PGP 5.5 Installation guide

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Installation Guide
Copyright © 1990-1998 Network Associates, Inc. and its A ffiliated Companies. All Rights
PGP*, Version 6.0.2 for Windows 95, 98, and NT, and M acintosh
11-98. Prin ted in the United States o f Am e rica.
PGP,Pretty Good,and Pretty GoodPrivacyare registered trademarksof Network Associates,
Inc. and/or its Affiliated Comp anies in the US and other countries. All ot he r registered and
unregistered trademarks in this d ocument are the sole property of their r espective o w ners.
Portion s of th is software may us e public key algorithms de sc ribe d in U.S. Pa tent numbers
4,200,770, 4,218,582, 4,405,829, and 4,424,414, licensed ex clusively by Public K ey Partners; the
IDEA(tm) c ryptographic cipher described in U.S. patent number 5,214,703, licensed from
Ascom Tech AG; and the Northern Telecom Ltd., CAST Encryption Algorithm, licensed from
NorthernTelecom, Ltd.IDEAis a trademarkofAscomTechAG. Network AssociatesInc.may
have patents and/or pending patent application s covering subje ct mat ter in this software or
its documentation; the furnishing of this software or documentation does not give you any
licen se to these patents. The c ompression code in PG P is by Mark Adler and Jean-Loup Gailly,
used with per mission fro m the free Info-ZIP implementation. LDAP so ftware pr ovided
courtesy University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Copyright © 1992-1996 Regents of the
University of Michigan. All rights reserved. This product includes software developed by the
Apache Group for use in the Apache HTTP server project (
Copyright © 1995-1997The Apache G roup. All rightsreserved.See text files included with the
software or the PGP web site for further information. This software is based in part on the
work of the In dependent JPEG Group. Soft T EMPEST font courtesy of Ross Anderson and
Marcus Kuhn.
The software provided with this documentation i s licensed to you for your individual use
under the t erms of the End User License Agreement and Limited Warranty provided with the
software. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Network
Associates Inc. does not w arrant that the information meets your requirements or that the
information is free of errors. The information may include te chnical inaccuracies or
typographical errors. C hanges may be made to the information and incorporated in n ew
editions of this documen t, if and when made available by Network Associates Inc.
Export of this software and documentation may be subject to compliance with the rules and
regulations promulgated from time to time by the Bureau of E xport Administration, United
States Department of Commerce, which restrict the export and re-export of certain products
and technical data.
Network Associates, Inc. (408) 988-3832 main
3965 Freedom C ircle (408) 970-9727 f ax
Santa Clara, CA 95054
* is sometimes used instead of the ® for registered t rademarks to protect marks registered outside of the
Limited Warranty.
Network Associates warrants that for sixty (60) days from the d ate of
originalpurchase themedia(forexampled iskettes)onwhichthe Softwareiscontainedwillbe
free from d efects i n m aterials and workmanship.
Ne tw orkAssociates' and it s suppliers' entire liability and your exc lusive
remedy shallbe, at Network Associates' option, either (i) return of the purchase price paid for
the license, if any, or (ii) replacementof the defective media in which the Softwa re is contained
with a copy on nondefective media. You must return the defective media to N etwork
Associates at your expense with a copy of your receipt. This limited warranty is void if the
defect has r esulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. Any replacement m edia w ill be
warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period. O utside the United States, this
remedyi snotavailabletotheextent NetworkAssociatesissubjectto restrictionsunderUnited
States ex port control laws and r egulations.
Warranty Disclaimer.
To the maximum extent perm itted by appli cable law , and except for the
limited warranty set forth herein, T HE SOFTWARE IS P ROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS
ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. The foregoing p rovisions shall be
enforceable t o the ma ximum ex tent permitted by applicable l aw.
