Used to indieate Dot ot deeimal point meaning to be under MHz.
KEYS: They have to be used with Numerie keys tor above
Funetion and change or cancellation.
Used to enter designated Frequeney into Channel tor memory and
re-eall memorized Frequeney (Channel).
Also used to return trom Scan mode or Seareh mode to Manual
In case ot Manual mode, indieates " MANUAL" at lower ot lett
side on LCD.
Used to Delay start scanning above 2 seeonds to next ehannel.
It is usetul tunetion tor Amature Radio eommunieation.
EXAMPLE: To program Delay on a Channel 2.
~,I MANUALI,[~:~~~:::j(lndieates"DELAY" on LCD)
(UP), (DOWN): When it is on Manual mode, used to ehannel upward or
downward. When it is on Seareh mode, by pressing ~, or
c:==:Jstarts seareh trom lower or upper trequeney to upper or
lower trequeney within seareh limit trequeneies.
Used to designate upper and lower Limit Frequeney ot Seareh.
EXAMPLE: 145.000
~ (Indieates 51eh 145.000MHz
and "LIMIT" at lower ot right
side on LCD.)
Then, 150.000 ~ (Indieates 51eh 150.000MHz
and "LIMIT" on LCD.)
And then, by pressing key~or ~, starts
seareh within 145.00-150.000MHz.
Seareh ehannel step indieates as 25KHz or 1205KHz
ete at upper ot right side on LCD.
E (ENTER): Used to Enter designated trequeney into ehannel tor memory.
EXAMPLE: ~,IMANUALI, 80.200, ~
(on ehannel 6, memorized 80.200MHz)
Used to tunction the scan.
Used to skip over the memorized ehannels or a bleek lockout.
(10 ehaJlnels = 1 bank) Indieates "LOCKOUT" on LCD.
This ehannel 4 eannot be seanned by lockout, by
ILOCKOUTI again, it is cancelled.
About 2 seeonds, indieates 2 "XXXLX".
From 11-20 eh are "LOCKOUT".
Push CO,ILOCKOUTI again, about 2 seeonds
indieates "XXXoX", 11-20 eh are cancelled.
About this tunetion, explain later en.
By c::::2::::J,ILOCKOUTI,trom 1-10 eh are loeked-out. But
without Delay, pressc:::::I::J,[MANUALI,!LOCKouTlonlyehannel 2
is cancelled trom lockout. It means, ehannel lockout takes
priority than bleek lockout.