Siemens TK 69... Owner's manual

Owner's manual
 ! I!
A! !! 
a!et intuction1H
2ipoal 1H
#!  -! AA !    '
8illing up the pipe te3&
I!! &
+A! ,
Geneal 36
,epaing epeo(co!!ee with bean36
$djuting the ginding unit 3
,epaing e
peo(co!!ee with powde3
8oth o wa up ilk(/atte0acchiato 3#
!o heating dink3;
,epaing hot wate3;
I *A! 6
,ogaing 3<
/anguage 3H
7ate hadne 3H
8ilte etting 6&
9epeatue 6&
Ruent tie 6%
neg a-ing ode 61
2iplaing nube o! bew61
=9 !unction 61
-  ,
I  AA ,,
@  AA ,$
( !  -! ,
" '
34 &
! $
5 &''
 
& +ain witch
a> 4ot wate 0
b> tea =
2ipla with 6 !unction button
, button0
NonL button02
=ota knob !o adjuting the !illing Iuantit
( ? ( ( 8 ? 8
$ =ota knob !o adjuting the co!!ee tength / ? 7
6 Rleaning button +
2ecaling button4
&' 2ocuent holde
&& Rod toe
& 4eight'adjutable co!!ee outlet
& 8oth nozzle
=ota knob
B 7aing up ilk
A 8othing up ilk
:ppe lee-e
Nozzle bod
Outlet nozzle
4oe with adapte
&, =ota knob !o degee o! gound co!!ee
& *ean containe with aoa co-e
& Gound co!!ee duct with co-e A cleaning tablet duct
&$ 2oo !o bewing unit
&6 *ewing unit
a> ,uh button Bed>
b> 4andle
& =ight co-e o! the appliance
' Rup hel! Bpe'waing !unction>
& /e!t co-e o! the appliance
 2etachable wate tank
 Ro!!ee deg ta Bdihwahe'poo!>
, 9a B!o eidual wate>
 2ip plate
 Rontact
$ 8ilte etting
6 +ilk containe
a> /id !o ilk containe
b> Ronnection hoe with adapte
 unken acchiato plate
Buitable !o glae up to %3 c high>
<AA !- ! 
! : AA8
A! !!
,leae ead thee opeating intuction cae!ull and keep
in0the docuent holde0&'D
9hi appliance i deigned !o doetic ue and !o
poceing noal Iuantitie o! !ood and not
!o indutial
d 01 !  !1
Ronnect and opeate the appliance onl in accodance with
the peci!ication on the ating plate
2o not ue the appliance i! the powe cod o appliance
:e the appliance inide and at oo
tepeatue onl
)eep childen awa !o the appliance Rhilden hould be
upe-ied to enue that the do not pla with the appliance
9hi appliance i not intended !o ue b peon
0childen> with educed phicalE eno o ental
capabilitieE o lack o! eKpeience and knowledgeE
unle0the ha-e been gi-en upe-iion o intuction
concening ue o! the appliance b a peon
!o0thei a!et
! a !ault occuE iediatel pull out the ain plug
Ne-e iee the appliance in wate
9o pe-ent injuE epai uch a eplacing a daaged codE
be caied out b ou cutoe e-ice onl
2o not place !inge in the ginding unit
d 01 ! 9
01 ! 9
Onl touch the platic pat o! the !oth nozzle & and ne-e
diect it at people 7hen dawing tea o hot wate !o
the !oth nozzle & it a put at !i
,leae ak ou deale o inIuie at ou local authoit about
cuent ean o! dipoal
9hi appliance ha been identi!ied in accodance with
the0uopean diecti-e 1&&1(H#(G on 7a
te lectical
and0lectonic Iuipent O 7 9he 2iecti-e pa-e
the0wa !o e!!ecti-e :'wide withdawal and utiliation
o!0wate applicance
- !
#!  -! AA !  
8ill the epecti-e containe with pueE non'cabonated
wate onl and pe!eabl a iKtue o! epeo o co!!ee
2o not ue co!!ee bean which ha-e been glazedE
elied o teated with othe additi-e containing uga
9hee will block the ginding unit
Rheck the wate hadne with the encloed tet tip
!0a0-alue othe than hadne 6 i indicatedE witch on
the0appliance and poga accodingl Bee ,age03H>
9he wate hadne can alo be !ound out !o ou local
wate uppl copan
q ,ull the powe cod out o! the cod toe and connect
q 8ill the wate tank  with cold !eh wate Note the
NaKL ak
q 8ill the bean containe & with co!!ee bean
q et ain witch & to0
q ,e button
d ,
9he appliance i - !  when the illuinated ing
on button
d , and on the NonL button 2 ae lit
5!8 ! the appliance i being ued !o the !it tie o ha
not been opeated !o a polonged peiodE the !it cup o!
ee will not ha-e the !ull aoa and hould not be dunk
8o poduction eaon when witched on !o the !it tieE
the wate pipe te in the appliance a occaionall ha-e
be e!illedM
q ,lace an appopiate cup unde the !oth nozzle &
q ,e the 0  button
: !
3 A  AA
 
 
9o change the dipla to the deied languageM
q 4old down button
% on the dipla !o at leat
q ,e button
% until the dipla !lahe
q elected the deied language with < o >
q ,e button
% to a-e the language
q ,e the 6 button
/ : &
9he ain witch & on the ea o! the appliance witche
the0powe uppl on o o!!
7hen the ain witch ha been witched onE
the0illuinated ing on button
d 0, i lit geen 9he appliance
i in Ntand bL ode
) )   #    
) )  )$$   "     #)
;! : 0 >?   = >? !
4ot wate can be
elected b peing the 0  button
tea can be elected b peing the=  button
d 01 ! 9
-0 # "  ) " 
3 #  ' )
9he etting ae diplaedM
2awing eg co!!ee
4ot wate on 0
tea on =
2ipla duing the bie! heating up peiod !o
tea on
  
