Samsung NQ50J5530BS/EO User manual

User manual

This manual is also suitable for

Microwave oven
User manual
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 1 2015-04-24 �� 5:16:26
Mikrovalovna pečica
Uporabniški priročnik
2 English
Using this user manual 3
The following symbols are used in this User Manual: 3
Safety instructions 4
Important safety instructions 4
Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) 12
Installation & Wiring instructions 13
Wiring instructions 13
Installation 15
What’s included 15
Installation instructions 18
Maintenance 23
Cleaning 23
Replacement (repair) 24
Care against an extended period of disuse 24
Before you start 25
Clock 25
Timer 26
Sound On/Off 27
Energy saving 27
Side runners 28
About microwave energy 28
Cookware for microwave 29
Operations 31
Control panel 31
Manual mode 33
Auto mode 41
Special functions 43
Cooking Smart 46
Auto cooking 46
Manual cooking 51
Quick & Easy 63
Troubleshooting 64
Checkpoints 64
Information codes 71
Technical specications 72
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 2 2015-04-24 �� 5:16:47
Uporaba tega priročnika
Varnostna navodila
Pred zagonom
Odpravljanje težav
Pametna peka
Tehnični podatki
V besedilu tega uporabniškega priročnika so uporabljeni naslednji simboli:
Pomembna varnostna navodila
Ustrezno odstranjevanje tega izdelka (odpadna električna in elektronska oprema)
Navodila za namestitev in ožičenje
Navodila za ožičenje
Kaj je vključeno
Navodila za namestitev
Varčevanje z energijo
Nadzorna plošča
Samodejna peka
Kontrolne točke
Menjava (popravilo)
Stranska vodila
Ročni način
Ročna peka
Informacijske kode
Daljše obdobje neuporabe
Vklop/izklop zvoka
O mikrovalovni energiji
Samodejni način
Hitro in enostavno
Posoda za mikrovalovno pečico
Posebne funkcije
English 3
Using this user manual
Using this user manual
You have just purchased a SAMSUNG microwave oven. Your Owner’s Instructions contains
valuable information on cooking with your microwave oven:
• Safety precautions
• Suitable accessories and cookware
• Useful cooking tips
• Cooking tips
The following symbols are used in this User Manual:
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in severe personal injury or death.
Hazards or unsafe practices that may result in minor personal injury or property damage.
Useful tips, recommendations, or information that helps users manipulate the product.
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 3 2015-04-24 �� 5:16:53
Uporaba tega uporabniškega priročnika
Uporaba tega uporabniškega priročnika
V besedilu tega uporabniškega priročnika so uporabljeni naslednji simboli:
Pravkar ste kupili mikrovalovno pečico SAMSUNG. Uporabniška navodila vključujejo pomembne
informacije o uporabi mikrovalovne pečice:
Pomembni varnostni ukrepi,
ustrezna dodatna oprema in posoda,
koristni nasveti za peko,
nasveti za peko.
Nevarnosti ali nevarni primeri uporabe, ki lahko povzročijo resne telesne poškodbe ali smrt.
Nevarnosti ali nevarni primeri uporabe, ki lahko povzročijo telesne poškodbe ali materialno škodo.
Koristni nasveti, priporočila ali informacije, ki uporabnikom pomagajo pri upravljanju izdelka.
4 English
Safety instructions
Safety instructions
Microwave function only
WARNING: If the door or door seals are damaged, the oven must not be
operated until it has been repaired by a competent person.
WARNING: It is hazardous for anyone other than a competent person to
carry out any service or repair operation that involves the removal of a
cover which gives protection against exposure to microwave energy.
WARNING: Liquids and other foods must not be heated in sealed
containers since they are liable to explode.
This appliance is intended to be used in household only and it is not
intended to be used such as:
• staff kitchen areas in shops, ofces and other working environments;
• farm houses;
• by clients in hotels, motels and other residential environments;
• bed and breakfast type environments.
WARNING: Only allow children to use the oven without supervision
when adequate instructions have been given so that the child is able to
use the oven in a safe way and understands the hazards of improper
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 4 2015-04-24 �� 5:16:55
Varnostna navodila
Varnostna navodila
OPOZORILO: Če so vrata ali tesnila na vratih poškodovana, ne uporabljajte
pečice, dokler je ne popravi usposobljena oseba.
OPOZORILO: Vsi nepooblaščeni posegi v pečico, ki vključujejo
odstranjevanje pokrova za zaščito pred mikrovalovno energijo, so nevarni za
osebe, ki niso strokovno usposobljene za take posege.
OPOZORILO: Tekočin in drugih živil ne segrevajte v zaprtih posodah, ker jih
lahko raznese.
Ta aparat je namenjen samo za uporabo v gospodinjstvu in ne za uporabo v
naslednjih okoljih:
v kuhinjah za osebje v trgovinah, pisarnah in drugih delovnih območjih;
v kmetijskih objektih;
za goste v hotelih, motelih in drugih vrstah prenočišč;
v prenočiščih, ki ponujajo posteljo in zajtrk.
OPOZORILO: Otrokom dovolite uporabo pečice brez vašega nadzora samo,
če so bili seznanjeni z ustreznimi navodili za varno uporabo pečice in se
zavedajo nevarnosti njene neustrezne uporabe.
Samo funkcija mikrovalovne pečice
English 5
Safety instructions
WARNING: This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years
and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been
given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in
a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not
play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be
made by children unless they are aged from 8 years and above and
Only use utensils that are suitable for use in microwave ovens.
When heating food in plastic or paper containers, keep an eye on the
oven due to the possibility of ignition.
The microwave oven is intended for heating food and beverages.
Drying of food or clothing and heating of warming pads, slippers,
sponges, damp cloth and similar may lead to risk of injury, ignition or
If smoke is emitted (observed), switch off or unplug the appliance and
keep the door closed in order to stie any ames.
