Instant Pot IP-DUO80 User manual

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Pogaale Eleti Pessue Cooke
Use Maual
Models: IP-DUO/
Septee 
Pitues i the tet ae fo efeee ol. Please efe to the atual podut.
Thak ou fo puhasig the ul-fuoal Istat Pot®. Please ead the Use Maual
aefull efoe use ad keep it i a oeiet plae fo futue efeee.
IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS ........................................................................................
Speial Cod Set Istuos ................................................................................
Podut Itoduo .................................................................................................
Podut Featues ..................................................................................................
Speiaos .......................................................................................................
Podut Aessoies Iluded...............................................................................
Podut Aessoies fo Puhase ........................................................................
Befoe the Fist Use ..................................................................................................
Istallig the Codesao Colleto ..................................................................
Reoig ad Istallig the A-Blok Shield .....................................................
Reoig ad Istallig the Sealig Rig .............................................................
Safe Lid Opeig...................................................................................................
Cookig Pepaao .............................................................................................
Cotols ad States of the Cooke .......................................................................... 
Cotol Pael ...................................................................................................... 
States of the Cooke ........................................................................................... 
Opeao Kes ................................................................................................... 
Fuo Kes ..................................................................................................... 
Cookig ith You Istat Pot® ............................................................................... 
Iial Test Ru .................................................................................................... 
Pessue Cookig ................................................................................................ 
Slo Cookig ...................................................................................................... 
Delaed Cookig ith Tie .............................................................................. 
Sautéig ............................................................................................................. 
Waig ............................................................................................................. 
Makig Yogut .................................................................................................... 
Makig Jiu Niag ................................................................................................ 
Adaed Opeaos ......................................................................................... 
Cae ad Maiteae ............................................................................................ 
Cleaig ............................................................................................................. 
Touleshoog ...................................................................................................... 
Liited Waat ..................................................................................................... 
You Istat Pot® ooks ith pessue. Whe usig pessue ookes, asi safet peauos
should alas e folloed.
. Do ot touh hot sufaes of pessue ooke. Use hadles ol.
. This appliae should ot e used ea hilde o  idiiduals ith disailies o
liited koledge i usig pessue ookes.
. Do ot plae the pessue ooke i a heated oe o a hot sufaes.
. Etee auo ust e used he oig a pessue ooke otaiig hot liuids.
. Do ot use pessue ooke fo othe tha iteded use.
. Iteded fo outetop use. Fo Household use ol. Not fo outdoo use if uaeded.
. This appliae ooks ude pessue. Alas esue thee is a iiu of  easuig
up of liuid fo the ooke to pessuize. Ipope use a esult i saldig ijuies. Make
etai the uit is popel losed efoe opeag. Please see Cookig Pepaao.
. Fo all pessue ookig pogas, do ot ll the uit oe / full. Whe ookig foods
that epad duig ookig suh as gais, eas, ad died egetales, do ot ll the uit
oe / full. Oellig a ause a isk of loggig the pessue elease ale ad
deelopig eess pessue. Please see Cookig Pepaao.
. Be aae that etai foods, suh as applesaue, aeies, peal ale, oateal ad
othe eeals, split peas, oodles, aaoi, hua, ad spaghe a foa, foth, spue,
ad log the pessue elease. These food ites should ot e ooked i a pessue ooke.
. Alas hek the pessue elease ale, oat ale ad a-lok shield fo loggig
efoe use.
.Make sue the pessue elease hadle is i the sealig posio fo all pessue ookig
. Do ot ope the pessue ooke ul the uit has ooled ad all iteal pessue has
ee eleased. If the hadles ae diult to push apat, this idiates that the ooke is sll
pessuized – do ot foe it ope. A pessue i the ooke a e hazadous. Please see
Cookig Pepaao.
. Nee deep f o pessue f i the uit ith oil.
. To potet agaist eletial shok, do ot iese the od, poe plug, o appliae i
a liuid.
. Uplug fo poe outlet he ot i use ad efoe leaig. Allo the uit to ool
efoe pug o o takig o pats, ad efoe leaig. To disoet, tu a otol to
"o", the eoe plug fo the all outlet.
. Do ot opeate a appliae ith daaged od o plug, o ae the appliae
alfuos o has ee daaged i a ae.
. Use of aessoies ad pats that ae ot eoeded  Istat Pot® a ause
daages. Cook ol i the stailess steel ie ookig pot poided.
.Do ot let od hag oe edge of tale o oute, o touh hot sufaes.
.Do ot use this podut i a eletial sstes othe tha the Noth Aeia eletial
sstes ith oltage: -V~/Hz.
Model IP-DUO/ has a -pog goudig plug. To edue the isk of eleti shok, plug the
poe od ito a gouded eathed eletial outlet that is easil aessile. Model IP-DUO
has a polaized plug oe lade is ide tha the othe. To edue the isk of eleti shok, this
plug is iteded to t ito a polaized outlet i ol oe a. If the plug does ot t ito the
outlet, ip the plug. Do ot aept to odif the plug i a a.
