Corsair Flash Voyager® GS USB 3.0
128GB USB Flash Drive
Flash Voyager GS USB 3.0 128GB
Product SKU sheet
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October 31, 2013
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Corsair Flash Voyager GS USB 3.0 128GB
High Capacity, Premium Performance
Flash Voyager GS is a premium performance, high-capacity USB 3.0 flash drive in a durable
brushed aluminum housing, for high-speed transfers even with USB 2.0.
Flash Voyager GS is a premium performance, high-capacity USB 3.0 flash drive in a durable
brushed aluminum housing, for high-speed transfers even with USB 2.0. And it is backed by
Corsair, a respected name with a passion for quality and customer service.
Flash Voyager GS is a premium performance, high-capacity USB 3.0 flash drive in a durable
brushed aluminum housing, for high-speed transfers even with USB 2.0. Just plug it in and it
works, with Windows, Mac OS X and even Linux. The Flash Voyager GS is backed by Corsair, a
respected name with a passion for quality and customer service.
High capacity
High performance with USB 3.0 or USB 2.0
Durable brushed aluminum housing
Limited 5 year warranty