WARNING: Microwave heating of beverages can result in delayed
eruptive boiling, therefore care must be taken when handling the
WARNING: The contents of feeding bottles and baby food jars shall be
stirred or shaken and the temperature checked before consumption, in
order to avoid burns.
Eggs in their shell and whole hard-boiled eggs should not be heated
in microwave ovens since they may explode, even after microwave
heating has ended.
The oven should be cleaned regularly and any food deposits removed.
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 5 2015-04-24 �� 5:16:56
Varnostna navodila
OPOZORILO: Napravo lahko uporabljajo otroci, starejši od 8 let, in osebe
s telesnimi, senzoričnimi ali psihičnimi motnjami ali premalo izkušnjami in
znanja, če so pod nadzorom ali pa so prejeli navodila o varni uporabi naprave
ter razumejo povezane nevarnosti. Otroci se ne smejo igrati z napravo.
Vzdrževanja ne smejo izvajati otroci, mlajši od 8 let in brez nadzora.
Uporabljajte samo pripomočke, ki so primerni za uporabo v mikrovalovni
Ko segrevate živila v posodah iz plastike ali papirja, jih morate spremljati, ker
obstaja nevarnost vžiga.
Mikrovalovna pečica je namenjena gretju živil in napitkov. Sušenje hrane ali
oblačil ter gretje grelnih blazin, copat, gob, vlažnih krp in podobno lahko
povzroči poškodbo, vžig ali požar.
Če opazite dim, izklopite ali izključite aparat. Vrata pustite zaprta, da zadušite
morebitni ogenj.
OPOZORILO: Pri segrevanju napitkov v mikrovalovni pečici lahko pride do
zapoznelega nenadnega vrenja, zato je treba s posodo ravnati previdno.
OPOZORILO: Vsebino stekleničk za hranjenje in kozarcev z otroško hrano
pred uporabo premešajte ali pretresite ter preverite njeno temperaturo, da se
izognete opeklinam.
Neolupljenih jajc in celih trdo kuhanih jajc ne segrevajte v mikrovalovni
pečici, saj jih lahko raznese, tudi ko pečica ne greje več.
Pečico redno čistite in iz nje odstranjujte morebitne ostanke hrane.
6 English
Safety instructions
Safety instructions
Failure to maintain the oven in a clean condition could lead to
deterioration of the surface that could adversely affect the life of the
appliance and possibly result in a hazardous situation.
The appliance is not intended for installing in road vehicles, caravans
and similar vehicles etc.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children)
with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of
experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or
instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for
their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer,
its service agent or similarly qualied persons in order to avoid a
The appliance should not be cleaned with a water jet.
This oven should be positioned proper direction and height permitting
easy access to cavity and control area.
Before using the your oven rst time, oven should be operated with the
water during 10 minute and then used.
If the oven generates a strange noise, a burning smell, or smoke is
emitted, unplug the power plug immediately and contact your nearest
service center.
The microwave oven has to be positioned so that plug is accessible.
The microwave oven is intended to be used built-in only.
The microwave oven shall not be placed in a cabinet.
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 6 2015-04-24 �� 5:16:57
Varnostna navodila
Varnostna navodila
Če pečica ni čista, lahko pride do poslabšanja površin, to pa lahko skrajša
življenjsko dobo aparata in privede do nevarnih situacij.
Aparat ni namenjen nameščanju v cestna vozila, počitniške prikolice in
podobna vozila.
Naprava ni namenjena osebam (vključno z otroki) z omejenimi fizičnimi,
senzoričnimi ali umskimi sposobnostmi. Enako velja tudi za osebe brez
izkušenj ali znanja o delu z napravo, razen če jih pri uporabi nadzoruje ali vodi
odgovorna oseba.
Otroke je treba nadzorovati in zagotoviti, da se z napravo ne igrajo.
Če je poškodovan napajalni kabel, ga mora zaradi preprečevanja nevarnosti
zamenjati proizvajalec, njegov pooblaščeni serviser ali podobno strokovno
usposobljena oseba.
Aparata ne čistite z vodnim curkom.
Pečico namestite tako, da je primerno usmerjena in na višini, ki omogoča lahek
dostop do notranjosti in upravljalnega območja.
Pečico pred prvo uporabo najprej 10 minut uporabljajte z vodo.
Če pečica oddaja nenavaden zvok, vonj po zažganem ali dim, takoj izključite
napajalni vtič in se obrnite na najbližji servisni center.
Mikrovalovna pečica naj bo postavljena tako, da imate dostop do vtiča.
Mikrovalovno pečico smete uporabljati samo kot vgradno mikrovalovno
Mikrovalovne pečice ne postavljajte v omarico.
English 7
Safety instructions
Oven function only - Optional
WARNING: When the appliance is operated in the combination mode,
children should only use the oven under adult supervision due to the
temperatures generated.
During use the appliance becomes hot. Care should be taken to avoid
touching heating elements inside the oven.
WARNING: Accessible parts may become hot during use. Young children
should be kept away.
A steam cleaner is not to be used.
WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is switched off before replacing
the lamp to avoid the possibility of electric shock.
Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or sharp metal scrapers to clean the
oven door glass since they can scratch the surface, which may result in
shattering of the glass.
WARNING: The appliance and its accessible parts become hot during
Care should be taken to avoid touching heating elements.
Children less than 8 years of age shall be kept away unless
continuously supervised.
This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above
and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or
lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and
understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the
appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children
without supervision.
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 7 2015-04-24 �� 5:16:58
Varnostna navodila
OPOZORILO: Ko aparat uporabljate v kombiniranem načinu, smejo otroci
pečico uporabljati samo pod nadzorom odrasle osebe zaradi visokih
temperatur pri pripravi hrane.
Med uporabo se aparat segreje. Bodite pozorni in se ne dotikajte grelnih
elementov v notranjosti pečice.
OPOZORILO: Dostopni deli se med uporabo segrejejo. Majhni otroci se ne
smejo nahajati v bližini pečice.
Za čiščenje ne uporabljajte parnega sesalnika.