Fo safet easos, the poe suppl od is desiged to e shot to iiize the possiilit of
etagleet o tippig.
WARNING: Spilled food a ause seious us. Keep appliae ad od aa fo hilde.
Nee dape od oe edge of oute, ee use outlet elo oute, ad ee use ith a
etesio od.
Istat Pot® is a oeiet, kithe-fiedl e ad spae sae. It is a -i- ul-fuo
ooke oiig the eets of a Pessue Cooke, Sauté Pa, Slo Cooke, Rie Cooke, Steae,
Yogut Make, ad Food Wae. Its  io-poesso otolled itelliget pogas ake ou
eeda ookig as eas as pessig a uo. It helps ou osee eeg  saig up to % of
eeg opaig ith oeoal ookig. I ost ases, ou Istat Pot® edues the
ookig e  %, ad pesees oe itais ad ieals i the food igediets.
Istat Pot® has eaed the etusted UL eao  goig though the igoous UL la
tesg. The podut has ee desiged to aoid the oouse eos ad safet hazads of
oeoal stoe-top pessue ookes though the use of  poe safet ehaiss ad
pateted tehologies. These ilude:  safet lid lok,  pessue egulato,  leak lid sat
deteo,  a-lokage et,  age seso fo lid posio deteo,  auto pessue
otol,  eess pessue poteo,  auto tepeatue otol,  high tepeatue
oitoig, ad  poe fuse ut o.
High safet stadad:  safet ehaiss ad UL safet eao. Please isit
.IstatPot.o fo detailed ifoao.
Mul-fuoal: Baisig, pessue ookig, steig, steaig, sieig, slo
ookig, sauté/oig, feeg, akig ogut ad keepig a.
 oeiet ookig pogas otolled  a iopoesso: Sipl pess oe of the
fuo kes to stat ookig. The iopoesso iside the ooke does ou jo to
otol the e, ookig pessue ad tepeatue.
Clea ad pleasat: Istat Pot® podues e lile heat, oise ad leaks alost o
stea. This keeps the aoas ad aos of igediets i the food ad ot i ou
Dual pessue segs fo fast ad eile ookig: Cookigith high pessue edues
ookig e  up to % ad lo pessue aoids oeookig deliate food.
Up to -hou of delaed ookig: Up to  hous of delaed stat. Pefet fo eal
Up to  iutes of aual ookig e seleo.
Auto keep a: Ae ookig, the keep-a fuo stats autoaall fo 
Dishashe safe stailess steel ie pot, lid ad stea ak.
Wokig pessue: High . ~ .psi  ~ kPa; Lo . ~. psi  ~ kPa
Pessue elease liit: .psi kPa
Wokig tepeatue: °C ~ °C °F ~ °F at high pessue seg; °C ~
°C  ~ °F at lo pessue seg.
Keep afuo: up to  hous  iutes,  ~ °C  ~ °F;
Slo Cookfuo: . ~  hous, at  ~ °C  ~ °F
Sautéfuo: Noalode:  ~ °C  ~ °F; Moeode:  ~ °C
 ~ °F; Lessode:  ~ °C  ~ °F.
Yogutfuo: up to  hous  iutes. Noalode fo akig ogut:  ~ °
C . ~ .°F; Lessode fo akig Jiu Niag feeted gluous ie:  ~ °C
 ~ .°F; Moefo pasteuizig ilk: ~°C ~°F.
Please ote that eepig is alas ON i all eo odios.
Model Poe
Poe Volue Ie Pot Size Weight Diesio
W  Qt  
.. i
. kg
. l
 
.. i
IP-DUO V~
W  Qt  
.. i
. kg
. l
.. 
... i
Aessoies Rie Paddle, Soup Spoo, Measuig Cup, Stea Rak, Codesao Colleto,
Use Maual ad Reipe Booklet.
Aessoies Iluded Iages Desipos
Stailess Steel Ie Pot -pl oo fo ee heag
Food gade  / stailess
Mio-polished sufae fo
eas leaig
Dishashe safe
Sealig Rig Duale food safe silioe
passig FDA stadads
Dishashe safe
Replae ee - oths o
he defoao is oed
Stailess Steel Tiet Stailess steel tiet to eleate
food fo ate fo steaig
Rie Paddle Rie paddle fo soopig out
ie o food otet
Stads up staight ad las at
Soup Spoo Soup spoo fo tasfeig
Hadle hooks oto ie pot
Measuig Cup Measuig up fo easuig
uat of food igediets
suh as ie, ul-gais, et.
