The air conditioner in Dry mode acts like a dehumidifier by rThe air conditioner in Dry mode acts like a dehumidifier by removing moisturemoving moisture e
frfrom the indoor airom the indoor air. .
Dry mode makes the air feel rDry mode makes the air feel r
efrefreshing in a humid climate. eshing in a humid climate.
1. 1. TTururn on the air conditionern on the air conditioner..
PrPress the ess the Power Power button on the rbutton on the remote contremote control.ol.
2. 2. Set the operating mode.Set the operating mode.
PrPress the ess the button on the r button on the remote contremote control until ol until
Dry mode and Auto fan speed indicator appear on the Dry mode and Auto fan speed indicator appear on the
rremote contremote control displayol display..
In Dry mode temperaturIn Dry mode temperature will be set automatically and e will be set automatically and
will appear on the r will appear on the remote contremote control displayol display. .
When you prWhen you press the ess the button, mode will change button, mode will change
in orin order of Auto, Cool, Dryder of Auto, Cool, Dry, Fan an d Heat., Fan an d Heat.