OPOZORILO: Preden zamenjate luč, zagotovite, da je naprava izklopljena, da
se izognete možnosti električnega udara.
Za čiščenje stekla na vratih pečice ne uporabljajte abrazivnih čistil ali ostrih
kovinskih strgal, saj lahko opraskajo površino in povzročijo zlom stekla.
OPOZORILO: Aparat in njegovi dostopni deli se med uporabo zelo segrejejo.
Bodite pozorni in se ne dotikajte grelnih elementov.
Otroci, mlajši od 8 let, ne smejo biti v bližini naprave, razen če jih nenehno
Napravo lahko uporabljajo otroci, starejši od 8 let, in osebe s telesnimi,
senzoričnimi ali psihičnimi motnjami ali premalo izkušnjami in znanja, če
so pod nadzorom ali pa so prejeli navodila o varni uporabi naprave ter
razumejo povezane nevarnosti. Otroci se ne smejo igrati z napravo. Čiščenja in
vzdrževanja ne smejo izvajati otroci brez nadzora.
Samo funkcija pečice – opcijsko
8 English
Safety instructions
Safety instructions
The temperature of accessible surfaces may be high when the appliance
is operating.
The door or the outer surface may get hot when the appliance is
Keep the appliance and its cord out of reach of children less than 8
Appliances are not intended to be operated by means of an external
timer or separate remote-control system.
Please put the bent up frame side
to the back, in order to support
the rest position when cooking
large loads.
Do not use oven rack for microwave oven mode.
General safety
Only qualied staff should be allowed to modify or repair the appliance.
Do not heat liquids and other food in sealed containers for microwave function.
For your safety, do not use high-pressure water cleaners or steam jet cleaners.
Do not install this appliance; near heater, inammable material; in a humid, oily or dusty
location, in a location exposed to direct sunlight and water or where gas may leak; on un
level ground.
This appliance must be properly grounded in accordance with local and national codes.
Remove all foreign substances such as dust or water from the power plug terminals and
contact points using a dry cloth on a regular basis.
Do not pull or excessively bend or place heavy objecton the power cord.
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 8 2015-04-24 �� 5:17:02
Varnostna navodila
Varnostna navodila
Med delovanjem aparata je lahko temperatura dostopnih površin zelo visoka.
Vrata ali zunanja površina se lahko med delovanjem aparata zelo segreje.
Otroci, mlajši od 8 let, naj se ne približujejo napravi in njenemu kablu.
Aparati niso namenjeni za uporabo z zunanjim časovnikom ali ločenim
sistemom daljinskega upravljanja.
Kakršne koli spremembe ali popravila lahko opravi samo usposobljeno osebje.
Živil ali tekočin ne grejte v zaprtih posodah za mikrovalovne pečice.
Zaradi lastne varnosti ne uporabljajte visokotlačnih vodnih ali parnih čistilnikov.
Pečice ne namestite: v bližino grelnika ali vnetljive snovi; na vlažno, mastno ali prašno mesto z veliko
vlage ali na mesto, izpostavljeno neposredni sončni svetlobi ali vodi; kjer lahko pušča plin, ali na
neravna tla.
Pečica mora biti ozemljena v skladu z lokalnimi in nacionalnimi predpisi. Z napajalnih priključkov in
kontaktov s suho krpo redno
brišite vse morebitne tujke.
Napajalnega kabla ne vlecite ali prekomerno zvijajte in nanj ne postavljajte težkih predmetov.
Ne uporabljajte rešetke v načinu mikrovalovne pečice.
Postavite upognjeno stran okvirja na
hrbtno stran, da podprete pozicijo
mirovanja, ko kuhate velike količine
Splošna varnost
English 9
Safety instructions
In the event of a gas leak (such as propane gas, LP gas, etc.), ventilate immediately without
touching the power plug.
Do not touch the power plug with wet hands.
Do not turn the appliance off by unplugging the power plug while an operation is in progress.
Do not insert ngers or foreign substances, If any foreign substance such as water has
entered the appliance, unplug the power plug and contact your nearest service centre.
Do not apply excessive pressure or impact to the appliance.
Do not place the oven over a fragile object such as a sink or glass object.
Do not use benzene, thinner, alcohol, steam cleaner or high pressure cleaner to clean the
Ensure that the power voltage, frequency and current are the same as those of the product
Plug the power plug into the wall socket rmly. Do not use a multiple plug adapter, an
extension cord or an electric transformer.
Do not hook the power cord on a metal object, insert the power cord between the objects or
behind the oven.
Do not use a damaged power plug, damaged power cord or loose wall socket. When the
power plug or power cord is damaged, contact your nearest service centre.
Do not pour or directly spray water onto the oven.
Do not place objects on the oven, inside or on the door of the oven.
Do not spray volatile material such as insecticide onto the surface of the oven.
Do not store ammable materials in the oven. Take special care when heating dishes or
drinks that contain alcohol as alcohol vapours may contact a hot part of the oven.
Keep children away from the door when opening or closing it as they may bump themselves
on the door or catch their ngers in the door.
WARNING: Microwave heating of beverages can result in delayed eruptive boiling, therefore
care must be taken when handling the container; To prevent this situation ALWAYS allow
a standing time of at least 20 seconds after the oven has been switched off so that the
temperature can equalize. Stir during heating, if necessary, and ALWAYS stir after heating.
In the event of scalding, follow these FIRST AID instructions:
• Immerse the scalded area in cold water for at least 10 minutes.
• Cover with a clean, dry dressing.
• Do not apply any creams, oils or lotions.
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 9 2015-04-24 �� 5:17:03
Varnostna navodila
Če uhaja plin (propan, utekočinjeni naftni plin itd.), prostor takoj prezračite. Ne dotikajte se
napajalnega kabla.
Napajalnega kabla se ne dotikajte z mokrimi rokami.
Med delovanjem pečice ne izklopite z odklapljanjem napajalnega kabla. Ne vstavljajte prstov ali
tujkov. Če v pečico zaidejo tujki, kot je voda,
odklopite napajalni kabel in se obrnite na najbližji servisni center.
