Watlow EZ-ZONE
PMI Controller • 6 • Chapter 1 Overview
Chapter 1: Overview
Available EZ-ZONE PM Literature and Resources
Document Title and Part Number Description
EZ-ZONE PM PID Controller Us-
er's Guide, part number: 0600-
Describes how to connect and use an advanced PID loop
controller. This particular model is limited to one con-
trol loop and 2 outputs. Like all PM controllers, it comes
with Standard Bus communications. As an additional
option, it can also be ordered with Modbus
RTU com-
EZ-ZONE PM Limit (PML) User's
Guide, part number: 0600-
This document describes how to protect against un-
wanted thermal runaway and over temperature condi-
tions through proper configuration, programming. Like
all PM controllers, it comes with Standard Bus communi-
cations. As an additional option, it can also be ordered
with various fieldbus communications protocols.
EZ-ZONE Remote User Interface
(RUI) User's Guide, part num-
ber: 0600-0060-0000
The RUI provides a visual remote LED display for the
PM/RM configuration and setup menus. This document
illustrates and describes connections and also describes
the Home Page for each EZ-ZONE device as viewed from
the RUI.
EZ-ZONE PM Specification
Sheet, part number: wine-
Describes the PM family hardware options, features,
benefits and technical specifications.
Watlow Support Tools DVD,
part number: 0601-0001-0000
Contains all related user documents, tutorial videos, ap-
plication notes, utility tools, etc...
The DVD described above ships with the product and as stated contains all of the literature
above as well as much more. If the DVD is not available one can be acquired by contacting
Watlow Customer Service at 1-507-454-5300.
As an alternative to the DVD, all of the user documentation described above can also be
found on the Watlow website. Click on the following link to nd your document of choice:
http://www.watlow.com/en/resources-and-support/Technical-Library/User-Manuals. Once
there, simply type in the desired part number (or name) into the search box and download
free copies. Printed versions of all user documents can also be purchased here as well.
Your Comments are Appreciated
In an effort to continually improve our technical literature and ensure that we are providing
information that is useful to you, we would very much appreciate your comments and sug-
gestions. Please send any comments you may have to the following e-mail address: