Cameron, Julia (author and artist), 11
canvas print, 229–230
Captivate resource, 261
Cartier-Bresson, Henri (photographer), 58–59, 96
catch light, 57, 149, 266
cell phone
camera, 131
gallery, 231
centering the subject, 93, 99
chair, 81
charity, 261
children on swing, 22
children running, 22
Child’s Play resource, 260
Christmas tree light, 76
classic portrait style
clothing for, 118–122
as idealized version of childhood, 114
location, 115–118
low key photography, 114
storytelling, 114
studio photography, 114–115
Clickinmoms resource, 261
Clone tool, 219, 221–222
classic and romantic portrait style, 118–122
comfort, 118
distraction in, 118, 120
guidelines, 121
as mood enhancement, 120
shoes, 118
texture, 121
vintage, 118
clutter, 56
coffee table digital book, 231
actions and plug-ins, 224–225
black-and-white conversion, 223–224
enhancement, 245–248
color cast, 218, 266
color correction, 218
color temperature, 75–76
commercial reflector, 72–74
as arrangement of elements, 86
background distraction, 88–89
breaking the rule, 106–109
C-curve, 104
converging line, 103–104
diagonal lead-in line, 102
focus on feeling, 87
framing the image, 90–96
golden rectangle/divine proportion, 96
learning from mistake, 107
negative space in, 89–90
parallel line, 100–102
parent as prop, 97
photography assignment, 110
Rule of Thirds, 97–100, 268
S-curve, 104
simplicity in, 87–89
snapshot versus portrait, 86–87
straight line, 104
compromising light, 58–59
contemporary portrait style
advanced digital skills, 236, 238
background, 125
light, 124–125
location, 127, 129
media saturation, 126
negative space in, 124
photography assignment, 142
realistic photo in, 126
studio photography, 123–126
trend, 123
contouring light, 52–53, 70–71
contrast, 266
converging line, 103–104
Crave Photography resource, 261
breaking the rule, 106–109
inspiration source, 13–14
background distraction, 227
in camera, 90, 92–93
framing guidelines, 92–93
horizon line, 227
photography assignment, 232
sense of openness, 227
technique, 224–227
crying children, 163
culture, 11–12
curve, 104–106
custom white balance, 78
dawn, 42–43
daylight, 76
decisive moment (Cartier-Bresson), 58–59
deep depth of field, 24, 26–27
depth of field
basic description of, 24
defined, 266
narrow/shallow, 24, 26
photography assignment, 33
visualization example, 25
wide/deep, 24, 26–27
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