Pečice ne izpostavljajte prekomernemu pritisku ali udarcem.
Pečice ne postavljajte na občutljive predmete, kot so korita ali stekleni predmeti.
Pečice ne čistite z benzenom, topilom, alkoholom, parnim ali visokotlačnim čistilnikom.
Zagotovite, da uporabljate napetost, frekvenco in tok v skladu s specifikacijami izdelka.
Napajalni vtič trdno priklopite v stensko vtičnico. Ne uporabljajte večjega števila razdelilnikov,
podaljškov ali električnih pretvornikov.
Napajalnega kabla ne obesite na kovinske predmete. Kabel mora biti napeljan med predmeti ali za
Ne uporabljajte poškodovanega napajalnega vtiča ali kabla ali slabo pritrjene stenske vtičnice. V
primeru poškodovanih napajalnih vtičev ali kablov se obrnite na najbližji servisni center.
Na pečico ne zlivajte vode, niti je nanjo ne pršite.
Na pečico, vanjo ali na vrata pečice ne postavljajte predmetov.
Na pečico ne pršite hlapljivih snovi, kot je insekticid.
V pečici ne hranite vnetljivih snovi. Alkoholni hlapi lahko pridejo v stik z vročimi deli pečice, zato
bodite previdni pri segrevanju živil ali napitkov, ki vsebujejo alkohol.
Otroci se lahko udarijo v vrata pečice ali si z njimi priprejo prste. Ko odpirate ali zapirate vrata, naj
bodo otroci oddaljeni od njih.
OPOZORILO: Pri segrevanju napitkov v mikrovalovni pečici lahko pride do zapoznelega nenadnega
vrenja, zato je treba previdno ravnati s posodo. Da bi to preprečili, VEDNO
pustite napitke mirovati vsaj 20 sekund, da se temperatura izenači. Po potrebi napitek med
segrevanjem mešajte. Po segrevanju napitek VEDNO premešajte.
V primeru oparin upoštevajte naslednja navodila za PRVO POMOČ:
Oparjeni predel držite v hladni vodi vsaj 10 minut.
Povijte s čistim in suhim povojem.
Ne nanašajte krem, olj ali losjonov.
Pladnja ali rešetke ne postavite v vodo takoj po kuhanju, saj ga/jo s tem lahko poškodujete.
Pečice ne uporabljajte za cvrtje, saj ne omogoča nadzora temperature olja. Vroče olje bi lahko
nenadoma prekipelo.
10 English
Safety instructions
Safety instructions
Do not put the tray or rack in water shortly after cooking because it may cause breakage or
damage of the tray or rack.
Do not operate the microwave oven for deep fat frying because the oil temperature cannot
be controlled. This could result in a sudden boil over of the hot liquid.
Only use utensils that are suitable for use in microwave ovens; DO NOT use any metallic
containers, Dinnerware with gold or silver trimmings, Skewers, forks, etc.
Remove wire twist ties from paper or plastic bags.
Reason: Electric arcing or sparking may occur and may damage the oven.
Do not use your microwave oven to dry papers or clothes.
Use shorter times for smaller amounts of food to prevent overheating and burning food.
Do not immerse the power cable or power plug in water and keep the power cable away
from heat.
Eggs in their shell and whole hard-boiled eggs should not be heated in microwave ovens
since they may explode, even after microwave heating has ended; Also do not heat airtight
or vacuum-sealed bottles, jars, containers, nuts inshells, tomatoes etc.
Do not cover the ventilation slots with cloth or paper. They may catch re as hot air escapes
from the oven. The oven may also overheat and switch itself off automatically, and will
remain off until it cools sufciently.
Always use oven mitts when removing a dish from the oven to avoid unintentional burns.
Stir liquids halfway during heating or after heating ends and allow the liquid stand at least
20 seconds after heating to prevent eruptive boiling.
Stand at arms length from the oven when opening the door to avoid getting scalded by
escaping hot air or steam.
Do not operate the microwave oven when it is empty. The microwave oven will automatically
shut down for 30 minutes for safety purposes. We recommend placing a glass of water inside
the oven at all times to absorb microwave energy in case the microwave oven is started
Install the oven in compliance with the clearances stated in this manual. (See installing your
microwave oven.)
Take care when connecting other electrical appliances to sockets near the oven.
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 10 2015-04-24 �� 5:17:04
Varnostna navodila
Varnostna navodila
10 English
Safety instructions
Safety instructions
Do not put the tray or rack in water shortly after cooking because it may cause breakage or
damage of the tray or rack.
Do not operate the microwave oven for deep fat frying because the oil temperature cannot
be controlled. This could result in a sudden boil over of the hot liquid.
Only use utensils that are suitable for use in microwave ovens; DO NOT use any metallic
containers, Dinnerware with gold or silver trimmings, Skewers, forks, etc.
Remove wire twist ties from paper or plastic bags.
Reason: Electric arcing or sparking may occur and may damage the oven.
Do not use your microwave oven to dry papers or clothes.
Use shorter times for smaller amounts of food to prevent overheating and burning food.
Do not immerse the power cable or power plug in water and keep the power cable away
from heat.
Eggs in their shell and whole hard-boiled eggs should not be heated in microwave ovens
since they may explode, even after microwave heating has ended; Also do not heat airtight
or vacuum-sealed bottles, jars, containers, nuts inshells, tomatoes etc.
Do not cover the ventilation slots with cloth or paper. They may catch re as hot air escapes
from the oven. The oven may also overheat and switch itself off automatically, and will
remain off until it cools sufciently.
Always use oven mitts when removing a dish from the oven to avoid unintentional burns.
Stir liquids halfway during heating or after heating ends and allow the liquid stand at least
20 seconds after heating to prevent eruptive boiling.
Stand at arms length from the oven when opening the door to avoid getting scalded by
escaping hot air or steam.