Please ote that these aessoies a disoue ad e aessoies a eoe
aailale. Fo addioal puhases, eplaeets o the latest aessoies olleo, please
isit the Istat Pot esite at: .istatpot.o/stoe
Aessoies fo
Puhase Iages Desipos
Tepeed Glass
-ih diaete ts ost eleti pessue
ooke isets
Pofessioal gade tepeed glass ith stea
elease et ad stailess steel i
Cololess glass fo lea ieig
Dishashe safe
Silioe Mii Mi Food gade silioe passig FDA stadads
Dishashe safe
Ridged gippig sufae, o-sk
Cofotale ad eas to put o
Silioe Coe Ceates ai-ght ad ate-ght seal o the
Istat Pot® stailess steel ie pot
Dishashe safe
Food safe silioe passig FDA stadads
Stailess Steel
Stea Rak ith
Stailess steel stea ak to eleate food
otet fo ate fo steaig poga
Hadle desiged fo eas tasfeig of
stea ak ito ad out of ie pot
Please ote that these aessoies a disoue ad e aessoies a eoe
aailale. Fo addioal puhases, eplaeets o the latest aessoies olleo, please
isit the Istat Pot esite at: .istatpot.o/stoe
Befoe the st use, please take out all aessoies fo the pakage ad ead this aual
aefull. Please pa paula aeo to opeaoal istuos ad auos to aoid a
iju o popet daage. Please ash the iside of the lid ad the ie pot ith a soap
ate, ise ad d thooughl. Clea the outside of the ooke ase ith a lea dap loth.
Nee iese the ooke ase i ate o a othe liuid. Nee lea the ooke ase i the
dishashe. The lid ad sealig ig a e ashed i the dishashe. Make sue ate is full
daied ae ashig. Ispet the lid to esue that thee is o food deis lokig the ales.
Istallig the Codesao Colleto
To istall the odesao olleto,
slide it ito the slot o the ooke
ase. Follo the eese ode to
eoe it fo leaig.
Reoig ad Reistallig the A-Blok Shield
The a-lok shield a e
eoed  pushig it o the
side ad outad. To istall the
a-lok shield, posio it i
plae ad pess it do.
Reoig ad Istallig
the Sealig Rig
The sealig ig a e eoed 
pullig it outad, seo  seo,
fo the sealig ig ak. To eistall
the sealig ig, pess it do ito the
ak seo  seo. The sealig ig
a e istalled ith eithe side faig
Please ote the folloig:
Pio to eah use, ispet to ake sue the sealig ig is ell seated i the sealig ig
ak ad the a-lok shield is outed popel o the pessue elease ale. A
popel seated sealig ig a e shied, ith a it of eot, lokise o a-lokise
iside the sealig ig ak.
Ae use, eoe a food deis fo the sealig ig ad a-lok shield.
Keep the sealig ig lea to aoid odo. Washig the sealig ig i a soap ate o
dishashe a eoe odo. Hoee, it is oal fo the sealig ig to aso the sell
of etai aidi foods. It is eoeded to hae oe tha oe sealig ig at hoe.
You a puhase addioal sealig igs fo .IstatPot.o.
Nee pull the sealig ig  foe, as the foe a defo the sealig ig ad ig ak
ad aet the pessue sealig fuo.
A sealig ig ith aks, uts, o othe daages should e eplaed iediatel.
. Make sue the pessue ookig poga is oplete o pess Keep-Wa/Caelto
teiate the poga.
. Release pessue  oe of the folloig appoahes.
Quik Release:
Tu the pessue elease hadle to the "Veg" posio to let out stea ul the oat
ale dops do.
Please keep hads ad fae aa fo the opeig o the top of the pessue elease
hadle he usig Quik Release. The esapig stea is hot ad a ause salds.
Nee pull out the pessue elease hadle he it is leg out stea.
Please e aae that Quik Release is ot suitale fo food ith lage liuid olue o
high stah otet e.g. poidge, ogee, sk liuids, soup, et.. Food otet a
splae out fo the pessue elease. Use Natual Release istead.
Natual Release:
Allo the ooke to ool do atuall ul the oat ale dops do. This a take 
to  iutes o ee loge, depedig o the aout of food iside. Ae ookig is
ished, the ooke ill e i Keep Wa ode.
Plae a et toel o the lid to speed up oolig.
. Ope the lid: Hold the lid hadle, tu the lid outelokise to the ope posio, ad li
the lid up to ope. To aoid auu suo o the lid, tu the pessue elease to Veg
posio to let i ai he liig the lid.
Cauo: Do ot ope the lid ul pessue iside the pot is opletel eleased. As a
safet featue, the lid is loked ad ot ope ul the oat ale dops do.
If the oat ale is stuk due to food deis o sk liuid, ou a push it do ith a
pe o hopsk ae ou ae etai that the pessue has ee eleased opletel 
oig the pessue elease hadle to the eg posio.
To aoid pesoal ijuies, ee aept to foe do the oat ale to ope the lid. DO
NOT ope the lid ul ae the pessue is opletel eleased atuall o auall 
opeig the pessue elease ale.
. Ope the lid
Pik up the lid hadle, otate appoiatel  degees outelokise ul the ak
o the lid is aliged ith the Opeak o the ooke ase.
. Chek hethe all pats o the lid ae asseled popel
Chek the oat ale ad pessue elease ale fo ostuos. Make sue that the sealig
ig is ell seated iside its holdig ak. The a-lok shield is istalled popel ad the
oat ale a oe up ad do easil.
