Sales Presenter
Partnumbers Bar code EAN128 code EAN14 code
98695 8GB 0 23942 98695 9 (02) 00 023942 98695 9 3710 91888 50023942 98695 3
98696 16GB 0 23942 98696 6 (02) 00 023942 98696 6 3702 91888 50023942 98696 0
98697 32GB 0 23842 98697 3 (02) 00 023942 98697 3 3702 91888 50023942 98697 7
98698 64GB 0 23942 98698 0 (02) 00 023942 98698 0 3702 91888 50023942 98698 4
Product Dimensions: 58.5mm x 21mm x 11mm (L x W x H)
Product weight: 18 grams approx
Pack dimensions: 135mm x 90mm x 13mm (H x W x D)
Pack weight: 24 grams approx.
Units per carton: 10
Carton dimensions: 95mm x 139mm x 73mm (W x H x D)
Carton weight: 267 grams approx.
Cartons per pallet: 840
Layers per pallet: 7
Units per pallet: 8400
Part number / Bar Codes/ Packaging Data
Warranty: 2 years
Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Group
Front of pack: English / French
Back of pack:
ENG, FRE, GER, IT, SP, POR, POL, RUS, CZ, H, SER, CRO, Simplified
Chinese, and Korean
Store n Go Slider USB Drive 8GB – 64GB