LSI53C040 Enclosure Services Processor SAF-TE Firmware 1-1
Chapter 1
This chapter describes the LSI53C040 SAF-TE Firmware User’s Guide
and includes these topics:
• Section 1.1, “SAF-TE Firmware Overview,” page 1-1
• Section 1.2, “General Description,” page 1-1
• Section 1.3, “Firmware Features,” page 1-2
1.1 SAF-TE Firmware Overview
The LSI53C040 is an enclosure services processor with
28 programmable, multipurpose IO (MPIO) pins for enclosure monitoring
and 24 programmable, multipurpose IO pins for visual LED indicators
(MPLED). The LSI53C040 firmware includes configuration data tables
that allow the user to map specific monitoring functions to each of these
pins, so that the firmware can be adapted to any enclosure environment.
The LSI53C040 firmware uses the SCSI Accessed Fault-Tolerant
Enclosures (SAF-TE) protocol to detect drive presence; condition a slot
for drive insertion or removal; and monitor enclosure services such as
the fan, power supply, door lock, alarm, and slot drive power. The
firmware also includes a configuration program that maps specific
enclosure monitoring functions to each MPLED/MPIO pin, to allow the
user to customize the firmware to a specific enclosure environment.
1.2 General Description
The LSI53C040 SAF-TE firmware controls an 80C32 microcontroller core
in the LSI53C040 device. This microcontroller is compatible with the Intel
MCS 51 family. It runs independently in interrupt mode.