Part 1 – Introduction
• Number of services and devices that can be registered and channels that recording, streaming, video analytics and
video wall are available for:
- Service Registration: One monitoring service, one to four streaming services, 32 video analytics services, 64
recording services, 64 recording redundant services, 64 backup services, 4 video wall services, the same number
of failover services as administration, monitoring, recording and video wall services. The number of streaming
services that can be registered diers depending on the type and number of WIBU-Keys purchased. Backup, video
wall, recording redundant, and failover services are sold separately.
- Device Registration: Maximum of 1,024 devices including devices which do not use the IDIS Solution Suite
protocol (The devices which do not use the IDIS Solution Suite protocol can be registered as the maximum
number between available recording channels and available streaming channels. For example, if your IDIS
Solution Suite software supports four-channel recording and eight-channel streaming, up to eight devices that do
not use the IDIS Solution Suite protocol can be registered.)
- Recording (not supported for DVRs): Maximum of four to 256 channels depending on the type and number of the
WIBU-Keys (up to 256 channels per recording server with up to 64 recording servers)
- Streaming: The number of channels that can be streamed equals the number of channels that can be recorded
unless streaming WIBU-Keys have been added (maximum of 512 to 2,048 channels depending on the type and
number of the WIBU-Keys when WIBU-Keys have been added).
- Video Analytics: Up to 8 channels per video analytics service are available.
• Ask your dealer or distributor about the number of channels that can be recorded or streamed using your IDIS Solution
Suite software. If the device is a four-channel network video transmitter which uses the IDIS Solution Suite protocol, all
four cameras are counted even if some of the four cameras are disabled, and four channels per network video transmitter
are deducted from the number of channels available for recording, streaming and video analytics.
• Several types of WIBU-Keys are available and support dierent numbers of channels for streaming, recording or backup.
You can increase the number of channels by buying additional WIBU-Keys.
• The IDIS Solution Suite Backup software is supported to allow you to build better surveillance systems. The IDIS Solution
Suite Recording Redundant and IDIS Solution Suite Failover software are supported to enhance system stability. Ask your
dealer or distributor about purchasing the software and details about it.
• This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.
• The software included in this product contains some Open Sources. You may obtain the complete corresponding source
code depending on whether or not the source is publicly available under a license policy. Go to Client Menu - About
page for more information. This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its
contributors, and software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.oepnssl.org/).
Also, this pr
oduct includes cr
yptographic software written by Eric
oung (
[email protected]), and soft
ware written by