ViewSonic NextVision N1700w User manual

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ViewSonic N1700w 0
LCD Display
User Guide
Guide de l’utilisateur
Guía del usuario
Guida dell’utente
Guia do Usuário
Full 17.0" Wide Diagonal Viewable Screen
ViewSonic N1700w 1
Getting Started.................................................................. 3
Pack age Contents 3
Precau tions 3
Quick Installation 4
Installation of Wall Mount (Optional) 5
Using the Display
.................................................... 6
Setting the Timing Mode (PC RGB Input) 6
Connecting AV or adding a TV tuner............................... 7
Adjusting the Sc reen I mage 8
Remote Controls 10
Main Menu Controls 12
System Tab 12
VIDEO Tab 16
TV Tab 18
Audio Tab 20
Parental Control Tab 22
OSD Tab 24
OSD and Power Lock Sett ings 27
Other Information ............................................................. 28
Specific ations 28
Tr oubleshooting 29
Customer Suppor t 30
Cleaning the Display 31
Limited Warranty 32
Appendix ........................................................................... 33
Safety Guidelines 33
Compliance In formation for U.S.A. 34
ViewSonic N1700w 2
C opyright © V iewSoni c C orp orati on, 2002. All r igh ts r eser ved.
Mac into sh and P ower Mac intosh are r egis tered tr adem ark s of Apple C ompu ter, Inc .
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Product Registration
T o meet your futu re needs , and to rece ive any additional produ ct info rma tion as i t becomes
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Vie wSonic® W izar d C DRO M als o pr ovides an opp ortuni ty for you to prin t the r egistr ation f orm ,
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For Your Records
Product Name: ViewSonic N1700w
Model Number: VLCDS24517-1W
Serial Number:
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ViewSonic N1700w 3
Getting Started
Congratu lations on your purchas e of a ViewSonic
Nex TVision
Important! Save th e or igin al box an d all pac king mate rial for futu re shi pping
The NexTVision line of displays is the next innovation from ViewSonic.
Through the us e of the new VX P port ( located on the r ear of the monitor)
numer ous expansion options are available for your NexTVi sion display.
Package Contents
Your NexT Vi sion pack age includes :
• NexTVision N1700w Display
• Remote Control (included b attery)
• US Power cord
• Schuk o (Eur ope) Power cord
• Analog VGA Video Cable
• Audio c able (ste reo mini jack)
• AC/DC Adapter
• ViewSonic W izar d CD-ROM and Quick Star t Guide
• The package may also inc lude a VXP Adapt er depending on region of
purch ase
NOTE:Th e Vie wSonic W izar d C D i nclud es the Us er G uide P DF fil es an d INF /ICM d ispl ay
optimi zation f iles . Th e INF fil e ens ures c ompatibil ity with W indows o per ating sys tems, and the
ICM fil e ( Image C olor Ma tching ) ens ure s a ccur ate on- s cre en col or s. Vi ewSonic re comm ends
that you install bot h files.
Sit at least 18 " fr om y our N exT Vis ion
dis play.
Avoid touching the screen. Skin oils are
diff ic ult to rem ove.
Never remove the rear cover. Yo ur
Ne xTVi si on dis play c ontains high- voltage
part s. You may be s eri ousl y injur ed if you
touch them.
Avoi d expos ing your NexT Vision d ispl ay to
dir ect s unl ight or another heat s ourc e.
Ori ent your N exT Vis ion d ispla y away from
dir ect s unligh t to reduce glare.
Al w ays handle your N exT Vis ion d ispl ay
wi th c a r e whe n m ov i n g i t.
Place y ou r NexTVision display in a w ell
ventila ted area. D o not plac e anything on
your NexTV isio n dis play tha t pr events h eat
dis sipa tion.
Ensure t he area arou nd th e NexTVision
dis play is clean and fr ee o f moi stur e.
Do not place hea vy objec ts on th e
Ne xTVi si on dis play, video cabl e, or power
If smok e, abnor mal noise , or str ange odor
is pres ent, im medi ately switch the
Ne xTVi s ion di spla y off a nd c all your deale r
or Vie w Sonic . It is danger ous to con tinue
usi ng the NexT Vi si on disp lay.