Do not operate the microwave oven when it is empty. The microwave oven will automatically
shut down for 30 minutes for safety purposes. We recommend placing a glass of water inside
the oven at all times to absorb microwave energy in case the microwave oven is started
Install the oven in compliance with the clearances stated in this manual. (See installing your
microwave oven.)
Take care when connecting other electrical appliances to sockets near the oven.
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 10 2015-04-24 �� 5:17:04
Uporabljajte samo pripomočke, ki so primerni za uporabo v mikrovalovni pečici.
Iz papirnatih ali plastičnih vrečk odstranite žičke za zapiranje.
Razlog: Lahko pride do električnega iskrenja, ki lahko poškoduje pečico.
V pečici ne sušite papirja ali oblačil.
Za manjše količine živil uporabite krajši čas, da preprečite pregretje ali zažig. Napajalni kabel in vtič
ne smeta biti v bližini vodnih virov in virov
Neolupljenih jajc in celih trdo kuhanih jajc ne segrevajte v mikrovalovni pečici, saj jih lahko raznese.
Ne segrevajte nepredušno ali vakuumsko zaprtih posod, oreščkov, paradižnikov itd.
Ne zakrivajte odprtin za prezračevanje z blagom ali papirjem. Zaradi vročega zraka, ki uhaja
iz pečice, se lahko vnamejo. Pečica se lahko tudi pregreje in se samodejno izklopi ter ostane
izklopljena, dokler se ne ohladi dovolj.
Pri jemanju posode iz pečice vedno uporabljajte rokavice za peko, da ne pride do opeklin. Tekočine
premešajte na polovici gretja ali po končanem gretju in jih pustite počivati vsaj
20 sekund po gretju, da preprečite nenadno vretje.
Ko odpirate vrata, stojte za dolžino rok proč od pečice, da vas ne opeče uhajajoči vroč zrak ali para.
Ne uporabljajte prazne pečice. Zaradi varnostnih razlogov se bo pečica samodejno zaustavila za 30
minut. Priporočamo, da v pečico postavite kozarec vode, ki bo vsrkala mikrovalovno energijo, če
boste pečico nenamerno vklopili.
Pri namestitvi pečice upoštevajte razdalje, ki so navedene v navodilih. (Oglejte si razdelek
Namestitev mikrovalovne pečice.)
Bodite previdni pri priključevanju drugih električnih aparatov v vtičnice poleg pečice.
English 11
Safety instructions
Precautions to avoid possible exposure to excessive microwave
energy. (Microwave function only)
Failure to observe the following safety precautions may result in harmful exposure to
microwave energy.
A. Under no circumstances should any attempt be made to operate the oven with the door
open or to tamper with the safety interlocks (door latches) or to insert anything into the
safety interlock holes.
B. Do NOT place any object between the oven door and front face or allow food or cleaner
residues to accumulate on sealing surfaces. Ensure that the door and door sealing
surfaces are kept clean by wiping after use rst with a damp cloth and then with a soft
dry cloth.
C. Do NOT operate the oven if it is damaged until it has been repaired by a qualied
microwave service technician trained by the manufacturer. It is particularly important
that the oven door closes properly and that there is no damage to the:
1) door (bent)
2) door hinges (broken or loose)
3) door seals and sealing surfaces
D. The oven should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone other than a properly qualied
microwave service technician trained by the manufacturer.
Samsung will charge a repair fee for replacing an accessory or repairing a cosmetic defect
if the damage to the unit and/or damage to or loss of the accessory was caused by the
customer. Items this stipulation covers include:
A. A dented, scratched, or broken door, handle, out-panel, or control panel.
B. A broken or missing tray, guide roller, coupler, or wire rack.
• Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this instruction manual.
Warnings and Important Safety Instructions in this manual do not cover all possible
conditions and situations that may occur. It is your responsibility to use common sense,
caution, and care when installing, maintaining, and operating your appliance.
• Because these following operating instructions cover various models, the characteristics
of your microwave oven may differ slightly from those described in this manual and not
all warning signs may be applicable. If you have any questions or concerns, contact your
nearest service centre or nd help and information online at
• This microwave oven is supposed for heating food. It is intended for domestic home-use
only. Do not heat any type of textiles or cushions lled with grains, which could cause
burns and re. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for damage caused by improper or
incorrect use of the appliance.
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 11 2015-04-24 �� 5:17:05
Varnostna navodila
Neupoštevanje naslednjih varnostnih ukrepov lahko povzroči škodljivo izpostavljanje mikrovalovni
A. Ne uporabljajte pečice, če ima odprta vrata. Ne poskušajte spreminjati sistema varnostnega
zaklepanja (zapahi na vratih). Ne poskušajte vstavljati predmetov v odprtine za varnostni zaklep
B. Med vrata in sprednjo stran pečice NE postavljajte nobenih predmetov, na tesnilnih površinah
pa ne sme biti nobenih ostankov hrane ali čistil. Po vsaki uporabi očistite vrata in tesnilne
površine z vlažno krpo, nato pa z mehko suho krpo.
C. Če je mikrovalovna pečica pokvarjena, je NE uporabljajte. Uporabljate jo lahko, ko jo popravi
usposobljen strokovnjak. Še posebej pomembno je, da so vrata pečice ustrezno zaprta in da
niso poškodovana:
1) vrata (ukrivljena),
2) tečaji vrat (zlomljeni ali zrahljani),
3) tesnila vrat in tesnilne površine.
D. Vse nastavitve ali popravila mora opraviti usposobljen strokovnjak.
Samsung bo zaračunal stroške popravila za zamenjavo dodatne opreme ali popravilo kozmetične
napake, če je enoto ali dodatno opremo poškodoval ali izgubil kupec. Postavke, ki jih krije ta
A. Udrta, opraskana ali poškodovana vrata, ročaji, zunanja ali nadzorna plošča.
B. Poškodovan ali manjkajoč pladenj, vodilni valj, priključek za vrtljivo ploščo ali rešetka.
Ta aparat uporabljajte le za predvideni namen, kot je opisano v tem priročniku. Opozorila
in pomembne varnostne informacije v tem priročniku ne vključujejo vseh mogočih stanj in
situacij, ki se lahko pojavijo. Odgovorni ste za to, da uporabljate zdrav razum in da ste previdni
pri nameščanju, vzdrževanju in uporabi pečice.
