ESTOS Enduser Pricelist_it_07-2013 v1.0
Order number Recommended price
Order number Recommended price
Order number Recommended price
For the usage of ProCall Mobile, ProCall 4+ Enterprise is mandatory.For the integration of contact databases we recommend the combination with MetaDirectory
Professional of higher (incl. HTTPS/LDAPS).
Order number Recommended price
ProCall 4+ Enterprise is mandatory – Number of ProCall Analytics users needs to be the same as ProCall Enterprise
Incl. license to control double number of lines
Incl. license to control double number of lines
Upgrade to ProCall 4+ Enterprise from 2.2
Unified Communications-Suite with CTI, Presence management, Instant messaging, Federation and Mobility for Integration with existing Applications
Incl. license to control double number of lines
End-User Pricelist July 2013
Unified Communications / Computer Telephony
ProCall 4+ Enterprise (for PC & Mac)
Unified Communications-Suite with CTI, Presence management, Instant messaging, Federation and Mobility for Integration with existing Applications
For the usage of ProCall Mobile, ProCall 4+ Enterprise is mandatory.For the integration of contact databases we recommend the combination with MetaDirectory 3.5 Professional
For the usage of ProCall Mobile, ProCall 4+ Enterprise is mandatory.For the integration of contact databases we recommend the combination with MetaDirectory
Professional of higher (incl. HTTPS/LDAPS).
Professional of higher (incl. HTTPS/LDAPS).
Graphical Analysis of Communication Data from ProCall 4+ Enterprise.
Incl. license to control double number of lines
Upgrade to ProCall 4+ Enterprise from 3.0
Unified Communications-Suite with CTI, Presence management, Instant messaging, Federation and Mobility for Integration with existing Applications
ESTOS Italia srl -Via del Cotonificio 43/8 - 33100 UDINE
Telefono: +39
0432 5
- Fax: +39 04
32 42
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[email protected] - Interne
t: www.estos.it