
WARNING: To re duce the ris k of fire , e lectrica l shock,
injury to pers ons , or da ma ge whe n us ing the outdoor cooking
ga s a pplia nce , follow ba s ic pre ca utions, including the
n Do not ins ta ll portable or built-in outdoor cooking gas
a pplia nces in or on a re crea tiona l vehicle , porta ble traile r,
boa t or in a ny othe r moving ins tallation.
n Alwa ys mainta in minimum cle a ra nces from combustible
construction, se e Loca tion Require ments s ection.
n The outdoor cooking ga s a ppliance sha ll not be loca te d
under ove rhea d unprotected combus tible cons truction.
n This outdoor cooking ga s a pplia nce s hall be use d only
outdoors a nd s ha ll not be us e d in a building, gara ge , or any
othe r enclos e d are a .
n Ke e p a ny e le ctrica l s upply cord a nd fue l s upply hose a way
from a ny hea te d surfa ce s .
n Ke e p outdoor cooking gas a ppliance are a clear and fre e
from combustible mate ria ls, ga soline a nd other flammable
vapors and liquids .
n Do not obstruct the flow of combus tion a nd ve ntila tion air.
Ke e p the ventila tion ope nings of the cylinder e nclos ure fre e
a nd cle a r from de bris .
n Ope n the ca bine t door and inspe ct the gas cylinde r s upply
hos e before e a ch us e of the outdoor cooking gas
a pplia nce. If the hos e shows exce s s ive a bra s ion or we a r,
or is cut, it MUST be re pla ce d be fore using the outdoor
cooking ga s a ppliance. Conta ct your dea le r and us e only
re pla ceme nt hos e s s pe cifie d for use with the outdoor
cooking ga s a ppliance.
n Vis ua lly check the burner fla me s.
The y s hould be blue . S light
yellow tipping is normal for LP
ga s . The fla me s s hould be
a pproxima te ly 1" (2.5 cm) high.
n Che ck a nd cle a n burne r/ve nturi tube for ins e cts a nd inse ct
ne s t. A clogge d tube can le a d to fire unde r the outdoor
cooking ga s a ppliance.
n The LP gas s upply cylinder to be use d mus t be:
- cons tructed and ma rke d in accorda nce with the
Specifica tion for LP Gas Cylinde rs of the U.S . De pa rtment
of Tra ns portation (DOT) or the Nationa l Sta nda rd of
Ca na da , CAN/CS A-B339, Cylinde rs , Sphere s , a nd Tube s
for Tra nsportation of Da nge rous Goods; a nd Commiss ion.
- provided with a lis te d ove rfilling pre ve ntion de vice.
- provided with a cylinde r connection de vice compatible
with the conne ction for outdoor cooking ga s appliances .
n Always check conne ctions for le a ks ea ch time you conne ct
a nd dis conne ct the LP gas supply cylinde r. S e e
Insta lla tion Ins tructions s ection.
n Whe n the outdoor cooking gas a ppliance is not in us e , the
ga s must be turne d off a t the supply cylinde r.
n Stora ge of an outdoor cooking ga s appliance indoors is
pe rmiss ible only if the cylinde r is disconnecte d and
re move d from the outdoor cooking gas a ppliance.
n Cylinde rs mus t be store d outdoors a nd out of the re a ch of
children a nd mus t not be store d in a building, gara ge , or
a ny othe r enclose d a re a .
n The pre s s ure regula tor a nd hose as s e mbly supplied with
the outdoor cooking gas a ppliance mus t be use d. A
re pla cement pres s ure regula tor and hos e a s s e mbly
s pe cific to your model is a va ila ble from your outdoor
cooking gas a pplia nce dea le r.
n Ga s cylinde r mus t include a collar to prote ct the cylinde r
va lve .
n For a ppliance s de s igned to us e a CGA791 Connection:
Pla ce a dust ca p on cylinder valve outlet whene ver the
cylinder is not in us e . Only ins ta ll the type of dus t cap on
the cylinde r va lve outlet that is provided with the cylinde r
va lve . Other types of caps or plugs may res ult in le a ka ge
of propa ne .
If the following information is not followe d exa ctly, a fire
ca us ing dea th or s erious injury may occur.
n Do not s tore a s pa re LP gas cylinder unde r or ne a r this
outdoor cooking ga s appliance .
n Neve r fill the cylinder beyond 80 percent full.
(2.5 c m )