O_tion ...............................7
Int_ucti_ ......................................8
_mL_ Used inhis _n_ .........8
_ ..........................................8
Electr_| _ ...............................9
Ad_r ...........................................11
Tm_rarj Use ofan
In_Jl_n ....................................12
H_ toIn_i _e unit..................12
_nd_ R_u_ ................12
Insta]la=_ _ .............13
Requ_ments .............................13
_binet InstaUati_.......................14
Re_ C_ol Ope_ ........17
Re_ C_le_" .......................18
Add_onalF_ms ........................f9
AirDi_on ...............................19
Vent Co_ll ..............................19
_in Pipe....................................20
Removal_m Win_. ..............20
Ma|nle_n_ and Se_|ce .............21
Air Filter ....................................21
_aning the _r Condoner .....21
How _ Rem_ the
Gri!_ .................................
Comm_ Proteins8nd
_IL_OnS ........................................
Tm_ofing ..............................24
Write_e m_ _ _d_ num_rs _re:
SePal #
You_ find_e num_ _ a |_e_ on the sideof
Om Pu_
= Staple_u_ receipttothis page inthe _t _ n_ it
'toprovedate of pur_ase or_r warranty|ssu_.
I=_ide _ w_|lfind m_W h_l h_ _ Ihow_ use and
_in_J_ _ur air co_r p_dy_ Just a i_e p_ttve
_m on your pa_ _n_ save you a great deaJ of tiime and
_n_ _r the I_ of _r air con_ne_,
_d'l| find many an_rs _ _n _e_ in _ _a_
of ttoubt_ho_ _ If _ tevi_ _r ch_ of
Troubling Ti_ first, _ m_ not _ to _ll _r
_r¢_e at _L
, _ct an Au_o_ _rvt_e C_ _ repair o_
ml_n_ of _ls _L _I 1_4_
l_ _e _ _C.
-'_is air __ is _ i_d_ _ m _ young
ch!i_mn or !_l_ _ho_ su_.
• Young _ild_ _ould be su_rvl_ _ _ that
they do _ p_y wit_ t_ _|r __r.
• if _ p_ c=_ _=iree _acer-_, have an
_dz_l Se_cer i_ll an _ _aceme_ part.
wi_ _e Na_na! EIm_ C_ _ q_iifle_ and
2 R_m Air Conditioner