Like any electrical appliance, this ATARI 520ST Computer uses and produces radio-
mUri«eith« ene
[oy-lf !* 18 not Installed and used according to the instructions In this
guide, the equipment may cause interference with your radio or television reception.
Squlp?ent ls cau8infl Interference with your radio or television
!?u!pment 0,f and °n. If the Interference problem stops when
Pm6?* 8turned of'then the Sflulpment Is probably causing the interference
Urn®d °n'you may 68 86,6 ,0 correct ,he Problem by trying one
or more of the following measures: 7w
•Reorient the radio or television antenna.
•Reposition the equipment in relation to the radio or television set.
•Move the equipment away from the radio or television
•JSSSSSS!’'",h"“•**-" «•» "*
he,p,ul raf°urC8 18 How foIdentify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems
ahiTfmm ,he Fede?' Communications Commission. This booklet is avail-
ab^fromdjBU.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, Stock No.
WARNING-- to. equipment has been certified to comply with the limit, for aClass B
computing device, pursuant to Subpart Jof Part 15 of FCC Rules. These rules are ri»«inn~r
Pr°<*Cll<y,P9*1"8*,uch ln<erferenca when the equipment Is used in
—wins- However, there Is no guarantee that Interference will not occur In a
Snl^"et!Tih.TZ^0*' °".l
|n lT<l>l>*r*|s<compu'*r'"puttoutput devices, terminals,
tothlT<^p!^ ^^C8rtfflad •«» e«"P»y wltt. the Class Blimits may be attached
°P8rat'?nof noncertlfled peripherals with this computer is likely to result in interference
otJurL°C^,l0n'Sh,e,ded cables should 66 used O" a" I/O connectors
recall BtaSto ^m0US8 connec,or8): 0,her*lse, radio emissions may exceed
has bten mada t0 en8ure theaccuracy of the product documentation in this
TOft™«^h^l^Uf?«lJ%*Wconstantly improving and updating our computer
.™’ ftoh Corp. is unable to guarantee the accuracy of printed
omission^ *" d*,e °fpubl,ca,lon and disclaims liability for changes, errors, and
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RI Jr0®0'S01224-SF314, SF354, SM124, ST and 520ST are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Atari Corp.
Centronics Is aregistered trademark of Centronics Data Computer Corporation.
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IBM is aregistered trademark of International Business Machines.
VT is atrademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.
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the specific written permission of Atari Corp., Sunnyvale, CA 94086.
©1985 Atari Corp.
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