Programming with SCPI 1-3 Remote Programming Setup and Interface
MS2090A PM PN: 10580-00445 Rev. C 1-7
Data Parameters
Data parameters, referred to simply as “parameters,” are the quantitative values used as arguments for the
SCPI commands. The parameter type associated with a particular SCPI command is determined by the type of
information required to control the particular instrument function. For example, Boolean (ON|OFF) type
parameters are used with commands that control switch functions. Some command descriptions specify the
type of data parameter to be used with each command. The most commonly used parameter types are numeric,
extended numeric, discrete, string, and Boolean.
Numeric: Numeric parameters comprise integer numbers or any number in decimal or scientific
notation, and may include polarity signs. This includes specific extended values as
defined in “Data Parameter Notations” below.
Extended Numeric: Extended numeric parameters include values such as NAN|INFinity|NINFinity
(not a number|infinity|negative infinity).
Discrete: Discrete parameters, such as INTernal and EXTernal, are used to control program
settings to a predetermined finite value or condition.
Boolean: Boolean parameters represent binary conditions and may be expressed as ON, OFF or 1, 0.
Data Parameter Notations
The following conventions are used to note data parameter descriptions:
Spectrum Trace Data Format
Trace data uses SCPI standard (IEEE 488.2) block data format. The data format is '#AXD', where D is a
comma separated list of amplitudes (in ASCII), X is one or more ASCII digits specifying the number of bytes in
D, and A is a single ASCII digit specifying the number of digits in X.
Trace data only contains amplitude. The frequency information for each point is
Frequency = start_frequency + (span/(display_points-1))*N
where N = 0, 1, 2, … display_points
Unit Suffixes
Unit suffixes are not required for data parameters, provided the values are scaled for the global default units;
they do not require a space and they are not case sensitive. The instrument SCPI default units are:
• HZ (hertz) for frequency related parameters
• DB for power related parameters
• MS (milliseconds) for time related parameters
• M (meters) for distance related parameters
Table 1-3. Parameter Notations
<integer> an unsigned integer without a decimal point (implied radix point)
SCPI numeric value: <NRf>|NAN|INFinity|NINFinity or other types
<NRf> is any of <NR1>|<NR2>|<NR3>
<NR1> is a signed integer without a decimal point (implied radix point)
<NR2> is a signed number with an explicit radix point
<NR3> is a scaled explicit decimal point numeric with an exponent (floating point number)
+/- infinity (INFinity|NINFinity) and Not-A-Number (NAN) values can be specified for
parameters of type NR3 with the values of +/- 9.9e37 and 9.91e37, respectively.
<char> <CHARACTER PROGRAM DATA> Examples: CW, FIXed, UP, and DOWN
<string> <STRING PROGRAM DATA> ASCII characters enclosed by double quotes, such as “OFF”
<block> IEEE-488.2 block data format (see “Spectrum Trace Data Format”)
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