Cadillac CUE Infotainment System - 2013 - crc - 10/26/12
Infotainment System 19
Type a city or state name on the
keyboard screen to find the
weather. If the state is omitted,
the system assumes a city is
being searched for within the
current state. If the ZIP code is
typed, the system displays the
city associated with that
ZIP code.
‐ If one match results from a
weather search, the system
returns to the map. The map
and forecast information
updates for that location.
‐ If there are multiple results
from the weather search, a list
of possible matches displays.
The map shows the first match
in the list along with the
current weather information in
the lower right corner.
HOURLY: Press to display the
hourly forecast for the current
vehicle location. A forecast icon
is shown for each period
36-HOUR: Press to display the
current weather, six-hour
forecast, and tomorrow’s
weather. A forecast icon is
shown for each period available.
DAILY: Press to display a daily
forecast for the next five days.
A forecast icon is shown for
each period available.
MENU: Press to display the
current advisories, turn weather
alerts on or off, and view the
map legend.
ROUTE: Press to display the
forecasted weather for the route.
This feature is only available
while under route guidance.
The map legend explains each type
of color or symbol on the map.
SiriusXM NavTraffic
(If Equipped)
The infotainment system may have
SiriusXM NavTraffic. It is a
subscription service provided
through SiriusXM Satellite Radio.
A service fee is required to receive
the SiriusXM NavTraffic service.
Detailed traffic information is
delivered to the vehicle’s navigation
system by the SiriusXM Radio
satellites. SiriusXM NavTraffic
provides continuously updated
traffic information.
The service may be available in
more cities in the future. Visit
www.siriusxmnavtraffic.com for
more details on local coverage.
To access the traffic features, press
the Traffic screen button on the
Map Menu.
If traffic is not available because
there is no valid SiriusXM
subscription, a pop-up displays
information on how to reactivate the
subscription and SiriusXM radio ID.