. Take out the ie pot, ad add food ad liuid
Fo all pessue ookig pogas, the total aout of pe-
ooked food ad liuid should NEVER pass / of the ie pot
apait. Whe ookig food that epads duig ookig suh
as ie, eas, o died egetales, do ot ll pass / of the
ie pot apait. Oe llig a isk loggig the pessue
elease ale ad deelopig eess pessue. This a also
ause leakage, pesoal ijuies, o daage to the uit.
Fo o-pessue ookig pogas, do o ll pass the MAX lie.
. Plae the ie pot iside the ooke ase
Be sue to eoe a food deis. Wipe d the outside of the ie pot ad the heag
plate iside the ooke ase.
Ae pug the ie pot iside the ooke ase, otate the ie pot slightl to esue
good otat etee the ie pot ad the heag eleet.
. Close the lid opletel
Pik up the lid ad put the lid o the ooke ith the ak o the lid ad the Ope
ak o the ooke ase aliged. Rotate the lid lokise appoiatel  degees ul the
ak o the lid is aliged ith the Closeak o the ooke ase i.
Istat Pot® has a safet featue to disale the ooke ad the displa ashes "Lid" if the lid
is ot posioed oetl. Whe usig "Soup", "Poult", "Meat/Ste", "Bea/Chili",
"Mulgai", "Rie", "Stea", "Poidge" ad "Yogut", the lid should e full losed. Whe
usig "Sauté", the lid should e ope. "Keep Wa" ad Slo Cookok ith the lid
eithe ope o losed.
. Posio the pessue elease hadle popel
Please ote that it is pefetl oal ad eessa
fo the pessue elease hadle to e loose. It oks 
eight ad sipl ests o top of the pessue elease
outlet. It a also e eoed fo ashig if eessa
 pullig it staight out.
Whe uig a of the pogas eept "Keep-
Wa", "Sauté" o "Slo Cook", alig the poited ed
of the pessue elease hadle to "Sealig" posio,
idiag that the pessue ooke is i the sealed
The "Sauté" fuo ust e used ithout the lid. The
"Slo Cook" ad Keep-Wafuos a opeate
ith o ithout the lid, o use a opoal glass lid aailale at .IstatPot.o.
Cauo: Whe the lid is losed hile iiag the Keep Wao Slo Cookpoga,
the pessue elease ale ust e i the Vegposio.
The otol pael of ou Istat Pot® osists of a LED displa,  pessue idiatos,  ode
idiatos,  opeao kes ad  fuo kes. Eah fuo ke has a fuo idiato light.
Opeao kes do ot hae idiato lights.
You Istat Pot® has  states hih ae
sho o the LED displa ad fuo
Stad state: the LED displa
shos OFF.
Pe-heag state: the LED displa
shos Oad the aated
fuo idiato lights up.
Poga opeag state: the aated fuo idiato lights up ad the LED displa
shos e. Fo all pessue ookig, Slo Cookad Dela Statfuos, the e
outs do. Fo Keep Waad Yogutfuos, the e outs up.
The  opeaos kes ilude +, -, Pessuead Adjustkes. The + ad - ae used to
hage the e alue.
The "Pessue" ke toggles the pessue seg etee High Pessuead Lo Pessuefo
the pessue ookig fuos hih ilude "Soup", "Bea/Chili", "Poult", "Meat/Ste",
"Mulgai", "Poidge", "Stea", Rie" ad Maualfuos. The Pessueke has o
eet o o-pessue ookig fuos: Slo Cook, Sautéad Yogut.
The "Adjust" ke a ake  tpes of adjustets:
. Chagig the pessue keepig e fo pessue ookig fuos, eept "Maual"
ad "Rie" fuos. "Rie" is full autoa.
. Sithig the tepeatue of "Slo Cook" ad "Sauté".
. Seleg pogas i Yogut.
The ost ipotat ke is Keep Wa/Cael. Whe Istat
Pot® is eig pogaed o i opeao, pessig this ke ill
ael the poga ad etu the ooke to stad state.
Whe the ooke is i stad state, pessig this ke aates
the keep-a poga.
The Soup ke is fo akig aious soups ad oth. You a use
the Adjustke to selet a shote o loge ookig e,
depedig o the desied ookig esult. Istat Pot® otols
the pessue ad tepeatue to a leel that the liuid ee
goes ito a hea oilig state. Fo eaple, he akig
hike oth ith the "Soup/Both" fuo, the oth is lea
ad the hike eais itat ae ookig. If ou eed the
food otet to e full oke do, please s ad i the
soup efoe seig.
The Meat/Ste ke is fo ookig eat ad ste. The Adjustke a e used to hage the
ookig e to ahiee the desied eat tetue. I geeal, the "Moe" seg is fo fall-of-
the-oe ookig esults.
The Bea/Chili ke is desiged fo ookig eas ad akig Chili. If ou at the eas ell
ooked, please use the Adjustke to selet "Moe" duao.
