In struc tion 830001
May 8, 1996 2-3
COOL ANT can burn face, eyes, and
The cool ant in the ra di a tor can be very hot and un der
pres sure.
1. Do not re move ra di a tor cap when en gine is hot. Al low en gine to
2. Wear gloves and put a rag over cap area when re mov ing cap.
3. Al low pres sure to es cape be fore com pletely re mov ing cap.
Safety in Welding and Cut ting, ANSI Stan dard Z49.1, from Amer i can
Welding So ci ety, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., Mi ami, FL 33126.
Safety and Health Stan dards, OSHA 29 CFR 1910, from Su per in ten -
dent of Doc u ments, U.S. Gov ern ment Print ing Of fice, Wash ing ton,
D.C. 20402.
Rec om mended Safe Prac tices for the Prep a ra tion for Welding and
Cut ting of Con tainers That Have Held Haz ard ous Sub stances, Amer -
i can Welding So ci ety Stan dard AWS F4.1, from Amer i can Welding
So ci ety, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., Mi ami, FL 33126.
Na tional Elec tri cal Code, NFPA Stan dard 70, from Na tional Fire Pro -
tec tion As so ci a tion, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.
Safe Han dling of Com pressed Gases in Cyl in ders, CGA Pam phlet
P-1, from Com pressed Gas As so ci a tion, 1235 Jef fer son Da vis High -
way, Suite 501, Arlington, VA 22202.
Code for Safety in Welding and Cut ting, CSA Stan dard W117.2, from
Ca na dian Stan dards As so ci a tion, Stan dards Sales, 178 Rexdale
Bou le vard, Rexdale, On tario, Can ada M9W 1R3.
Safe Prac tices for Oc cu pa tion and Ed u ca tional Eye and Face Pro tec
tion, ANSI Stan dard Z87.1, from Amer i can Na tional Stan dards In sti -
tute, 1430 Broad way, New York, NY 10018.
Cut ting and Welding Pro cesses, NFPA Stan dard 51B, from Na tional
Fire Pro tec tion As so ci a tion, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.
burn eyes and skin.
Bat teries con tain acid and gen er ate ex plo sive
1. Al ways wear a face shield when work ing on a bat tery.
2. Stop en gine be fore dis con nect ing or con nect ing bat tery ca bles.
3. Do not al low tools to cause sparks when work ing on a bat tery.
4. Do not use welder to charge bat ter ies or jump start ve hi cles.
MOVING PARTS can cause in jury.
Moving parts, such as fans, ro tors, and belts can cut
fin gers and hands and catch loose cloth ing.
1. Keep all doors, pan els, cov ers, and guards closed and se curely
in place.
2. Stop en gine be fore in stall ing or con nect ing unit.
3. Have only qual i fied peo ple re move guards or cov ers for main te
nance and trou ble shoot ing as nec es sary.
4. To pre vent ac ci den tal start ing dur ing ser vic ing, dis con nect neg a -
tive (-) bat tery ca ble from bat tery.
5. Keep hands, hair, loose cloth ing, and tools away from mov ing
6. Re in stall pan els or guards and close doors when ser vic ing is fin -
ished and be fore start ing en gine.
ENGINE FUEL can cause fire or
ex plo sion.
En gine fuel is highly flam ma ble.
1. Stop en gine be fore check ing or add ing fuel.
2. Do not add fuel while smok ing or if unit is near any sparks or open
3. Al low en gine to cool be fore fuel ing. If pos si ble, check and add
fuel to cold en gine be fore be gin ning job.
4. Do not over fill tank — al low room for fuel to ex pand.
NOTE: Con sid er ations About Welding And The Ef fects Of Low Fre quency Elec tric And Mag netic Fields
The fol low ing is a quo ta tion from the Gen eral Con clu sions Sec tion of the U.S. Con gress, Of fice of Tech nol ogy As sess ment, Bi o log i cal Ef fects of
Power Fre quency Elec tric & Mag netic Fields — Back ground Pa per, OTA-BP-E-63 (Wash ing ton, DC: U.S. Gov ern ment Print ing Of fice, May
1989): “... there is now a very large vol ume of sci en tific find ings based on ex per i ments at the cel lu lar level and from stud ies with an i mals and peo -
ple which clearly es tab lish that low fre quency mag netic fields can in ter act with, and pro duce changes in, bi o log i cal sys tems. While most of this
work is of very high qual ity, the re sults are com plex. Cur rent sci en tific un der stand ing does not yet al low us to in ter pret the ev i dence in a sin gle co -
her ent frame work. Even more frus trat ing, it does not yet al low us to draw def i nite con clu s ions about ques tions of pos si ble risk or to of fer clear sci -
ence-based ad vice on strat e gies to min i mize or avoid po ten tial risks.”
To re duce mag netic fields in the work place, use the fol low ing pro ce dures:
About Pace makers:
The above pro ce dures are among those also nor mally rec om mended for pace maker wear ers. Con sult your doc tor for com plete in for ma tion.
1. Keep ca bles close to gether by twist ing or tap ing them.
2. Ar range ca bles to one side and away from the op er a tor.
3. Do not coil or drape ca bles around the body.
4. Keep weld ing power source and ca bles as far away from body as
prac ti cal.
WARNING: This prod uct, when used for weld ing or cut ting, pro duces fumes or gases which con tain chem i cals known to the State of
Cal i for nia to cause birth de fects and, in some cases, can cer. (Cal i for nia Health & Safety Code Sec. 25249.5 et seq.)