Ker naslednja navodila za uporabo veljajo za različne modele, se lahko značilnosti vaše
mikrovalovne pečice nekoliko razlikujejo od značilnosti, opisanih v navodilih, poleg tega morda
ne veljajo vsi opozorilni znaki. Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja ali če vas kar koli zanima, se
obrnite na lokalni servisni center ali pa pomoč in informacije poiščite v spletu na naslovu www.
Pečico uporabljajte samo za segrevanje. Namenjena je samo gospodinjski uporabi. Ne grejte
blaga ali blazin, napolnjenih z zrnjem, saj lahko pride do požara. Proizvajalec ni odgovoren za
škodo, ki bi nastala zaradi neustrezne ali nepravilne uporabe pečice.
Varnostni ukrepi, da se izognete prekomerni mikrovalovni energiji
(Samo funkcija mikrovalovne pečice)
12 English
Safety instructions
Safety instructions
• Failure to maintain the oven in a clean condition could lead to deterioration of the surface
that could adversely affect the life of the appliance and possible result in a hazardous
Product group denition
This product is a Group 2 Class B ISM equipment. The denition of group 2 which contains
all ISM equipment in which radio-frequency energy is intentionally generated and/or used in
the form of electromagnetic radiation for the treatment of material, and EDM and arc welding
For Class B equipment is equipment suitable for use in domestic establishments and in
establishments directly connected to a low voltage power supply network which supplies
buildings used for domestic purposes.
Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & Electronic
(Applicable in countries with separate collection systems)
This marking on the product, accessories or literature indicates that
the product and its electronic accessories (e.g. charger, headset,
USB cable) should not be disposed of with other household waste
at the end of their working life. To prevent possible harm to the
environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal,
please separate these items from other types of waste and recycle
them responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material
Household users should contact either the retailer where they
purchased this product, or their local government ofce, for details
of where and how they can take these items for environmentally
safe recycling.
Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and
conditions of the purchase contract. This product and its electronic
accessories should not be mixed with other commercial wastes for
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 12 2015-04-24 �� 5:17:07
Varnostna navodila
Varnostna navodila
Pečico redno čistite in vzdržujte, da preprečite poslabšanje stanja njenih površin in nastanek
nevarnih okoliščin.
Izdelek je industrijska, znanstvena ali medicinska oprema razreda B skupine 2. Skupina 2 zajema
vso industrijsko, znanstveno in medicinsko opremo, pri kateri namenoma nastaja radiofrekvenčna
energija in/ali je ta uporabljena v obliki elektromagnetnega sevanja za obdelavo snovi, ter opremo
za potopno erozijo in obločno varjenje.
Oprema razreda B je primerna za uporabo v gospodinjstvu in obratih, neposredno priključenih na
nizkonapetostno električno omrežje, ki dovaja energijo stavbam, ki se uporabljajo v gospodinjske
(velja za države z ločenimi sistemi zbiranja)
Oznaka na izdelku, dodatni opremi ali dokumentaciji pomeni, da izdelka
in njegove elektronske dodatne opreme (npr. električnega polnilnika,
slušalk, kabla USB) ob koncu življenjske dobe ni dovoljeno odvreči med
gospodinjske odpadke. Te izdelke ločite od drugih vrst odpadkov in jih
odgovorno predajte v recikliranje ter tako spodbudite trajnostno vnovično
uporabo materialnih virov. Tako boste preprečili morebitno tveganje za
okolje ali zdravje ljudi zaradi nenadzorovanega odstranjevanja odpadkov.
Uporabniki v gospodinjstvih naj se za podrobnosti o tem, kam in kako
lahko te izdelke predajo v okolju prijazno recikliranje, obrnejo na trgovino,
kjer so izdelek kupili, ali na krajevni upravni organ.
Poslovni uporabniki naj se obrnejo na dobavitelja in preverijo pogoje
kupne pogodbe. Tega izdelka in njegove elektronske dodatne opreme pri
odstranjevanju ni dovoljeno mešati z drugimi gospodarskimi odpadki.
Opredelitev skupine izdelka
Ustrezno odstranjevanje tega izdelka (odpadna električna in elek-
tronska oprema)
English 13
Safety instructions
The mains lead on this equipment is supplied with a moulded plug incorporating a fuse.
The value of the fuse is indicated on the pin face of the plug and, if it requires replacing, a
fuse approved to BS1363 of the same rating must be used.
Never use the plug with the fuse cover omitted if the cover is detachable. If a replacement
fuse cover is required, it must be of the same colour as the pin face of the plug.
Replacement covers are available from your Dealer. If the tted plug is not suitable for the
power points in your house or the cable is not long enough to reach a power point, you
should obtain a suitable safety approved extension lead or consult your Dealer for assistance.
However, if there is no alternative to cutting off the plug, remove the fuse and then safely
dispose of the plug. Do not connect the plug to a mains socket, as there is a risk of shock
hazard from the bared exible cord.
This appliance must be earthed. In the event of an electrical short circuit, earthing reduces
the risk of electric shock providing an escape wire for the electric current. The appliance is
equipped with a mains lead which includes an earth wire for connecting to the earth terminal
of your mains plug. The plug must be plugged into a socket that is properly installed and
IMPORTANT: The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code:
• Green and yellow : Earth
• Blue : Neutral
• Brown : Live
As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this appliance may not correspond with the
coloured markings indentifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows.
Connect the green and yellow wire to the terminal in the plug marked with the letter E or the
earth symbol (
) or coloured green or green-and-yellow.
Connect the blue wire to the terminal marked with the letter N or coloured black.
