Product Name Remote Control and Receiver for
Media Center PC with Windows
Wireless Laser Desktop 6000 Wireless Media Desktop 3000 Wireless Optical Desktop 3000 Wireless Optical Desktop 700 Ergonomic Value Pack Black Value Pack 3.0 Black Value Pack 2.0
Number/Type Batteries 2 AA Alkaline Batteries (incl.) 4 AA Alkaline Batteries (incl.) 4 AA Alkaline Batteries (incl.) 4 AA Alkaline Batteries (incl.) 2AA & 2AAA Alkaline Batteries (incl.) N/A N/A N/A
Units per Distribution Carton 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Part Number
A9O-00001 English w/Teletxt
A9O-00002 French w/Teletxt
A9O-00003 Italian w/Teletxt
A9O-00004 German w/Teletxt
A9O-00005 Dutch w/Teletxt
69M-00008 EngBrit
69M-00016 Greek
69M-00018 Turkish
69M-00020 English Intl Euro
Z7A-00008 EngBrit
Z7A-00010 English Euro
Z7A-00012 French
Z7A-00014 Greek
Z7A-00016 Turkish
Z7A-00018 English ROW
Z7A-00021 German
69N-00015 EngBrit
69N-00017 French
69N-00019 Portuguese
69N-00021 Greek
69N-00023 Turkish
69N-00025 Eng Intl Euro
69N-00027 Arabic
69N-00029 Russian
69N-00031 Hungarian
69N-00037 Belgium Azerty
69N-00039 Italian
69N-00041 Spanish
69N-00043 FI/SV
69N-00045 Danish
69N-00047 German
JUA-00001 Arabic
JUA-00013 EngBrit
JUA-00009 English Euro
JUA-00017 French
JUA-00019 German
JUA-00021 Greek
JUA-00023 Portuguese
JUA-00025 Russian
JUA-00027 Spanish
JUA-00029 Turkish
FA6-00002 German
FA6-00006 EngBrit
FA6-00008 English Euro
QQA-00029 All Nordic
QQA-00003 Arabic
QQA-00005 EngBrit
QQA-00007 English Euro
QQA-00011 French
QQA-00017 German
QQA-00019 Greek
QQA-00021 Hebrew
QQA-00023 Portuguese
QQA-00025 Russian
QQA-00027 Turkish
S82-00029 EngBrit
S82-00030 English Euro
S82-00033 FI/SV
S82-00034 French
S82-00035 French Belgium
S82-00036 Greek
S82-00037 Portuguese
S82-00038 Turkish
S82-00039 Arabic
S82-00042 German Switz
S82-00044 German
S82-00046 Danish
S82-00052 Russian
Technology Feature Comparison
Wireless Technology Infrared 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz IntelliType/IntelliPoint
Software Included IntelliType/IntelliPoint IntelliType/IntelliPoint IntelliType/IntelliPoint IntelliType/IntelliPoint IntelliType/IntelliPoint
Mouse Feature Comparison
Matching Mouse (Desktops Only) Wireless Laser Mouse 5000 Wireless Laser Mouse 5000 Wireless Optical Mouse Wireless Mouse 700 Comfort Optical Mouse 3000 Wheel Mouse Optical Black Wheel Mouse Optical Black
Microsoft® Technology High Denition Laser High Denition Laser Optical Optical High Denition Optical Optical Optical
Tilt Wheel Technology*
Mouse Battery Life (Months) 6 6 6 3
Keyboard Feature Comparison
Ergonomic Design Comfort Curve Comfort Curve, Compact Compact Split Ergonomic Compact
Palm Rest Integrated, Cushioned Integrated, Cushioned Integrated, Cushioned Integrated Detachable
Detachable Palm Lift
Thin Prole Keys
Special Keys / Buttons
Media Center Start, TV Power,
Backlit Remote
My Favorites, Multimedia,
Customizable Hot Keys,
Gadgets, Windows
Windows Live
My Favorites, Multimedia,
Customizable Hot Keys,
Multimedia, Customizable
Hot Keys
My Favorites, Multimedia,
Customizable Hot Keys
My Favorites, Multimedia,
Customizable Hot Keys
My Favorites, Customizable
Hot Keys
Enhanced or Lockable F Keys Both Both Both Both Both
Sleep or Log Off Keys Log Off Both
USB or PS/2 Dedicated
USB Keyboard
USB w/ PS/2 Mouse
USB w/ PS/2 USB w/ PS/2
Smart Receiver
*IntelliPoint 5.0 or higher required for Tilt Wheel functionality.
‡Magnier is a software feature. All products noted have a button assigned to this feature.
Products designed for System Builders. For additional technical info, see: www.microsoft.com/hardware/productdata
Product Warranty for all products: 3 years
Microsoft System Builder Hardware Web site: www.microsoft.com/hardware/systembuilders
Microsoft OEM System Builder Web site: www.microsoft.com/oem
Keyboard Product Line
System Builder Europe, Middle East, and Africa
Updated August 2008