Number of channels: 2
Analog bandwidth: 12 MHz
ADC Resolution: 8 bit
Sample rate: 50 MS/s (each channel)
Buffer length: 2000 points
DC accuracy: +/- 5%
Input impedance: 1 MΩ, in parallel with 20 pF
Input coupling: AC/DC
Time base range: 500 ns/div – 10 s/div
Vertical sensitivity: 10 mV/div – 1 V/div (1x)
Max input voltage: 8 Vpp (1x), 80 Vpp(10x)
Auto measure: Vmax, Vmin, Vamp, Freq, Period
Cursors: Period, Voltage
Trigger modes: Normal, Auto, Single, Scan
Trigger slope: Raising, Falling
Trigger source: CH1, CH2
Communication: Bluetooth Classic, SPP profile
Battery life: 5 hours
Charging time: 3 hours
Dimensions: 147 x 89 x 25 mm
Weight: 130 g
Supported OS: Android, Windows, Linux, OS X