... 9
using the Menu ...................... 11
Making a Voice MaYDaY
call ....................................... 11
setting the VoluMe ...............11
setting the squelch leVel ...12
changing the channel .......... 12
Making a transMission ......... 12
Boosting the transMission
power ...................................12
choosing triple watch
or Dual watch ....................13
using Fips coDes For
weather alerts ................... 13
changing DisplaY anD
sounD options ...................14
setting the gps position
ManuallY ............................14
what is Dsc? ............................ 16
what is an MMsi nuMBer? .... 17
entering MMsi nuMBers ......17
using the DirectorY ............... 18
Making Dsc calls .................... 19
Making an autoMatic
Distress call ........................21
receiVing a Dsc call ............... 22
test calls.................................. 23
position request anD
replY ...................................... 25
putting the raDio into
stanDBY ................................ 26
DisaBling autoMatic
channel switching ............ 26
Mounting the raDio ............. 27