Owner's Handbook
Thank you for choosing a Triumph
motorcycle. This motorcycle is the product of
Triumph's use of proven engineering,
exhaustive testing, and continuous striving for
superior reliability, safety and performance.
Please read this owner's handbook before
riding in order to become thoroughly familiar
with the correct operation of your
motorcycle's controls, its features, capabilities
and limitations.
This handbook includes safe riding tips, but
does not contain all the techniques and skills
necessary to ride a motorcycle safely.
Triumph strongly recommends that all riders
undertake the necessary training to ensure
safe operation of this motorcycle.
The information contained in this publication
is based on the latest information available at
the time of printing. Triumph reserves the
right to make changes at any time without
prior notice, or obligation.
Not to be reproduced wholly or in part
without the written permission of
Triumph Motorcycles Limited.
© Copyright 04.2008 Triumph Motorcycles
Limited, Hinckley, Leicestershire, England.
Publication part number 3852421 issue 2.
This owner's handbook, and all other
instructions that are supplied with your
motorcycle, should be considered a
permanent part of your motorcycle and
should remain with it even if your
motorcycle is subsequently sold.
All riders must read this owner's handbook
and all other instructions which are
supplied with your motorcycle, before
riding, in order to become thoroughly
familiar with the correct operation of your
motorcycle's controls, its features,
capabilities and limitations. Do not lend
your motorcycle to others as riding when
not familiar with your motorcycle's
controls, features, capabilities and
limitations can lead to an accident.