The Poult ke is pogaed to ake poult dishes. You a use the "Adjust" ke to hage
the poult ookig e fo "Noal" to "Moe" o "Less" depedig o ou pefeee of
tetue ad the aout of poult ou put ito the pot. Poult eat is geeall easie to
ook tha pok, la ad eef ad hee a shote ookig e.
The Poidge ke is to ake poidge of aious gais. You a use the Adjustke to selet a
ookig duao. The Noalduao is fo ie poidge. Fo a itue aious gais ad
eas, please hoose the "Moe" duao. S the Poidge efoe seig. Please ote, ae
the Poidgepoga is ished, do NOT put stea elease hadle i eg posio;
otheise the poidge ill splae though the stea elease. Please use Natual Release.
The Bea/Chili ke is speiall fo ookig eas ad akig Chili. If ou at the eas ell
ooked, please use the Adjustke to selet "Moe" duao.
The Rie ke is a full autoated sat poga fo ookig egula ie o paoiled ie. The
ookig e is adjusted autoaall depedig o the aout of ie. To ook  ups of ie
usig easuig up poided, it takes aout  iute pessue keepig e; fo ~ ups
of ie, it takes aout  iute pessue keepig e; oe ups ill take loge e
aodigl. Total ookig e is ot displaed, heeas the pessue keepig e ill e
sho he okig pessue is eahed. The Adjust ke has o eet o this poga.
Please ote: You a ook as lile as oe up of ie ith the oet ao of ate.
The "Mulgai" ke is a poga fo ookig ied gais of ild ie, had o ie, ug
eas, et. Thee ae thee Adjustopos fo ulgai ie ookig. The "Noal" seg
has  iutes of pessue ookig e. The "Less" seg has  iutes of pessue
ookig e. The "Moe" seg has  iutes of a ate soakig e ad  iutes
of pessue ookig e. The "Moe" seg is suitale fo hade gais suh as d split
The Poidge keis fo akig poidge of aious gais. You a use the Adjustke to selet
a ookig e. The Noalseg is fo ie poidge. Fo a itue of aious gais ad
eas, please hoose the "Moe" seg. S the Poidge efoe seig. Please ote, ae
the Poidgepoga is ished, do NOT put pessue elease hadle i the eg
posio, otheise the poidge ill splae out the pessue elease. Please use Natual
The Stea ke is desiged fo steaig puposes. You a stea egetales, seafood o eheat
food ith the stea ak poided. Whe steaig egetales ad seafood, please ote that
usig the Natual Releaseethod fo eleasig stea ill likel oeook the food. You ill
eed to use the Quik Releaseethod to elease the pessue as sooas the ookig e
has eahed.
Usig ~ ups l of ate is suiet fo steaig fesh ad foze egetales, ith
~ iute of pessue keepig e. Please use the + o - ke to hage the steaig
e. Please ote that ulike othe pessue ookig fuos, the Steafuoheats at
full poe ouousl. This a u food that is i diet otat ith the oo of the
ie pot. Please use the tiet poided to eleate food aoe the ate. Use a etal asket
o oe safe glass/eai otaie that ts ito the ie pot to otai the food.
The Slo Cook" ke allos ou to use ou Istat Pot® as a oeoal slo ooke. The use
a hage the ookig e  pessig the "+" o "-" keto set the ookig e fo . to
 hous. The "Adjust" ke allos the use to adjust the leel of heag as i tadioal slo
ookes. Please see the Slo Cookigseo fo its usage.
The Maual ke allos aual seg of ookig e. The e set i this ode is the pessue
ookig e, hih ill egi to out do he okig pessue is eahed. The
aiu pessue ookig e is  iutes.
The "Sauté" ke is used fo ope lid sautéig, oig o sieig iside the ie pot.
"Adjust" a e used to hage the opeag tepeatues. Please see the Sautéigseo
fo details.
The Yogut ke has  pogas: akig ogut, pasteuizig ilk ad akig Jiu Niag aka
feeted gluous ie. Please see the Makig Yogutad Makig Jiu Niag seos.
The Tie ke is fo delaed ookig. To stat delaed ookig, st selet the desied ookig
fuo all poga fuos eept Sautéad Yogut), ad the pess the Tieke.
Use + ad -to set the delaed hous. Pess the "Tie" ke agai to hage the iutes.
The e ou ae seg is the delaed e efoe the poga stats. Please allo
suiet ookig e ad oolig do e efoe seig. The e dela a e adjusted
ith + o -kes fo up to  hous . Please see the Delaed Cookig ith Tieseo
fo details.
I ode to failiaize ouself ith the Istat Pot® ad stat
ookig ith ou faouite eipe, it is highl eoeded fo
st e uses to do a test u. This test u ill help ou eoe
failia ith Istat Pot®, ake sue the uit is fee of esidues
fo the aufatuig poess, ad idiate hethe ou uit is
okig popel. This opoal, ut eoeded, test u ill
oplete i aout  iutes.
