Chapter 1Visionscape Overview
1-10 Visionscape FrontRunner User Manual
Visionscape Software Structure and Concepts
Steps and Trees
A Step represents a piece of vision functionality in Visionscape.
Applications are a collection of steps. To provide order to this collection,
the steps are arranged in a Tree. The Tree represents not only the
containment of a set of steps, but also represents a data connection
between these steps. In other words, a step can receive a set of data
inputs, act on this data, and produce a set of data outputs. The tree
represents the connection of particular data outputs to data inputs.
The most common piece of data to be passed from one step to another is
a buffer. A buffer is a piece of memory that contains image data.
In Figure 1-5, a Snapshot generates a buffer that is passed to the Sobel
Filter. The Sobel Filter then executes a Sobel algorithm on the buffer and
generates a new buffer, which is passed to the Edge Tool. The Edge Tool
finds an edge on that buffer and reports a result. A step that generates
output can have other steps or tools inserted into it. The inserted tools
then connect their inputs to the outputs of the parent step.
FIGURE 1–5. Sample Job Tree
Many tools also have a region of interest (ROI) that defines an area on
the input buffer for that tool. In the case of the Sobel Filter, the ROI
defines the area where the Sobel Filter executes its algorithm. Its output
buffer (or input buffer to the Edge Tool), is the size of its ROI.
Many steps are not vision based steps like Sobel Filter or Edge Tool, but
actually represent other useful pieces of functionality like I/O, image
acquisition, or a thread-of-execution. Several steps are common to every
job you create. These are Job, VisionSystem, Inspection, and