The Poult ke is pogaed to ake poult dishes. You a use the "Adjust" ke to hage
the poult ookig e fo "Noal" to "Moe" o "Less" depedig o ou pefeee of
tetue ad the aout of poult ou put ito the pot. Poult eat is geeall easie to
ook tha pok, la ad eef ad hee a shote ookig e.
The Poidge ke is to ake poidge of aious gais. You a use the Adjust ke to selet a
ookig duao. The Noal duao is fo ie poidge. Fo a itue aious gais ad
eas, please hoose the "Moe" duao. S the Poidge efoe seig. Please ote, ae
the Poidge poga is ished, do NOT put stea elease hadle i eg posio;
otheise the poidge ill splae though the stea elease. Please use Natual Release.
The Bea/Chili ke is speiall fo ookig eas ad akig Chili. If ou at the eas ell
ooked, please use the Adjust ke to selet "Moe" duao.
The Rie ke is a full autoated sat poga fo ookig egula ie o paoiled ie. The
ookig e is adjusted autoaall depedig o the aout of ie. To ook ups of ie
usig easuig up poided, it takes aout iute pessue keepig e; fo ~ ups
of ie, it takes aout iute pessue keepig e; oe ups ill take loge e
aodigl. Total ookig e is ot displaed, heeas the pessue keepig e ill e
sho he okig pessue is eahed. The Adjust ke has o eet o this poga.
Please ote: You a ook as lile as oe up of ie ith the oet ao of ate.
The "Mulgai" ke is a poga fo ookig ied gais of ild ie, had o ie, ug
eas, et. Thee ae thee Adjust opos fo ulgai ie ookig. The "Noal" seg
has iutes of pessue ookig e. The "Less" seg has iutes of pessue
ookig e. The "Moe" seg has iutes of a ate soakig e ad iutes
of pessue ookig e. The "Moe" seg is suitale fo hade gais suh as d split
The Poidge ke is fo akig poidge of aious gais. You a use the Adjust ke to selet
a ookig e. The Noal seg is fo ie poidge. Fo a itue of aious gais ad
eas, please hoose the "Moe" seg. S the Poidge efoe seig. Please ote, ae
the Poidge poga is ished, do NOT put pessue elease hadle i the eg
posio, otheise the poidge ill splae out the pessue elease. Please use Natual
The Stea ke is desiged fo steaig puposes. You a stea egetales, seafood o eheat
food ith the stea ak poided. Whe steaig egetales ad seafood, please ote that
usig the Natual Release ethod fo eleasig stea ill likel oeook the food. You ill
eed to use the Quik Release ethod to elease the pessue as soo as the ookig e
has eahed.
Usig ~ ups l of ate is suiet fo steaig fesh ad foze egetales, ith
~ iute of pessue keepig e. Please use the + o - ke to hage the steaig
e. Please ote that ulike othe pessue ookig fuos, the Stea fuo heats at
full poe ouousl. This a u food that is i diet otat ith the oo of the
ie pot. Please use the tiet poided to eleate food aoe the ate. Use a etal asket
o oe safe glass/eai otaie that ts ito the ie pot to otai the food.
The Slo Cook" ke allos ou to use ou Istat Pot® as a oeoal slo ooke. The use
a hage the ookig e pessig the "+" o "-" ke to set the ookig e fo . to
hous. The "Adjust" ke allos the use to adjust the leel of heag as i tadioal slo
ookes. Please see the Slo Cookig seo fo its usage.
The Maual ke allos aual seg of ookig e. The e set i this ode is the pessue
ookig e, hih ill egi to out do he okig pessue is eahed. The
aiu pessue ookig e is iutes.