. Make sue the pessue elease hadle ad oat ale ae
uostuted ad lea, ad that the sealig ig is popel
. Plae the ie pot i the ooke ase ad add  easuig
ups of ate ito the ie pot.
. Close the lid. Make sue that the pessue elease hadle is poig to the "Sealig" ak o
the lid.
. Pess the "Stea" uo, ad pess the -uo to hage the e to  iutes.
. I  seods, ou Istat Pot® ill go ito the peheag le displa shoig O).
Withi a fe iutes, stea ill elease fo a iute o to ul the Float Vale pops up to
seal the ooke. Oe okig pessue is eahed, hih a take a fe iutes o up to 
- iutes, the outdo e ill egi. Whe the outdo is ished, the Istat
Pot® ill eep ad autoaall sith ito the Keep Waode.
The test is o oplete. Pess the Keep-Wa/Caeluo ad/o uplug the uit. Oe the
pot ools do, ou a ope it ad ae ead to t ou
faoite eipes.
The folloig poedue is fo Rie, "Soup", "Poult",
"Meat/Ste", "Bea/Chili", "Mulgai", "Poidge", "Stea"
ad Maualfuos.
. Follo steps i the "Cookig Pepaao" seo of this
. Coet poe od. The LED displa shos OFF
idiag that its i stad state.
. Selet a ookig fuo, e.g. Soup. Oe a fuo ke is pessed, its idiato lights up.
Withi  seods ae pessig a fuo ke, ou a sll selet othe fuo kes
ad adjust ookig e.
. Selet ookig e.
You a use the "Adjust" ke eept fo Maualad Riefuos to adjust
ookig e. Pess the "Adjust" ke epeatedl to hage etee Noal, Less"
ad Moe" odes hih ill light up o the displa.
If eessa, hage the ookig e ith + ad -. Pess ad hold the + o -ke
fo faste hages.
The uilt-i ookig e is suitale fo ost tpes of food. Please use the ookig e
tale i the eipe ook to deteie the appopiate ookig e ased o the food
tpe, uat of food ad ou tetue pefeee.
. Selet ookig pessue.
All fuos eept Riedefaults to High Pessue. Fo Riefuo, the default is
Lo Pessue. Lo Pessue opeates at half of the egula okig pessue aoud
.psi o kpa. It is used to aoid oeookig tede food ateials suh as
egetales ad fo etai eipes that a euie usig lo pessue seg.
. Cookig stats autoaall i  seods ae the last ke pess.
Thee audile eeps ill soud to idiate the ookig poess has egu. The LED
displa shos "O" idiag that the pe-heag state is i pogess. Please ote:
Depedig o the food otet, the uat ad its tepeatuefoze o ot, the
peheat le a age etee  to  iutes.
As the pessue ieases iside the ooke, it is pefetl oal fo taes of stea to
esape fo the oat ale ul the oat ale pops up.
Oe the ooke eahes okig pessue, the LED
displa hages fo O" to the pogaed ookig
e. The ookig e outs do to idiate the
eaiig e i iutes. Duig this pessuized state,
ou should ot see a stea leakig out ahee
fo the lid. Hoee, fo e to e, ou a see a
sall aout of stea oig out fo the pessue
elease hadle. This is pefetl oal.
Duig the ookig opeao, the ooke a ake so
likig souds. This oes fo the oal opeao of
the heag eleet sithig o ad o.
At a e, ou a ael the ookig poga i pogess ad etu to stad
ode  pessig the Keep-Wa/Caelke.
. Whe the pessue ookig le ishes, the ooke eeps ad autoaall goes ito the
"Keep Wa" le, alled Auto Keep WaCle. The LED displa shos aLo the
st digit, suh as "L:", to idiate the Keep Wale ad e duao. The lok
outs up fo  hous. If the  hou Auto Keep Wale ishes, the ooke goes
ito stad state.
It is ot eoeded to leae ooked ie i Keep-Wastate fo too log as it a
aet the tetue of the ie.
. To see food, pess Keep-Wa/Caelto stop the keep-a le ad ope the lid
aodig to the Safe Lid Opeigseo of this aual.
Whe opeig the lid, the ie pot a appea to e stuk o the lid due to auu
eet aused  otao of oolig ai. Please tu the pessue elease hadle to
Vegto let i ai to elease the auu.
. Follo steps i the "Cookig Pepaao" seo of this
aual. The pessue elease hadle should e at the
"Veg" posios. A opoal glass lid a also e used.
. Coet the ooke to the poe outlet. The LED displa
shos OFFidiag that its i stad state.
. Pess the Slo Cookke.
. Chage ookig e etee . ad  hous  pessig
the "+" o "-" ke.
. Selet the desied ookig ode ith the Adjustke. B
pushig the "Adjust" ke epeatedl, ou a adjust the
ookig ode to Noal, Moeo Less, hih
oespod to ediu, high ad lo i a oeoal slo ooke.
. Cookig stats autoaall i  seods ae the last ke is pessed.
