Electrolux 900 thermaline h = 700 mm
Electric fry top on cupboard
The Electrolux 900-Thermaline of cooking equipment is designed for the very heavy duty requirements of
hotels, institutions, hospitals, central kitchens, in-flight kitchens and cruise ships. The series consist of a wide
choice of modular elements that can be installed as individual, free-standing units or assembled into a
complete cooking suite made virtually seamless by means of cleverly-designed connecting rails.The models
detailed on this sheet have a heated chromium plated cooking surface for grilling various types of meat,
sausage, fish and vegetables and are freestanding on a base unit. Models are available for operation from one
side only or from both sides to suit a central cooking island. Installation options are floor mounted on 100 or
200 mm high feet or a plinth which can be either steel or masonry construction.
590331 - with accessories
• Electrically heated plate for
grilling and roasting various types
of meat, sausage, fish and
• Chromium plated steel cooking
surface with a splashguard on
three sides and a removable drip
tray for collecting the juices, fats
and other residues.
• The grilling plate is ribbed and
slopes into the drip tray.
• The griddle plate has a flat
cooking surface and has only a
slight incline towards the drip tray.
• Also combined half grill (front)
and half griddle (rear) plates are
• Two independent heating zones
(front and rear) can be set
steplessly by means of a
thermostat switch to suit different
temperature requirements.
• The plates are at a height of 92
or 97 cm above the floor for more
convenient working.
• Indicator lamps show when the
unit is ready for cooking.
• All appliances conform to ruling
European safety and hygiene
standards and are H marked.
• All models are type-approved by
an international standards
authority and are certified.
• Cooking area and cover plate
are easy to clean.
• Provided with a scraper for the
smooth and ribbed parts of the
plate wihch helps for thoroughly
• Body, cupboard and support are
made of AISI 304 stainless steel.
• Hygienic design of the open
base cupboard with large round
• No gaps or dirt traps between
adjoining appliances when
connecting rails are fitted.
• All major components may be
easily accessed from the front.
• The appliances are IP X5
certified against water jets.