Installation Guide v
Table of Contents
Chapter1. Introduction ........................................7
HowtoContactNetworkAssociates,Inc. .............................7
Technicalsupport ............................................7
NetworkAssociatestraining ........................................8
Chapter2. InstallingPGP .....................................11
Systemrequirements .............................................11
InstallingPGPVersion6.0forWindows95,98,andNT .................14
Table of Contents
vi PGP
Installation Guide 7
Welcome to PGP softwa re! This Quick Start guide provides ge neral
information abo ut PGP a nd describes t he system requirement s and
installation instructions necessary to successfully run it.
How to Contact Network Associates, Inc.
Customer service
To order products or obtain product information, contact the Network
Associates Customer Care department.
You can contact Customer Care at one of the following numbers Monday
through Friday betw een 6: 00
A.M. and 6:00 P.M. P acific time.
Or write to:
Network Associates, Inc.
3965 Freedom Circle
Santa C lara, CA 95054
Technical support
Network Associates is famous for its dedication to customer satisfaction. We
have continue d this tradition by ma king our site o n the World Wide Web a
valuable resource for answers t o technical support issues. We encourage yo u
to make this your first stop for answers to frequently asked questions, for
updatestoN etworkAssociatessoftware,and foraccessto NetworkAssociates
news and encryption information
Technical Support for your PGP product is a lso available t hr ough t hese
cha nne ls:
Phone (408) 988-3832
World Wide Web
(408) 988-3832
Email PGPSuppor[email protected]
To provide the an swers you need quickly and efficiently, the N etwork
Associates technical support staff needs some information about your
computer and your software. Please have this information ready before you
PGP pro duct version
Computer platform and CPU type
Amount of available memory (RAM)
Operating system and version and type of network
Contentof any status or er ror message displayed on screen or appearing in
a log fi le (not all products produc e log files)
Ema il application and version (if the problem involves using PGP wit h an
email product, for ex ample, the Eudora plug-in)
Network Associates training
For information aboutscheduling on-site training for any NetworkAssociates
product, call (800) 338-8754.
Your feedback is welcome
We continually enhance PGP products and w elcome customer feedback as we
design new versions. We appreciate your interest in PGP products and your
thoughts on prod uct co ntent and fun ctionality. Feedb ack like yours he lp s us
to dev e lop richer a nd e asier-to-use software and services. While we c annot
inco rporate all suggestions, we will give your inpu t s erious consider ation as
we develop future products.
Installation Guide 9
Related reading
Here ar e some documents that you may find helpful in understanding
Non-Technical and beginning technical books
•“Cryptography for the Internet,” b y Philip R. Z immermann. S cientific
American, October 1998. This ar ticle, wr itten by PGP’s creator, is a tutorial
onv arious cryptographicprotocolsand algorithms,m any of whichhappen
to be used by PG P.
•“Privacy on th e Line, by Whitfield Diffie and Susan Eva Landau. MIT Press;
ISBN: 0262041677. This book is a discussion of the history and policy
surrounding cryptography and communications s ecurity. It is an e xcellent
read, e ven for beginners and non-technical pe ople, and contains
information that even a lo t o f experts don't know.
•“The Codebreakers,” by Dav id Kahn. Scribner; ISBN: 0684831309. This book
is a history of codes and code breakers from the time of the Egyptians tothe
end of WWII. Ka hn first wrote it in the sixties, and published a revised
edition in 1996. T his book won't teach you anything about h ow
cryptography is accomplished, but it has been the inspiration of the whole
modern generation of cryptographers.
“Network Secur ity: Private Comm uni cation in a Public World,” by Charlie
Kaufman, Radia Perlman, and M ike Spencer. Prentice H all; ISBN:
0-13-061466-1. This is a good d escription of network security systems and
protocols, including descriptions of what works, what doesn't work, and
why. Publis hed in 1 995, it does n't have many of the lat e st technological
advances, but is still a good book. It also contains one of the most clear
descriptions of how DES work s o f any book written.