ViewSonic N1700w 4
Quick Installation
1 Remove two rear panel covers
2 Connect power cord and AC/DC
3 Connect video cable
Make sure bot h t h e LCD display and
com puter are turn ed OFF
Co nnect the video c able f rom the LCD
display t o t h e computer
Macintosh users: Mo dels older than G3
r equire a Ma cintos h adapter . Atta ch the
adapter to the c ompu ter and plug the video
cab le into the adapter . T o or der a
Vi ewSonic® Mac intos h ada pt e r, co nt act
Vi ewSonic Customer Support.
4 Turn ON LCD display and computer
T ur n O N th e LC D d is pl ay, the n tur n O N th e
NOTE: W ind ows us ers may r ecei ve a
message asking them to install the INF file .
T his is on the CD .
5 Insert the ViewSonic Wizard CD into
the computer’s CD drive.
Fol low the on-sc ree n instr uc tions If your
co mputer does not have a CD -R OM dri ve,
se e “Cu stom er S uppor t."
(1) W ai t for the C D- ROM to auto- start.
If the CD -R OM does not auto-s tart:
doubl e-c lic k on the CD - ROM icon in the
W in dows Expl ore r, then do uble- cli ck on
(2) Fo llow the on- sc ree n ins truc tions .
6 Audio Installation (optional)
Speakers Connect the audi o cabl e (li ne
co lor) to the AUD IO OU T por t of your
com puter’ s s ound c ard, then to the LC D
display’s AUD IO IN (line color) port (see
il lustr ation bel ow).
7 Windows users: Set the timing mode
(resolution and refresh rate)
Example: 1 280 x 768 @ 60 Hz.
For instr uc tions on c hangi ng the res olution
and ref r esh r ate, see the gr aphic car d’s us er
guide .
8.Installation is complete. Enjoy your
new ViewSonic, LCD display.
Y o u can register y o ur product onlin e at th e
websi te for your r egi on. See the Cus tomer
Supp ort table i n this guid e. (page 32)
udio In
Video(D-sub) IN
Rear panel
Power cord and
C/DC adapter
Power IN
Compute r
power cord
udio Out
C outl et
ViewSonic N1700w 5
Installation of Wall Mount (Optional)
To obtain a wall-mounting kit, contact ViewSonic or your local dealer. Refer
to the ins truction s th at co me with the Wall M ount kit. To con vert your Dis play
from a des k-mount ed to a wall-mounted display, do the following:
Four sc rew holes for wall mount
1. Disconnec t Power.
2. La y t he Display f ace do wn on a
towel or blank et.
3. Remote the 4 s cr ews holding
the desk mo unt
4. Remote the four rubbe r plugs
5. Attac h the mounting brack et
from the VESA co mpatib le wall
mounting kit (100 mm x 100
mm size).
6. Atta c h the Display to the wall,
following the instr uctions in the
wall-mounting kit.
ViewSonic N1700w 6
Using the Display (PC)
Setting the Timing Mode (PC RGB Input)
Sett ing th e tim ing mo de is im porta nt fo r ma ximizi ng th e qual ity of the s cr een
image and minimizing eye strain. The timing mode consist s of the
resolution (example 1280 x 768) and refresh rate (or vertical frequency;
example 60 Hz). After s etting the timing mode, use the OSD controls to
adjust the s c reen image.
NOTE: For t he best p ictur e qua lity set your NexTVisi on
displ ay tim ing mo de
to: 1280 x 768 @ 60Hz.
To set the Timing Mode:
1. Set the r esolution: Right- click o n the W indows desk top > Pr operties
>Settings > se t the re solution.
2. Set the r efres h rate: See your graphic card's us er guide for instr uctions .
: Do not set the graphics car d in your computer to exceed the
maximu m refresh rate o f 75Hz; do ing so may resul t in perma nent damage to
your Display.
ViewSonic N1700w 7
Connecting AV or adding a TV
Your NexTVision Display is compat ible with most AV devices by way of the
innovative VXP port. (As like follow VXP25 figure).
Dependi ng on where p urchas ed, your disp lay may a lread y include a VXP TV
Module or VXP Video Adapter Module that allows connec tion to mos t AV
Devic es. Thes e mo dules ma y als o be p urchas ed sep aratel y, p leas e contac t
ViewSonic for more informat ion (www.viewsonic .c om).
Further detail about AV c onnections are available wi thin the pack age of the
VXP adapter included.