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 13 2015-04-24 �� 5:17:07
Varnostna navodila
Omrežni kabel te opreme je opremljen z oblikovanim vtičem z varovalko.
Vrednost varovalke je prikazana na čelni strani vtiča. Če jo je treba zamenjati, uporabite varovalko, ki
je odobrena v skladu z BS1363.
Nikoli ne uporabljajte vtiča brez pokrova varovalke, če je le-ta odstranljiv. Če je treba pokrov
varovalke zamenjati, mora biti iste barve kot čelna stran vtiča.
Nadomestne pokrove lahko kupite pri prodajalcu. Če vgrajeni vtič ni primeren za napajalne točke
v vašem domu ali če kabel ni dovolj dolg, da bi dosegel točko napajanja, si priskrbite ustrezen
varnostno odobren podaljšek ali se za pomoč obrnite na prodajalca. Če ni druge možnosti, kot da
morate odrezati vtič, odstranite varovalko in vtič varno zavrzite. Vtiča ne priključujte v omrežno
vtičnico, ker obstaja nevarnost električnega udara zaradi golega kabla.
Aparat mora biti ozemljen. V primeru električnega kratkega stika ozemljitev zmanjša nevarnost
električnega udara, saj zagotavlja izhodno žico za električni tok. Aparat je opremljen z omrežnim
kablom, ki vključuje ozemljitveno žico za priključitev na ozemljitveni terminal vašega omrežnega
vtiča. Vtič vključite v ustrezno nameščeno in ozemljeno vtičnico.
POMEMBNO: Žice v tem omrežnem kablu so obarvane v skladu z naslednjo kodo:
Zelena in rumena: ozemljitev
Modra: nevtralno
Rjava: napajanje
Če barve žic v omrežnem kablu tega aparata ne ustrezajo barvnim oznakam, ki označujejo
priključke v vtiču, storite naslednje.
Zeleno in rumeno žico priključite na priključek v vtiču, ki je označen s črko E ali simbolom za
ozemljitev ( ) ali zelene ali zeleno-rumene barve.
Modro žico priključite na priključek, ki je označen s črko N ali črne barve.
14 English
Safety instructions
Safety instructions
IMPORTANT: Consult a qualied electrician or service technician if in doubt about any of
these instructions. The manufacturer of this oven will not accept any liability for damage to
persons or material for non observance of these requirements. There are no user-serviceable
parts inside the oven and if the mains lead of this appliance is damaged, it must only be
replaced by qualied service personnel approved by the manufacturer because special tools
are required.
02 13 AMP FUSE
WARNING: Ensure that the plug and power
cord are not damaged before use. If you
have any reason to remove the moulded
plug from this appliance, immediately
remove the fuse and dispose of the plug.
Do not connect the plug to a mains socket
under any circumstances as there is a
danger of electric shock.
CIRCUITS: Your microwave oven should be
operated on a separate circuit from other
appliances. Failure to do this may cause the
circuit breaker to trip, the fuse to blow, or
the food to cook more slowly.
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 14 2015-04-24 �� 5:17:14
Varnostna navodila
Varnostna navodila
POMEMBNO: Če ste v dvomih glede teh navodil, se posvetujte z usposobljenim električarjem ali
serviserjem. Proizvajalec pečice ne prevzema odgovornosti za poškodbe oseb ali materiala zaradi
neupoštevanja teh zahtev. V pečici ni delov, ki bi jih lahko servisiral uporabnik, in če je omrežni kabel
tega aparata poškodovan, ga lahko zamenja samo usposobljeno servisno osebje, ki ga je odobril
proizvajalec, saj potrebuje posebna orodja.
OPOZORILO: Pred uporabo se prepričajte, da
vtič in napajalni kabel nista poškodovana. Če
zaradi kakršnegakoli razloga odstranite vtič od
aparata, takoj odstranite varovalko in zavrzite
Vtiča ne priključujte v omrežno vtičnico, ker
obstaja nevarnost električnega udara.
TOKOKROGI: Vaša mikrovalovna pečica mora
delovati v ločenem tokokrogu od drugih
aparatov. Če tega ne storite, lahko pride do
izklopa prekinjevalca toka, pregorele varovalke
ali počasnejše peke hrane.
English 15
What’s included
Make sure all parts and accessories are included in the product package.
If you have a problem with the oven or accessories, contact a local
Samsung customer centre or the retailer.
Oven at a glance
01 Control panel 02 Side runners 03 Safety door lock
04 Door 05 Door Handle
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 15 2015-04-24 �� 5:17:18
Prepričajte se, da so vsi dodatki vključeni v embalažo izdelka. Če imate težave
s pečico ali dodatno opremo, se obrnite na lokalni center za pomoč strankam
podjetja Samsung ali na prodajalca.
Nadzorna plošča Stranska vodila Varnostni zaklep
Vrata Ročaj vrat
Pečica na kratko
Kaj je vključeno
16 English
The oven comes with different accessories that help you prepare
different types of food.
Ceramic tray
(Useful for microwave mode.)
Baking trays
(Do not use for microwave mode.)
Grill insert
(Useful for speed menu and grill
Pure steam cooker
(The plastic steam cooker for
steam cooking.)
See the Cooking Smart on page 46 to determine the appropriate
accessory for your dishes.
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 16 2015-04-24 �� 5:17:27
Dodatna oprema
Pečici je priložena različna dodatna oprema, ki omogoča pripravo različnih vrst
Keramični pladenj
(Uporabno za način mikrovalovne
Za določitev ustrezne dodatne opreme za vaše jedi glejte poglavje
Pametna peka na strani 46.
Podstavek za žar
(Uporabno za hitri meni in način žara.)
(Ne uporabljajte za način mikrovalovne
Parni kuhalnik
(Plastični parni kuhalnik za kuhanje na
English 17
Pure steam cooker
The Pure steam cooker is a set
of the Bowl, Insert tray, and Lid,
which is designed for steam
cooking. Use the Pure steam
cooker for foods such as rice,
pasta, and vegetables to preserve
their nutritional values.
