Record of Document Revisions
Revision Remarks
- ,11/2009 Beta launch version
-, 12/2009 Objects 2018&60FE added, Object dictionary, formatting updated
A, 04/2010 Termination connector "optional", several new objects, Object dictionary split
B, 07/2010 Part number added, several new objects, object dictionary expanded
C, 01/2011 HW Rev. C, new objects, object dictionary expanded
D, 04/2011 Object dictionary updated, baudrate setup
E, 10/2011
Cover layout & error table & object dictionary updated, objects 3474 & 3475 & 3496 & 6091
F, 03/2012
Touch Probe objects 60B8 to 60BD & 60D0 added, object 2071 & 2077 added, PVT inter-
polation added, 60C0 & 60C1 & 60C4 & 6041 bit 9 updated, object dictionary updated, error
codes updated, object 1011h added
G, 08/2012 Object dictionary updated, error codes updated
H, 11/2012 Object dictionary updated, error codes updated, new object 345A
l AKD is a registered trademark of Kollmorgen™ Corporation
l EnDat is a registered trademark of Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH
l EtherCAT is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH
l Ethernet/IP is a registered trademark of ODVA, Inc.
l Ethernet/IP Communication Stack: copyright (c) 2009, Rockwell Automation
l HIPERFACE is a registered trademark of Max Stegmann GmbH
l PROFINET is a registered trademark of PROFIBUS and PROFINET International (PI)
l SIMATIC is a registered trademark of SIEMENS AG
l Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
Current patents
l US Patent 5,162,798 (used in control card R/D)
l US Patent 5,646,496 (used in control card R/D and 1 Vp-p feedback interface)
l US Patent 6,118,241 (used in control card simple dynamic braking)
l US Patent 8,154,228 (Dynamic Braking For Electric Motors)
l US Patent 8,214,063 (Auto-tune of a Control System Based on Frequency Response)
Technical changes which improve the performance of the device may be made without prior notice!
Printed in the United States of America
This document is the intellectual property of Kollmorgen™. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be
reproduced in any form (by photocopying, microfilm or any other method) or stored, processed, copied or dis-
tributed by electronic means without the written permission of Kollmorgen™.
2 Kollmorgen™ | November 2012