DOD RX7W Hardware Installation Manual

Drive recorders
Hardware Installation Manual


The DOD RX7W is a dash cam that records video in 1080P resolution at 30 frames per second. It has a wide-angle lens that captures a wide field of view, and it uses a Sony Exmor sensor for high-quality images. The RX7W also has a built-in G-sensor that automatically detects and protects important footage in the event of an accident.

In addition to its video recording capabilities, the RX7W also has a number of other features that make it a versatile and user-friendly device. These features include:

  • A built-in microphone for recording audio
  • A speaker for playback of recorded audio and video


The DOD RX7W is a dash cam that records video in 1080P resolution at 30 frames per second. It has a wide-angle lens that captures a wide field of view, and it uses a Sony Exmor sensor for high-quality images. The RX7W also has a built-in G-sensor that automatically detects and protects important footage in the event of an accident.

In addition to its video recording capabilities, the RX7W also has a number of other features that make it a versatile and user-friendly device. These features include:

  • A built-in microphone for recording audio
  • A speaker for playback of recorded audio and video
電源開 關
選單/S OS緊急檔案 鎖
4 方向下
5 錄影/拍照/確 認
6 模式/麥克 風開關(長按)
7 麥克風
8 重置鍵
10 SD卡槽
11 AV輸出介 面
12 HDM I輸出介面
USB /車充電源插 孔
13 喇叭
14 固定 帶
16 顯示 螢幕
1 如 果汽 車檔 風玻 璃內 外有 漬、 指紋 劃其 他髒 汙, 請先 擦拭 乾
後再 安裝 。
2 請 先將 記憶 卡依 指定 方向 入主 機, 並用 固定 帶將 主機 與後 視
固定 。
3 安 裝時 請調 整鏡 頭至 最佳 置( 注: 不要 被後 視鏡 檔住 )。
4 使 用固 定帶 時請 將固 定帶 調 整至 最緊 ,避 免鬆 動掉 落, 多
可以 剪掉 。
5 安裝 好後 請將 鏡頭 與螢 的保 護膜 撕掉 ,以 免錄 影時 影響 畫質 。
1、當車 輛熄火後點 煙器仍供電 的使用者, 請在離開車 子時務必將 點
煙器插 頭拔起。
2、請使 用8GB Cla ss 6以上規格 的Micor S D卡。
3、檔案 被保護鎖定 後,此檔案 在錄影中不 會被刪除, 機器最多保 護
鎖定10筆 ,超過10筆會 自動將最舊 的保護檔轉 成一般檔, 持續
錄影仍 會被刪除。
停止錄 影後按一下M ENU鍵進入 錄影設定。
動畫尺 寸:設定動 畫尺寸大小 。
攝影亮 度調整:設 定攝影明暗 度大小。
白平衡 :針對環境 光源進行調 整。
錄音: 開啟或關閉 錄音功能。
日期水 印:開啟或 關閉日期記 錄功能。
分段攝 影:設定分 段攝影時間 或關閉分段 攝影功能。
重力感 應:設定G- Senso r觸發檔案保 護的靈敏度 。
移動攝 影:開啟或 關閉移動攝 影功能。
車牌顯 示:可在視 頻上顯示車 牌號碼。
密碼設 置:設定系 統操作密碼 並保護文件 安全。
動態: 全時開啟。
停止錄 影後按二下M ENU鍵進入 系統設定。
格式化 :將記憶卡 進行格式化 ,格示化前 請先備份資 料
語言選 擇:支援多 國語言,可 依您的喜好 調整。
日期/時間 :更改系統 時間。
頻率: 調整使用環 境的光源頻 率。
按鍵音 :開啟或關 閉按鍵音功 能。
屏幕保 護:設定螢 幕自動關閉 時間,或永 遠開啟。
TV 出: 影像輸 出時 ,可調整NT SCPAL
系統版 本:查看系 統版本號。
恢復預 設值:將所 有設定回復 至原廠預設 狀態。
3、錄影 模式
4、動態 尺寸
6、攝影 亮度調整
5 3、分段 攝影 分鐘
7、麥克 風
2、錄影 圖示
1WDR功 能全時開啟
9 位移攝 影
11、記 憶卡圖示
12、錄 影時間
13、日 期顯示
8、連接 電源充電
10、當 前時間
14、白 平衡
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8
11 12
1、在錄 影中,汽車 前方擋風玻 璃無隔熱紙 或貼膜,錄 影效果則最 佳。
2、車前 擋風玻璃, 內外請保持 清潔,避免 影響錄影畫 面品質。
3、雨天 錄影時,如 發現雨刷刷 不乾淨玻璃 ,請及時更 換雨刷,避 免造
成雨天 錄影品質不 佳。
4、天晴 錄影時,錄 影畫面品質 最佳,但注 意如在逆光 環境下錄影 ,畫
面則較 暗,此為正 常現象。
5、為了 呈現更好的 視頻及音頻 效果,建議 使用以下播 放軟體播放 :
暴風影 音、Wind ows Med ia Play erQ uick Ti me P layer
6、本機 經過耐高 溫 測試;但 了 保障更長的 壽命,夏日 車內高溫,
如本機 無需工作, 建議移到陰 涼處。
1、插入 記憶卡
2、將車 用電源分別 插入汽車點 煙頭與主機
3、發動 汽車
4、主機 開機,系統 將會自動開 始錄影
1、停止 錄影後按二 下MODE鍵進 入影片播放 模式。
2、按上 下鍵選擇到 想要播放的 影片。
3、按下 確認鍵開始 播放影片。
4、再一 次按下確認 鍵暫停播放 影片。
播放流 程
1、停止 錄影後按二 下MODE鍵進 入影片播放 模式。
2、按上 下鍵選擇到 想要刪除的 影片。
3、按下M ENU鍵進入 選單進行影 片刪除或全 部刪除。
影片刪 除
播放10 80P 30f ps影像電腦 規格 建議
1int el C ore 2 D uo 2.0G Hz CPU
22G以上D DRII記憶 體
3、支援D irect X 10 上規格 之顯示卡
14 14 15
1. 2. 3.
1、Power switch
2MEN U/SOS E merge nc y Fil e
Loc k(Lon g press )
5Vid eo Reco rdi ng /Came ra
/Co nfirm
6MOD E/Mut e Mo de (Lon g press )
7、Mic ropho ne
Video-Play Operation
1After stopped recording, press MODE to enter the video-play
2Press UP or Down to select the desired video to play.
3Press CONFIRM to start playing video.
4Press CONFIRM again to pause the video.
Delete Video
1After stopped recording, press MODE to enter the video-play
2Press UP or Down to select the desired video to delete.
3Press MENU, enter the menu to delete the video or delete all.
Play on Computer
Recommended PC requirements for 1080P 30fps video playing:
1intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz or above CPU
22G or above DDRII RAM
3Graphic card supports DirectX 10 or above
System Settings
Video Playback
Software Operation
Power On/Off
Switch On
Please connect the vehicle cigarette lighter and start the engine, the
device will be switched on immediately.
When car engine stooped or car power disconnected, the device will
shutdown in 10 seconds automatically.
1For the users whose vehicle cigarette lighter keeps power
supplying after the engine stopped, please unplug the car
charger before leaving the vehicle.
2Please use Class 6 or above Micro SD card.
3Once the file be protected, the file will not be deleted by loop
recording. The device can protect up to 10 files, if the 11th file be