. Whe the ookig ishes, the ooke eeps ad goes ito the Auto "Keep Wa" le fo
 hous.
You Istat Pot® has a e fuo to dela the stat of ookig
fo up to  hous. Tie fuo does ot appl to the Keep
Wa, Yogutad "Sauté" fuos. The folloig shos ho
to poga fo delaed ookig.
. Follo steps i the peious Pessue Cookigad Slo
Cookigseos to set a ookig poga.
. Withi  seods ae poga seleo, pess the Tie
ke to set the hous ad iutes to e delaed. Use + ad -
to set the delaed hous. Pess the "Tie" ke agai to
hage the iutes. The e is the delaed e efoe the
poga stats. Please allo suiet ookig e ad
oolig do e efoe seig.
.  seods ae the last ke pess, the Tiefuo stats. The e o the LED displa
outs do, ad the ashig gee idiato o the Tieke hages to solid gee.
. To ael the Tie opeao, pess the Keep-Wa/Caelke at a e.
. You Istat Pot® stats ookig he the dela e outs do to . Ae ookig, the
ooke ill the ete the Auto Keep Wale fo  hous. Please Note:
We highl disouage usig the Tie fuo fo peishale foods, suh as eat ad sh,
hih a spoil he le at oo tepeatue fo hous. Cooked ie a ield oel
so tetue due to log soakig e. It a also ause a lae of ued ie at the
oo of the pot if it is le i Keep-Wa ode fo too log.
The Tiefuo is ot eoeded fo poidge, oateal o othe foth, sk
foods due to the possiilit of the oat ales geg loked ad ausig oeo of
food otet. The Istat Pot® should ot e le uaeded duig the peheat le.
Sie the Tiefuo iplies leaig the uit uaeded, it is stogl eoeded
to ot use the Tiepoga fo the tpes of food eoed aoe.
. Follo steps i the "Cookig Pepaao" seo of this aual. Keep the lid ope to aoid
pessue fo uildig up iside the ooke. A opoal glass lid a also e used.
. Coet the ooke to the poe outlet. The LED displa
shos OFFidiag that its i stad state.
. Pess the Sauke. Fo safet easos, the aiu
opeao e of oe Sautéle is  iutes.
. Chage the ookig tepeatue aog Noal, Moe
ad Lessodes ith the Adjustke. The "Noal" ode
is suited fo egula sauté o pa seaig. The "Moe" ode is
fo s-fig o oig eat at highe tepeatue. The
"Less" ode is suitale fo sieig, eduig juies o
thikeig saues. To aoid pessue uildig up, the lid
aot e losed. If ou aidetall lose the lid, ashig
"Lid" is displaed to a aout the og lid posio.
Cauo: paall losig the lid duig sautéig ould ause
pessue to uild up i the ooke. This a e hazadous.
. Heag stats autoaall i  seods ae the last ke is
pessed. The Sautépoga a e aelled at a e 
pessig Keep Wa/Caelke.
. Whe the desigated tepeatue is eahed, the LED displa
shos Hot. Hotill ot appea if thee is ate iside pot.
. Whe ookig ishes, the ooke eeps ad goes to stad
state. If ou eed oe e, sipl pess the Sautéke
Pessig the Keep-Wa/Caelke i the stad state aates the Keep Wafuo.
You a use + ad -to hage the e fo  iutes to  hous ad  iutes. Whe
Keep Wafuo stats, the e outs up  iutes. The "Keep Wa" fuo a e
used ith o ithout the lid losed. You a also use a opoal glass lid fo this fuo. Whe it
ishes, the ooke eeps ad goes to stad state.
You a ake ogut eithe ith the ie pot o use glass oles. The poess to ake ogut
ioles to steps. The st step is to pasteuize the ilk  heag it to ° F/° C. This sees
to puposes:  killig pathoges ad haful ateia hih a
go duig the feetao peiod, ad  deatuig ilk
poteis, hih peets udig of ilk ad akes the poteis
easie to aso.
Istat Pot® poides to oeiet as to heat ou ilk. If ou
use the ie pot to ake ogut, pess Yogutthe Adjustto
Moeode ith the od oilo the displa. Istat Pot® ill
the oil the ilk to ° F/° C. Whe its doe, it eeps ad
displas ogt.
If ou use otaies o oles to ake ogut, ou a stea the
ilk : addig  up of ate i the ie pot, pug i the
stea ak ad plaig ou otaies o oles o top of the
ak. Selet the Steafuo ad set the e fo  iute.
Oe the poess is oe, use the Natual Releaseethod to
elease the stea.
The seod step ae heag the ilk is to let it ool to elo
°F/°C, the add a adeuate aout of ogut state o
fesh ogut. If ou use otaies o oles, ou a plae the
i the ie pot ithout addig a addioal ate. Pess the
Yogutfuo ke, pess Adjustto Noalode ad the
adjust the e usig the + ad -kes ased o the
istuos of the ogut state. The poga autoaall
stats i  seods. Whe the poga opletes, Istat Pot®
eeps, displas ogtad goes to stad state.
