MamaRoo Sleep® Bassinet ‘Homing’ Instructions
To be utilized to ‘home’ a MamaRoo Sleep® Bassinet to prepare for shipment
back to 4moms.
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Power on the unit
2. Turn on rock-a-bye motion
3. Put the rock-a-bye setting on speed 1
a. 1 of 5 ‘bars’ should be lit to the right of the power button
4. When the bassinet is at its lowest, most ‘rear’ point on the unit, press the
power button (Video of motion attached for reference of when bassinet is
at its lowest, most ‘rear’ point)
5. The unit should now be off, and the bassinet is in the lowest, most
rearward position
6. You can now disassemble and package the unit