3.3 Fisrt time settings, connection and operation check
User GuideRG-1000e Remote Gateway R2.2.2 v2
Connect Black wire 2 - the negative lead "-" of Power cable to -V port of an power supply..
Attention! The RG-1000e GND bolt (or pin) of RG-1000e must be connected to the protective ground lead
of the room in which it is located.
Attention! 15.5 VDC is the maximum allowed power supply voltage for the RG-1000e . Higher voltage
values must not be used.
You have an option to build own power cable. See Appendix III for detailed information.
Attention! If RG-1000e is used with MOTOTRBO radios, RG-1000e can be powered via the Power
socket, Radio 1 interface socket, or Radio 2 interface socket.
If RG-1000e is used with non-MOTOTRBO radios, RG-1000e can be powered only via the Power socket.
It is recommended that you consider the RG-1000e power supplying carefully.
The following recommendations contain useful information how connect RG-1000e to power sources
·If only one MOTOTRBO radio is connected to the RG-1000e , the radio is the recommended power
source. The C-DM4 radio connection cable contains the required wires.
·If two MOTOTRBO radios are connected to the RG-1000e , you may get power from both connected
MOTOTRBO radios. In this case it is strongly recommended to use a shared DC power supply for both
connected MOTOTRBO radios. 13.8 VDC power supply with 30A current load is sufficient for this task.
·You can turn-on and turn-off the "Getting power from connected devices" option using CPS RG-1000e.
To do this, you need to open the Radio 1 or Radio 2 settings (see the figure below) and select or clear
the "Getting power from connected devices" check box.
Fig. 6 Enable\Disable getting power from a connected Mototrbo radio
If you clear the check box for both radios, the RG-1000e will be powered only via the Power socket.
Ensure that Power socket delivers power to the RG-1000e before turning off the option on both radios.
Attention! If the RG-1000e and mobile radios get power from independent power supply units, the
negative leads of all power supply units must be interconnected using the copper wire with a cross-
section area no less than 17 AWG (2 mm2).
3. Turn on the RG-1000e power supply.