Intermediate books
“AppliedC ryptography: Protocols,Algorithms, andSource Code in C, ”byBruce
Schneier. John Wiley & Sons;ISBN:0-471-12845-7.T his is agoodbeg inning
technical book on howa lot ofcryptography works. If you want to become
an expert, this is the place to start.
•“Handbook of Applied Cryptography,byAlfredJ.Menezes,PaulC.van
Oorschot, and Scott Van stone. CRC Press; ISBN: 0-8493-8523-7. This is the
technical book you should read after Schneier’s book. There is a lot of
heavy-duty math in thisbook, but it is nonetheless usablefor those who do
not und erstand t he math.
10 PGP
•“Internet Cryptography, by Richard E. Smith. Addison-Wesley Pub Co;
ISBN: 0201924803. This book describes how m any I nternet security
protocols work. Most importantly, it describes how systems that are
designed we ll nonetheless end up with flaws thro u gh careless op eration.
Th is book is light on math, and heavy o n prac tical in formation.
•“Firew alls an d Internet Sec urity: Repelling the Wily Hacker, by William R .
Cheswick and Steven M. Bellovin. Addison-Wesley Pub Co; ISBN:
0201633574. T his book is w ritten by two senior researchers at AT&T Bell
Labs and is about their e xpe riences maintaining and r edesigning AT&T's
Internet connection. Very readable.
Advanced books
•“A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography,” by Neal K oblitz.
Springer-Verlag; ISBN: 0-387-94293-9. An excellent graduate-level
mathematics textbook on nu mber theory and cryptography.
•“DifferentialCryptanalysis of theDataEncryptionStandard,” by Eli Biham and
Adi Shamir. Springer-Verlag; ISBN: 0-387-97930-1. This book describesthe
technique of d ifferential cryptanalysis a s a pplied to DES. It is an e xcellent
book fo r learning a bo ut this techniq ue.
Installation Guide 11
2Installing PGP
This ch apter des cribes ho w to install PGP f or Windows and PGP for
Macintosh softw a re. Before yo u begin i nsta lling PGP, however, be sure to
review the s ys tem requirements o ut lined below.
System requirements
To install PGP on a Windows 95, 98, or NT system, you must have:
Windows 95, 98, or NT
To install PGP on a Macintosh system, you must have:
Macintosh IIci or later model with 68030 or higher
System software 7.5.5 or later
68K Macs must be running A pple’s CFM 68K 4.0 or h igher. T he PGP
inst aller installs this if necessary.
Installing PGP
12 PGP
Compatibility with other versions
PGP has gone through many revisions since it w as released by Ph il
Zimmermann as a freeware product in 1991. A lthough this v ersion of PGP
represents a significant r ewrite of t he original program and incorporates a
completely new user interface, it has bee n designed to b e compatible w ith
earlier v ersions o f PGP. This means that you can exchange secure email with
people who are still using these older versions of the product:
PGP 2.6 (Distributed by MIT)
PGP 2.7.1 for the M acintosh (Released by ViaCrypt)
PGP 4.0 (Released by ViaCrypt)
PGP 4.5 (Released by PGP, Inc.)
PGP for Personal Privacy, Version 5.0 - 5.5
PGP fo r Business Security or PGP f or Email and File s Version 5.5
NOTE:PGP products Version 5.0 and later may require the RSA add-on
for backw ard compatibility.
Upgrading from a previous version
If you are upgrading f rom a previous version o f PGP (fr om PGP, Inc.,
Network Associates, I nc. or ViaCrypt), you may want to remove the old
program files befo re insta lling PGP to free up some disk spac e. Howe ver, you
any keys you have created or collected while using the previous version.
When you install PGP, you are given the option of retaining y our existing
importing all of your old keys. To up grade fro m a previous vers ion,f ollow the
appropriate st eps listed nex t.