• The Pure steam cooker parts
can withstand temperatures
from -10 °C to 130 °C
• When defrosting, place frozen
food in the steam bowl without
the lid. The liquid will remain
in the bottom of the bowl and
will not harm the food.
• See the Steam cooking guide
on page 61.
• The Pure steam cooker is
dedicated to this model. Do
not use the Pure steam cooker
with other models or products.
A re or property damage may
• Do not use with other cooking
modes except Microwave
• Do not use the Pure steam
cooker with foods containing
high sugar or fat content.
• Make sure to use oven gloves
when taking the Pure steam
cooker out because the Pure
steam cooker becomes very
hot when cooking is complete.
• Use caution when opening the
lid, because the steam escaping
may be very hot.
• Make sure to properly
assemble the Pure steam
cooker including the lid before
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 17 2015-04-24 �� 5:17:27
Parni kuhalnik
Parni kuhalnik je komplet
posode, vstavka in pokrova, ki so
zasnovani za kuhanje s paro. Parni
kuhalnik uporabite za kuhanje živil,
kot so riž, testenine in zelenjava, saj
ohrani njihove hranljive vrednosti.
Deli parnega kuhalnika vzdržijo
temperature od 10 °C do 130 °C.
Pri odtajanju dajte zamrznjena
živila v parno posodo brez
pokrova. Tekočina bo ostala na
dnu posode in ne bo pokvarila
Glejte poglavje Priročnik za
kuhanje s paro na strani 61.
Parni kuhalnik je namenjen temu
modelu. Parnega kuhalnika ne
uporabljajte z drugimi modeli ali
izdelki. Pride lahko do požara ali
okvare lastnine.
Uporabljajte samo v načinu
mikrovalovne pečice.
Parnega kuhalnika ne uporabljajte
z živili z visoko vsebnostjo
sladkorja ali maščobe.
Pri jemanju parnega kuhalnika
iz pečice uporabite kuharske
rokavice, saj je parni kuhalnik ob
koncu kuhanja zelo vroč.
Pri odpiranju pokrova bodite
previdni, saj je para, ki uhaja iz
posode, lahko zelo vroča.
Pred kuhanjem se prepričajte,
da ste parni kuhalnik ustrezno
sestavili, vključno s pokrovom.
18 English
Installation instructions
General Technical Information
Electrical Supply 230 V
50 Hz
Dimensions (W × H × D)
Set size 595 x 454.2 x 570 mm
Built in size 555 x 445 x 548.8 mm
Disposal of Packaging and Appliance
Packaging is recyclable.
Packaging may consist of the following materials:
• cardboard;
• polyethylene lm (PE);
• CFC-free polystyrene(PS rigid foam).
Please dispose of these materials in a responsible manner in accordance
with government regulations.
The authorities can provide information on how to dispose of domestic
appliances in a responsible manner.
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 18 2015-04-24 �� 5:17:28
Splošni tehnični podatki
Električno napajanje
Dimenzije (Š x V x G)
Velikost kompleta
Vgradna velikost
Odstranjevanje embalaže in aparata
Embalažo je mogoče reciklirati.
Embalaža lahko vključuje naslednje materiale:
polietilensko folijo (PE);
polistiren brez CFC (trda pena PS).
Te materiale odlagajte na odgovoren način in v skladu z vladnimi predpisi.
Za informacije o odlaganju gospodinjskih aparatov na odgovoren način se
obrnite na uradne organe.
Navodila za namestitev
English 19
• This appliance should only
be connected by a qualied
• The Oven is NOT designed for
use in a commercial cooking
• It should be used exclusively
for cooking food in a home
• The appliance is hot during
and after use.
• Exercise caution when young
children are present.
Electrical Connection
The house mains to which the
appliance is connected should
comply with national and local
Appliance should allow to
disconnection of the appliance
from the supply after installation.
The disconnection may be
achieved by having the plug
accessible or by incorporating
a switch in the xed wiring in
accordance with the wiring rules.
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 19 2015-04-24 �� 5:17:28
Aparat mora priključiti usposobljen
Pečica NI zasnovana za
komercialna kuharska okolja.
Uporabljate jo lahko izključno za
pripravo hrane v gospodinjstvu.
Aparat je vroč med in po uporabi.
Bodite še posebej pozorni ob
prisotnosti otrok.
Električna povezava
Omrežni vod hiše, na katerega je
priključen aparat, mora biti v skladu z
nacionalnimi in lokalnimi predpisi.
Aparat mora zagotavljati možnost
odklopa aparata od napajanja po
namestitvi. Odklop je mogoče izvesti
z razpoložljivim vtičem ali z uporabo
stikala v stalnem ožičenju skladno s
pravili ožičenja.
20 English
Install in the Built-in cabinet
Kitchen Built-in cabinet in contact with the oven must be heatresistant
up to 100 °C. Samsung will take no responsibility for damage of Built-in
cabinet from the heat.
Required Dimensions for Installation
Oven (mm)
A 555 F 595
B 445 G 358
C 549 H 85
D 21 I 454.2
E 341
Built-in cabinet (mm)
A 600
B Min. 564-568
C Min. 550
D Min. 445 / Max. 450
E Min. 50
F 200 cm
G 200 cm
H Space for power outlet
(30 Ø Hole)
NQ50J3530BS_EU_DE68-04356B-01_EN.indd 20 2015-04-24 �� 5:17:32
Namestitev v vgradno omaro
Vgradna omara kuhinje, ki je v stiku s pečico, mora biti odporna proti toploti
do 100 °C. Podjetje Samsung ne prevzema odgovornosti za poškodbo
vgradne omare zaradi toplote.
Zahtevane mere za namestitev
Pečica (mm)
Vgradna omara (mm)
Najm. 564–568
Najm. 550
Najm. 50
Prostor za električno vtičnico
(luknja s premerom 30)
Najm. 445/najv. 450
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Samsung NQ50J5530BS/EO User manual

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