VXP25 figure
ViewSonic N1700w 8
ls o a shor tcut to displ ay the C ontras
adjus tment c ontrol sc reen.
(Navigates down or up while in OSD)
Displays the Main Menu or
exits the control sc reen and
sav e s adj u stm en t s.
Adjusting the Screen Image
Use t he buttons on the fr ont c ontrol panel (or included remote contr ol) to
display and adjust the On Scr een Display (OSD)
contro ls whic h display on
the sc reen. The OSD cont rols are explained at the top of the next page and
are defined in “Main Menu Controls” on page 12.
Mai n Menu with OSD
c ontrols
Front Control Pane l
show n below in detail
Sc rol ls thr ough menu option s a nd
adjus ts the dis played contr ol.
Power light
Gr een = O N
Ora nge = P ower
Powe r On / O ff
Used to in voke and
OSD sele ct io n
Decreases or in crease s
(Na vigates left or right while inside
of OSD)
ViewSonic N1700w 9
Shortc uts allo w quic k ac ces s to co mmonly us ed fu nct ions withou t na viga ting
through the OSD. The following shortc uts are available:
Button Combinations Function
(Hold for 0.5 Sec)
AUTO T UN E . A u tomatically adj u st s
Image Size, Position, and Phase.
[MUTE] + [RIGHT] +
[D O WN]
(Hold for 3.0 Sec)
(W hen OSD NOT
Input Select . Ju mps dir ect ly to next Input .
(W hen OSD NOT
(W hen OSD NOT
(W hen OSD NOT
Channel UP
(only when VXP TV Tuner Adapter is
pres ent)
(W hen OSD Not Active)
Channel DOWN
(only when VXP TV Tuner Adapter is
pres ent)
ViewSonic N1700w 10
Remote Controls
Inc luded with t he N170 0w Displ ay is a credit card siz ed remote con trol. I t
allo ws eas y adj ustme nt of all ava ilab le optio ns. Ad diti onall y, when a VX P
compat ible a dapter is insta lled, fur ther utilit y is g ained fr om the rem ote by
allowing easy acces s to commonly used f unctions.
The Remote Control is compatible with the display from up to 5m distance.
POWER: Turn Power On /Off
RECALL: Recall previous channel *
POP: D isplay TV M ult i-Window*
PIP: Display Video Windo w ov er Data. Press t o
t oggl e be t ween PI P wind ow Si z e s.*
INPUT: Press to cycle among all available Inputs.
Channel: Press t o change Channel*
Volume: Press to modify audio volume level.
Pr e ss to MUTE the b ui l t-i n spe a ke rs.
SEL : Channel select conf irmat ion.
Enter: OS D confirma tion ke y
Press to ZOOM (Magnify) the curre nt
scre en .
FREEZE: Pres s to ‘FREEZE’ the Current screen.
MENU: P re ss to ca l l th e OSD . Pr e ss to b ack
up a ‘level’ i n the OSD structure. P r ess to
exit the OS D.
‘*’ Requi res a c ompatibl e VXP adapter to fun ction.
‘**’ Additional inputs are available wit h compatible VXP
adapte r.
ViewSonic N1700w 11
To adjust the screen image:
1. To display the OSD main menu, pres s button
of front bez el or the
MENU key of the remo te c ontroller. User can use the four ar row keys to
mov e the mark er. Pres sing MENU key w hen in the menu shall exit the
OSD menu.
NOTE: All OSD menus and adjustment sc reens Time- out automatically
after about 30 s econds .
2. The O SD is organ ized int o “TA BS” and “PA GES” pres sing or scroll s
through TABS. Pr ess ing
navigates through the Pages.
3. After a pag e is sel ected, pre ss but ton [Ent er]. A contr ol sc reen like t he one
shown below appears.
4. To save the adjus tments and exit the mark er, pres s butt on [Enter].
The following tips may help you optimize your display:
Adjust your comp uter's gra phic car d so t hat it outp uts a video s ign al 1280
x 768@ 60 Hz to the Display. (Look f or ins truct ions on “changing the
refr esh rate” in your graphic ca rd's us er guide.)
If neces sary, make s mall adjustments us ing H POSITION and V
POSI TION un ti l the s cr een image is com plete l y visibl e. ( The b lack b order
around the edge of th e s c reen should barely touch the illuminated “act ive
area” of the NexTVision
The left
rrow de creases,,
ri ght arr ow
Th e other li nes of
the s cr een tel l you
what you can do
ViewSonic N1700w 12
Main Menu Controls
Func tion t abs includ e S ystem, V id eo, TV, Audio, Par en tal Contro l and OS D.
