2.2 Installation procedure.
1. Before installation make sure that the mains 230 V is disconnected.
2. Install the power supply at the selected place and evacuate connection wires.
3. Remove the main fuse protecting the transformer primary circuit [15].
4. Connect the supply conductors ~230V to the terminals of the AC 230 V transformer [14]. The earth conductor
should be connected to the terminal marked with the grounding symbol [16]. Three-wire cable should be used for
the connection (the protective conductor in green-and-yellow PE).
The power conductors should be connected to the appropriate terminals on board [14] [16] and properly insulated
Particular care must be taken when making the electric shock protection circuit: yellow-
green protection conductor of the power cable must be connected from one side to the
clamp marked inside the housing of the power supply unit. Operation of the power supply
unit without correctly installed and technically functional electric shock protection circuit is
NOT ALLOWED! This can lead to damage to the equipment and poses risk of electric shock.
5. Connect the conductors of the consumers to terminals +AUX, -AUX of the connection block on the power supply
unit board [11].
6. If necessary, connect the conductors from the equipment (alert central appliance, controller, signaling units,
etc.) to technical outputs [11]:
- BS the output signaling the fault to the 230V.
In the course of the normal operation of the powerpack, the BS technical output is disconnected from the mass
(-AUX), while in the case of the 230 V AC power failure, it is shortened to the mass (-AUX) after the time
determined by the Z1, Z2 [5] switching pieces (Fig. 5).
- AW output signaling faults.
The technical output AW during the normal operation of the power supply unit is shortened to the mass (-AUX),
while in the case of the occurrence of any of the above-mentioned events, the output becomes disconnected from
the mass.
7. With the switching pieces Z3, Z4 [5] determine the time of disconnecting the battery in the case of battery
assisted operation when the voltage on the terminals drops below ~20V.
8. With CHARGE [9] jumper, determine the battery charging current:
Ibat = 0,45A – jumper CHARGE installed
Ibat= 0,90A – jumper CHARGE removed (not allowed for: AWZ110, AWZ224).
9. Switch on the power supply 230V AC and insert the network fuse protecting the primary circuit of the
transformer [15]. Check the optical signaling of the power supply unit operation.
The output voltage of the unloaded power supply unit is U= 27,6V DC.
During battery charging, the voltage may be anywhere between U= 22,0V÷27,6V DC.
10 .Connect the battery in accordance with the indications [6] red = (+), black=(-)
Mount the battery with the use of a band clip 700x 8mm according to the procedure in Fig. 4.
- place the battery inside the casing,
- put the band clip through the left hole A
- put the band clip over the top of the battery
- put the band clip through the hole C
- put the end of the band clip into the clamp
- tighten the band clip with the force 150N-200N
- cut off the excessive part of the band clip.
11. By the means of the STOP [3] pushbutton, enable or disable the battery dynamic test.
Disabling the test will also disable signaling the faults to the battery on the AW output, but will not disable the
system protecting the battery from entire discharging.
12. Perform the power supply unit test: optical signaling [7] [8] (Tab.6), acoustic signaling [1] (Tab.7), technical
outputs through[11]:
- disconnecting the 230V AC power supply: optical and acoustic signaling - immediately, technical
output BS after the time determined by switching pieces Z1, Z2 (Fig.5).
- disconnecting the battery: optical, acoustic signaling, technical output AW - following performing the
battery test (~ 10 min).
13. By the means of the STOP [3] push button, enable or disable the battery dynamic test.
Disabling the test will also disable signaling the fault to the battery on the output.
14. With ZB [2] pins, determine whether the acoustic signaling (Tab.7) is to be enabled (switching piece installed)
or disabled (switching piece removed).
15. Following installing and checking the correctness of operation of the power supply, the enclosure may be