Liquid Deicer: Apply one to three gallons per 1,000 sq.
ft. This fluid works best when applied in narrow bands to
minimize dilution from melting. The liquid will penetrate
the snow and ice and break the bonds to the pavement.
Aid to Solid Deicers: Liquid ice melt is also used as an
aid to solid deicers in heavy ice situations. Apply the
solid deicer to punch holes in the solid ice. Then apply
this product on top of the solid deicer to break bonds
with the pavement.
Ice Prevention: Apply at a rate of 1/2 to 1 gallon per 1,000 sq. ft. to prevent snow and ice from
forming on the surface.
Pre-Wetting Agent: Use as pre-wetter for solid ice melt products. Because this liquid ice melt has a
very low freezing point it significantly improves the performance of solids and does not clog spray
nozzles. Salt and other granular ice melts need moisture to start working. Many granular ice melters
cannot begin melting snow and ice in very low temperatures. By pre-wetting with this product, the
liquid portion will begin melting snow immediately allowing the granular ice melts to do their job.