To upgrade from PGP Version 2.6.2 or 2.7.1
1. Exit all programs or open appli cations.
2. Make backups of your old PGP keyrings on another volume. In PGP for
Windows versions 2.6.2 and 2.7.1, your public keys are stored in the file
titled “pubring.pgp and your private keys are stored in the file titled
“secring.pgp”.In versions5.x - 6.0, your p ublic key s are stored in the file
titled “pubring.pkr” and your private keys are stored in the file
Installation Guide 13
Installing PGP
TIP: Maketwoseparatebackupsofyourkeyringsontotwo
different floppy disks just to be safe. Be especiallyc a reful n ot to lose
your private keyr ing; otherwise you will never be able t o decrypt
anyemailmessages orfile attachmentsencryptedwiththelostkeys.
Store the keyrings in a secure place where only you have access to
3. W hen yo u h ave successfull y backed up your old keyrings, remove or
archive the (old) PGP softwa re. Y ou have t wo optio ns here:
Manually dele te the entire old PGP folder a nd all of its contents; or
Manually dele te the old PGP p rogram and archive t he r emaining
files, especially the configuration and keyring files.
NOTE: If you obtain a copy of the patched PGP 2.6.4 version, your
old software will be able to read the RSA keys on the new 6.0
ke yrings and will no t fa il when it encounters the ne w
Diffie-Hellman/DSS format keys. You can download this patch
from the Network Associates Website.
4. Install PGP V ersion 6.0 using the provided Installer.
5. Restart your computer.
To upgrade from PGP Version 4.x or 5.x
I f you are upgrading fro m P GP Version 4.x or 5 .x, follow t he installation
inst ructions outlined in“To install PGP for Windows” on page 14 or “To
install PGP for M acintosh on page 17.
Installing PGP
14 PGP
Installing PGP Version 6.0 for Windows 95, 98, and
You can install the PGP software from a CD-ROM or from your company file
serv e r. The self-ex tr acting file, SETU P .EXE, automatically e xtracts and step s
you through the installation. After you install the software, you can create
your private and pu blic key p air a nd beg in using PGP. R e fer to the
PGPWinUsersGuide.pdf file included with the program for instructions on
To install PGP fo r Windows, start your computer a nd carefully follow t he
steps outlined below.
To install PGP for Windows
1. E xit all programs currently running on yo ur computer.
2. To install f rom a CD-ROM, insert it into the C D-ROM drive.
The Setup program automatically starts. If, however, the Set up program
does not initiate, double-click SETUP.EXE in the PGP product folder on
the CD-ROM.
To install from your company file server, contact your security officer
for information about the server from which to download PGP. Log on
to the server.
Double-click SE TUP.EXE in the PGP product folder to start the Setup
The PGP Installation screen appears.
3. Review the instructions in the PGP Welcome dialog box, then click Next.
The Network A ssociates license agreement a ppears.
Installation Guide 15
Installing PGP
4. Review the license agr eement information, then c lick Y es to accept the
licensing terms.
The Setup program searches for open programs and prompts yo u to
close them.
I f you hav e PG P version 4.x or 5.x cur rently installed, the PGP setup
program prompts you to uninstall the old PGP files. Click Yes to
automatically uninstall the old v ersion.
5. Register your product by entering your name and company name in the
User In formation dialog box.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Browse to navigate to a destination directory for your PGP files,
then click Next.
The Select Components dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1. PGP for Windows Select Components dialog box
Installing PGP
16 PGP
8. Clear the components that y ou do not want to install. By default, each
option is selected. Your installation options are:
P G P 6. 0 Program Files (required). To install the PGP program, this
option must be selected.
PGP 6.0 Eudora Plugin. Select this option if you want to integrate
P GP functionality wit h your Qualco mm Eudora email p rogram .
PGP 6.0 supports Eudora versions 3.05 and l ater.
PGP 6.0 Microsoft Exchange/Outlook Plugin. Select this option if
you want to integrate PGP functionality with your Microsoft
Exchange/Outlook em ail program. PGP 6.0 supports Outlook 97
and 98.