protected, the oldest protected file will be turned to unprotected
file which will be deleted by looping recording.
1Insert the memory card.
2Connect the car charger into the vehicle cigarette lighter
and the device.
3Start the vehicle.
4The device be turned
on, and start recording
1Please clean the oil, fingerprint or any other filth on windshield
before installing.
2Please insert the memory card into device as instruction, and
use the belt fixer to attach the device on rear view mirror.
3Please adjust the lens to the best position.(Note: don't be
blocked by the rear view mirror.)
4Please tighten the belt fixer to prevent loosing, users can shear
the unnecessary belt.
5Please remove the protect film on lens and LCD before recording
to ensure the best picture quality.
Installation and Fixation
Hardware Installation Guide
Thank you for purchasing Our company product,
please following the instruction to use the device
Our company products are made of top materials to
provide the best quality product with the best image
quality to all customers.
Recording notes
1Recording in a car without film on windshield can ensure the
best image recorded.
2 Please keep the windshield clean to prevent bad influence
on image quality.
3 If windshield wiper can't clean the windshield, please
replace it with a new one, or the image quality in the rainy
day will be influenced.
4 Image quality will be better while recording in a sunny day, but
please note in backlight position the image will be darker, it's
the normal reaction while image sensor face the light straightly.
5 In order to present a better video and audio quality, we suggest
using the following player software: Storm video, Windows
Media Player,QuickTime Player.
Product Structure
Recording Settings
Recording image
Standby Image
6 After the machine high and low temperature testing; But in order
to ensure a longer life, summer heat inside the car, such as the
machine without work, the proposed move to the shade.
Dis play Sc reen
Spe aker
Fix ing Str ap
15Le ns
8Res et key
Power Su pp ly Ja ck
USB /Vehic le C harge r
10SD C ard Slo t
11AV Ou tput Port
12HD MI Outp ut Jack
After stopped recording, press MENU to enter the recording
Toggle on the WDR function.
ResolutionSet the recording resolution.
ExposureSet the exposure value.
White Balance: Adjust for ambient light.
Record AudioToggle on or off the sound recording function.
Date StampToggle on or off the data stamp function.
Loop recordingSet the video length in recording cycle mode, or
toggle off record cycle function.
GsensorSet the sensitivity level of the G-sensor file protection .
Motion DetectionToggle on or off the motion detection recording
Plate stamp: can display the registration number on the
Password settings: Set the system operation and to protect the
password file security.
After stopped recording, press MENU twice to enter the system
Format Format the memory card; please backup your data
before formatting.
LanguageSupport multiple languages; you can choose the
language according to your preferences.
Date/TimeSet the system time.
FrequencyAdjust the light frequency of use of the
Beep SoundSwitch on or off the system beep indicator.
Screen SaverSet the screen automatic off time, or set it as
always on.
TV ModeYou can toggle between NTSC and PAL when in video
output mode.
Version Check the system version number.
Default SettingReset all the settings to the default state.
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8
11 12
1、WDR wor ks all time
2、Recording ima ge
3、Recording mod e
5、Loop recording in 3 minutes length
7、Microph one
8、Power connected
9、Motion Detectio n
11、Memor y Card icon
12、Recording ti me
14、Whit e Ba la nce
13 14 14 15
1. 2. 3.
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DOD RX7W Hardware Installation Manual

Drive recorders
Hardware Installation Manual


The DOD RX7W is a dash cam that records video in 1080P resolution at 30 frames per second. It has a wide-angle lens that captures a wide field of view, and it uses a Sony Exmor sensor for high-quality images. The RX7W also has a built-in G-sensor that automatically detects and protects important footage in the event of an accident.

In addition to its video recording capabilities, the RX7W also has a number of other features that make it a versatile and user-friendly device. These features include:

  • A built-in microphone for recording audio
  • A speaker for playback of recorded audio and video

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