The selected Tab (Ex: SYSTEM is shown) is divided into ‘pages’ with that
include multiple f unctions. (Ex: PICTU R E PAGE is s hown)
Each p age shall have items that may be adjusted (Contr ast being shown
bel o w).
Note that the MARKER can be moved acros s the MAIN tabs horiz ontally.
Once a tab is selec ted by pressing ENTER then the sub tabs s hall be
displays. Please adjust t he menu items shown below by using th e up
buttons .
System Tab
Picture Page
The Picture page allows adjustment or pic ture related items .
shall be u sed to navi gate acros s the vertical t abs ( C ontrast,
Brightness , etc) .
Press ing ENTER shall invoke the selec tion (Contras t is shown).
keys s hall be used to chang e the sele cted bar ’s value.
Time out or MENU shall exit the OSD.
ViewSonic N1700w 13
Function Explanation
CONTRAST Adju sts the Contras t ratio of the image.
BRIGHTNESS Adju sts the ba ckl ight ( bri ghtness ) of the mo nitor.
a. Th is contr ol i s “ Dis able d” when a Full Scr een P C Sour ce is
dis played.
b. If a Full S cr een PC Sour ce and Video PIP is pres ent, the contro l
shall o nly affect the PIP.
c. Only present if compatible VXP adapter is detected .
SHARPNESS For Full Sc r een Video adj usts the Video SH AR PNE SS.
a. Has no effe ct on Full Screen PC Source.
b. If PC + PIP W ind ow, onl y affec ts PIP Sour ce.
c. Only present if compatible VXP ad apter is detected
Hue Adju sts the V IDEO HUE Level . On ly affec t s F ull Scre en Video and PI P
Video O nly.
a. W hen FU LL SCR EE N PC is dis played, c ontro l sh all be grayed
b. Only p resen t if compatible VX P adapter is detected.
DEFAULT Shal l res tor e all func tio ns to the fac tory default.
ViewSonic N1700w 14
Color Page
and shall be u sed to navigate ac ross the vertical tabs (9300K,
6500K, etc ).
Press ing enter shall activate the selection.
Time out or MENU shall exit the OSD.
Function Explanation
DEFAULT / 9300K /
6500K / 5000K /
User Color
Th is c ontr ol s hall s et the app arent “W hite” poi nt of a ll d ispl ayed images .
a. DEFAULT = Hi-Brightness
b. 93 00K = PR ES ET W H ITE POINT . Mor e blue bias .
c . 6500K = PR ESE T W HIT E P OINT . “ T V” s tandar d c olor
d. 5000K = PR ES ET W HIT E P OINT . Mor e “ Red” bias .
Re sets the panel Color T emp eratur e to “ DE FAU LT ”.
These s ettings wil l be ‘remembered’ bas ed on eac h active video input.
ViewSonic N1700w 15
LCD Adjust Page
and sh all be us ed to navi gate acros s the vertical t abs (H. Size, H.
Position, et c).
Press ing enter shall invoke the select ion (H. Size is s hown)
and keys shall be used to change t he selec ted bar’s value.
Time out or MENU shall exit the OSD.
Function Explanation
All ows the adju stment of H orizon tal Si ze of the image. N or mall y not
required to adjust as the mon ito r will auto matically catch th e correct
H POSITION Allows the adjustment of th e Horizontal Position of the image. Normally
not required t o adju st as the monitor w ill automatically catch t he correct
V POSITION All ows the adj ustment of the V erti cal Pos ition of the i mage. N orma lly
not required t o adju st as the monitor w ill automatically catch t he correct
FINE TUNE All ows the adjus tment of ra ndom hor izontal noi se in the im age.
N ormal ly not r equir ed to ad just a s the m onitor will automatic ally ca tch
the co rr ect s etting.
SMOOTHING W hen the monitor is dis pl aying a non -nati ve (128 0*768) sig nal. This
con trol all ows a Trade- ff between “s mooth fon t s”
For Full Scr een P C Sour ce, ac ts as a ‘r esol ution sm oothing’ fil ter f or
non-n ative r esol ution. ( i.e. 640*48 0, 1024*7 68)
There is 5 Settings to this Filter when in PC mode. 0 is no filtering, 5 is
maximu m fil tering ( mor e Blur r y, but more fi lter ing)
AUTOSYNC At tempts to automatic ally fine tune. Th e image fo r bes t pictur e quali ty.