P GP6. 0 Mic roso ft O utlook ExpressPlugin.Selectthis optionif you
want to integrate PGP functionality with y our Microsoft Outlook
Express email program. PGP 6. 0 supports the version that is
included w ith Internet Explorer versions 4.01 and later.
PGP 6.0 User’s Manual (Adobe Acrobat format). Select this opt ion
to install the P GP User’s Guide.
PGPdisk for Windows 95 and NT. Select this option to install the
PGPdisk program. PGPdisk i s an easy-to-use encryption
application that enables yo u to set aside an ar ea of disk space for
storing your sensitive data .
9. Click Next.
The Check Set up In formation dialog box appears.
10. Review the installation setti ngs, then click Next.
The PGP files are copied t o the computer.
11. If you have key rings on your computer from a previous version of P GP,
click Yes to use your existing keyrings.
A browse dialog box appears. Browse to l ocate your pu blic keyring,
Pubring.pkr, and your private keyring, Secring.skr.
12. Select “Yes, I want to view the Rea dme file”, t hen click Finish to
complete the installation.
13. To launch PGPkeys immediately after the installation, select “Y es, I want
to run PGPkeys.”
14. Click Finish to complete the PGP installation.
Installation Guide 17
Installing PGP
Installing PGP Version 6.0 for Macintosh
You can install the PGP software from a CD-ROM or from your company file
server . The Installer pr ogram ( ) automatically extracts and steps you
through the installation. After you install the software, you can create your
private and public key pair and b egin using PG P. Refer to the
PGPMacUsersGuide.pdf file included with the p rogram for instructions on
using PG P.
To install PGP fo r Macintosh, carefully f ollow the steps outlined below.
To install PGP for Macintosh
1. Quit all applications running on your c omputer.
2. To install f rom a CD-ROM, insert it into the C D-ROM d rive.
To install from your company file server, contact your security officer
for information about the server from which to download PGP. Log on
to the server.
3. Double - click the i nstallation icon ( ) to sta rt the Insta lle r p ro gram.
The PGP Installation screen appears.
4. Click Continue.
The Network A ssociates license agreement a ppears.
5. Review the li cense agreement information, then click Accept to continue
the installation.
The PGP Release Notes appear.
6. Review the release notes for known issu es and export restricti ons, then
click Continue.
Installing PGP
18 PGP
The installation screen appears, as shown in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2. PGP for Macintosh Installation screen
7. S e lect a typ e of insta llation:
•EasyInstall.Choose Easy Install to perform a full installation of
C ustom Install. C hoose Custom In stall to instal l PGP with
user-definable options. You are prompted to choose the
components that you want to install.
Uninstall. Choose Unin stall to remove all PGP program
components from the system.
8. S e lect a location fo r your PG P files , then click Ins tall.
A w arn ing screen appears advising you to c lose all open applications.
9. Close op en applications, th en click Continue.
The PGP files are copied t o the computer.
10. Click Restart to reboot the computer.
The computer restarts. PGP is now installed on the computer.
Installation Guide 19
versions of PGP 12
Customer Care
contact ing 7
feedback to Networ k Associates 8
inst alling
PGP 11
for win dows 16
system requirements 11
Network Associates
contact ing
Customer C are 7
training 8
Network Associates feedback 8
compatibility 12
inst alling 11
Macintosh 17
platforms s uppo rted 11
system requirements 11
upgra ding f rom a pr e vio us v e rs ion 12
upgrading from Network Associates 12
upgrading from ViaCrypt 12
versions of, compatible 12
Windows 95, 98 & NT 14
for Windows 16
reading 9
installing PGP 14
system requirements
for PGP 11
Technical 7
technica l support
e-mail address 7
information needed from user 8
online 7
training for Network Associates products 8
scheduling 8
from ViaCrypt 12
upgrading from 12