The ogut a e seed plai togethe ith othe dishes e.g.
u, o ied ith hoe o ja to ake a fuit ogut.
Jiu Niag, also ko as feeted gluous ie, is a seet ad
ildl aloholi delia of Asia. It is highl utious ad eas to
digest, ool used to ake dessets i Chia, Japa, Koea
ad othe Asia outies. Gluous ie, also ko as sk ie,
is used to ake Jiu Niag. Gluous ie otais high
oetao of stah hih is oeted to sugas duig
. Soak to ups of gluous ie i old ate fo at least 
hous ul the ie gais eoe easil oke ith ges.
. Dai the ate ad ap the soaked ie ith heese loth ad put it ito a steaig
asket. Plae the asket o top of the stea ak tiet ad add  ups of ate ito the
ie pot. Ru the Steafuo fo  iutes. Use Natual Release ethod.
. Pepae  up of old oiled ate, oall at a ate-to-d-ieao of :, state east
pode, ad a glass o eai otaie ith lid. Make sue that all tools ae lea ad fee
fo ateia, oil ad salt.
. Ae the steaed ie ooled do to elo °C/°F, i the old ate ad east
pode ith the ie thooughl i the otaie. Make sue that eah ie gai is
sepaated, athe tha stuk togethe. Getl pess the ie itue togethe ad leae a
hole i the iddle of the itue.
. Add ate to the  up ak i the ie pot. Plae the otaies ito the ie pot ith
the stea ak. Wate should suege aout /.i of the oo of the otaies fo
ee heat oduo. Make sue to lose the lid of the otaies to aoid eess
eapoao fo the ie.
. Pess the Yogutfuo ke ad the pess the Adjustke tie to Lessode fo Jiu
Niag fuo. The default feetao e is  hous. You a eed to hage this
ased o the tpe of east used.
. Jiu Niag ill e ead he the poga ishes. A ell-ade feeted gluous ie has
taspaet liuid ad soe sall gas ules ith a aoa of liuo ad is e seet. If
thee ae soe hite fugi o the sufae, this is oal. If it has lak fugi, the ie as
otaiated duig the poess ad it should ot e osued. Aoid uig the
feetao fo too log, hih auses the ie to tu sou.
. Whe the poga opletes, Istat Pot® eeps, displas ogtad goes to stad state.
. Auto keep a ON/OFF: I fato seg, Auto Keep Wais ON he a ookig
poga uo is pessed. Auto Keep Waa e tued ON ad OFF  a seod pess
o the sae ookig poga uo efoe the ookig poga stats. Duig this peiod,
the Keep Wa uo idiato displas ON o OFF aodigl.
. Audile eepig ON/OFF: I fato seg, eepig is ON. To tu eepig OFF, pess ad
hold the -uo fo  seods. The displa ill sho S OFFto idiate Soud OFF.
. Meoizig the last used poga segs pe ookig poga uo: The peiousl used
ookig segs, iludig e, pessue ad tepeatue ae stoed oe the usto
segs ae deed, ee ae the Istat Pot® ooke is uplugged fo poe soue. To
eset to fato default segs, pess ad hold the Adjustuo fo  seods he the
Istat Pot® ooke is i the OFF ode.
Regula ae o aiteae is esseal to esuig that this podut is safe fo use. If a of the
folloig iustaes takes plae, please stop usig the appliae iediatel ad otat the
Istat Pot® suppot tea.
Poe od ad plug appea o out, defoed, disoloued o daaged.
A poo of the poe od o plug gets hoe tha usual.
The ooke heats aoall o eits a ut sell.
Whe poeed o, thee ae uusual souds o iaos.
If thee is dust o dit o the plug o soket, please eoe the dust o dit ith a d loth.
Cauo: please ake sue the appliae has ooled do ad is uplugged efoe leaig.
. Clea the podut ae eah use. Wipe the lak ie housig i ad slot d ith loth to
peet usg o the eteio pot i.
. Reoe the lid ad take out the ie pot, ash the ith deteget, ise ith ate ad
the ipe d ith a so loth. The stailess steel ie pot is also dishashe safe.
. Use ate to lea the lid, iludig the sealig ig hih a e eoed, pessue
elease, a-lok shield, ad ipe the lea ith a so d loth. Do ot take apat the
pessue elease hadle assel.
. Clea the ooke ase ith a lea dap loth. Do ot iese the ooke ito ate. Do ot
use a et loth to lea the pot hile the poe od is plugged ito the poe outlet.
If ou epeiee a pole ith the appliae, please DO NOT etu the podut to the
etail stoe o olie ehat. Fo tehial assistae ad podut etu ifoao, please:
Ceate a suppot ket at .IstatPot.o/suppot/
Eail to suppot@istatpot.o
O all  - fo Istat Pot ustoe ae tea
The ases i the folloig tales do ot alas idiate a fault ooke. Please eaie the ooke
aefull efoe otag the suppot tea fo epai. You a also d help ideos ad FAQs o