For bes t res ult s et dis play c ard to 1280*7 68@60H z.
DEFAULT Res tores all se ttings to def ault.
ViewSonic N1700w 16
Settings Page
and keys shall be used to navigate to the se lec tion (Off, 15
minutes, etc .)
Press ing enter shall invoke the selection (Off is sh o wn)
Time out or MENU shall exit the OSD..
Function Explanation
SLEEP All ows the us er to selec t a p res et amoun t of tim e bef ore the system
turns itself ‘OF F” and pu t the moni tor i nto D PMS St ate. Requir es
conne ction of c ompatibl e VXP adapter .
Closed Caption All ows the us er to sel ect the type of clos ed captio n req uired . Req uires
conne ction of co mpatible V XP adapter.
PIP Source Def ines the sourc e fr om where the PIP is to be displ ayed when
activated by the Rem otes “ P IP” button. Requi re s co nnec tion of
com patible VXP adapter.
DEFAULT Re tu rns th is page bac k to f act or y def au lt s etti ng s.
ViewSonic N1700w 17
Image Scale Page
and shall be us ed to navigate acros s th e horiz ontal tabs ( Scale
Mode and As pect Ratio) .
ke ys s hall be used to na viga te to the selec tion ( Full Scan , 1:1,
Press ing enter shall invoke the selection (1:1 is sh own)
Time out or MENU shall exit the OSD.
Function Explanation
SCALE MODE 1. These checkb oxes d eterm ine how an i ncom ing P C or video s igna l is
s caled to be di spla y ed on a panel.
a. Full S cr een = Dis plays the inc omin g sign al and sc ales the imag e
to us e A LL avail able pi xels on the s cr een.
b. 1:1 = Dis plays the imag e in it’s ‘ native’ resol ution usi ng exactl y a
one to one co rr espond enc e in i nput vs . output pixels . A “Bl ack
Box” sha ll s urr ound al l non- us ed pixel s.
c. Aspec t Ratio = S cal es the imag e as lar ge as pos si ble, but
mai nt ain the s ignal ’s co rr ect as pec t ratio. N on- used area of the
sc reen sh all be ‘blac k -boxed’
DEFAULT Res tore s al l c ontrols to f actory def ault.
ViewSonic N1700w 18
TV Tab (Requires connection of compatible VXP Adapter)
Setup Page
and shall be us ed to navigate acros s th e avai labl e options
(Tuner I nput, Channel Setup and Add/Erase Channel).
and keys shall be used to navigate to the se lection (Antenna,
CATV, HRC, etc.) .
Press ing enter shall invoke the selection (Antenna is s hown).
Time out or MENU shall exit the OSD.
Function Explanation
C H A N N E L : XX X YYYYY . T h is i s i nf o r m a ti o na l T ex t d i s pl a yi ng th e
c ur r e nt c h an n el ( X XX ) a nd C u r r e nt C h an n el L a be l ( YYYYY) i f a n y.
TUNER INPUT Allows the u ser to sel ect the type of sign al ap plied to the T V INP UT .
1. Only one box (ANT ENNA, CATV , HRC, IRC) shal l be s electable at a
2. This c ontrol s op tions w ill var y by regio n.
AUTO SCAN If s elected, i nitiates a C hannel AutoS can. T he M onitor shal l s can an d
find all ‘active’ chan nels.
All ows the us er to add/er ase the cur rent c hannel (D ispl ayed as s tatic
text on top of page) to the i ntern al databas e of acti ve chan nels .
ViewSonic N1700w 19
Channel Label Page
, , and shall be used to navigate acros s the text field
Press ing enter to invoke the charac t er selection
Navigate to DELETE and press ente r to r emove the last entered text
Navigate to END and press enter to s ave and exit
Time out or MENU shall exit the OSD
This page allows the user to enter in the cu rrent c hannel’s 5- Character
label. When user clicks “ADD” the proc ess is c omplete and the cur sor
shall jump back to “ CH ANNEL LABEL” tab.
Note: Only present if VXP TV Adapter or s imilar adapter is detect ed.