  
 
 
2ipla indicate the ettingE the pocee which ae
unning and an eage iued b the appliance
9he appliance ha been pogaed at the !acto with
tandad etting !o opti
u opeation 9hee etting can
be changed ? ee chapte NRhanging etting(
d ,
*utton d , witche on the appliance o witche it to Ntand
bL ode
7hen button
d , i peedE the appliance heat up and i
then ined 9he illuinated ing on button d , !lahe duing
thi poce
9he appliance i not ined i!M
? the appliance wa till wa when witched on o
? co!!ee wa not dichaged be!oe the appliance wa
witched to Ntand bL ode
?tea i dawn be!oe witching o!!
4eating and ining pocee ae diplaed
7hile co!!ee i being bewedE button
d , i aigned
a0!A'!unction ! button
d , i peedE the poce i
60hou a!te the lat co!!ee wa bewedE a ining
poce i autoaticall actuated and the appliance
witche to tandb ode 9hee etting can be
changed O ee Netting(,ogaingL chapte
J!F !
peo o co!!ee can be bewed b peing the ca!e
NonL0button 2 9he geen illuinated ing !lahe while
epeo o co!!ee i being bewed
! the NonL
button 2 i peed againE the co!!ee
bewing poce i teinated
 
 
 
0!- 1! ! K   L-
( ? ( ( 8 ? 8
9he aount o! liIuid i adjuted with ota knob ( ? ( (
8 ? 8
One o! # etting can be elected b otating the knob
in0an0anti'clockwie diectionM
 
 
 
 
One o! # etting can be elected !o 1 cup b otating
the0knob in a clockwie di
 
 
 
 
 
Outlet & ha two nozzle !o !illing 1 cup
0!- 1! $ / B 7! K  ! 
9he aount o! gound co!!ee i elected with ota knob /
? 7 $
% 
 
% 
9he elected co!!ee tength i diplaedM
 ! + 6
 !4
7hen the appliance eIuie cleaning o decalingE
the0illuinated ing on the cleaning button + 6 o the
decaling button 4 light up ed O ee NRleaning and
decalingL chapte
9hi !ull autoatic epeo(co!!ee achine gind !eh
co!!ee !o each bewing poce
,e!eabl ue a iKtue o! epeo and co!!ee bean
deep'!eeze in coolE ai'tight and ealed containe
2eep'!ozen co!!ee bean can alo be gound
A8 ,ewa cupB>E epeciall thick'walled epeo cupE
on the cup hel! ' o ine out with hot wate
q elect the deied aount o! co!!ee and nube o! cup
with ota knob
( ? ( ( 8 ? 8
q elect the pe!eed co!!ee tength with ota knob
/ ?07 $
q ,lace cupB> unde the outlet & ! eIuiedE adjut
the0height o! the outlet &
q ,e the 2 NonL button 9he bewing poce now
un autoaticall
A8 ! bewing co!!ee iultaneou
l !o 1 cupE elect
 o % 
9he bewing poce can be teinated b peing
the0NonL button 2 o button
d , again
5!8 !   i diplaed depite a !ull bean
containeE the ginding unit ut till be !illed autoaticall ?
ignoe the eage
q ,e the 2 button again
+A A!*
! : 
q 9he deied degee o! gound co!!ee can be elected with
the =ota knob !o degee o! gound co!!ee &,
!4"   )$  )    "
"( 5   #  #
q Open the
ight co-e o! the appliance &
q ,e the 2 NonL button
q 7hile the ginding unit i unningE tun the knob to elect
the degee o! gindingM
the alle the dot the !ine the gound co
9he new etting will not becoe appaent until
the0econd o thid cup i bewed
q et the deied !illing le-el with the ota knob
(0?0(0(08 ? 8
q ,lace cupB> unde the outlet & ! eIuiedE adjut
the0height o! the outlet &
q Open the ight co-e o! the appliance & and the co-e
on0the gound co!!ee duct &
q $dd ! ! :!
le-el coop o! ediu'!ine gound
co!!ee to the gound co!!ee duct &
) )  )  )  )$$(
! #,#"# ) )) )$ )$$
q Rloe the co-e on the gound co!!ee duct & and
ight co-e o! the appliance &
q ,e the 2 NonL button
5!8 =epeat the poce !o anothe cup o! pegound
co!!ee ! co!!ee i not bewed within H& econdE the bewing
chabe i
eptied autoaticall in ode to pe-ent
o-e!illing 9he appliance i ined
<K  
A!*! :
d 01 ! 9 01 ! 9
-= # "  ) " 
3 #  ' )
) ) )"  $) ) 13 )    )
q et the ota knob & to
A to !oth up ilk o0B to
wa up ilk
q ee hoe & into a eceptacle containing u!!icient
onl !o 9)#HM $ttach ilk containe 6 with connection
hoe tightl to0the0nozzle bod
q ,lace an appopiate cup unde the !oth nozzle &
q ,e the =  button
9he unit now heat up !o appoK %0econdE
then0daw the ilk in and !oth and(o heat it up
q nd the poce b epeing the =  button i!
the0deied aount ha been ade o be!oe the ilk
eceptacle ha been !ull eptied
9o clean the !oth nozzle &E the hoe & and the
connection hoe 6 ca out the poce cited abo-
uing clea wate intead o! ilk ? ee chapte NRleaning(
Rleaning the !oth nozzleL 2ied eidue i di!!icult to eo-e
and ipai !oation o! the ilk !oth
A8 ,e!eabl u
e cold ilk with a % P !at content
+ilk'dink uch a cocoa !o eKapleE can be pepaed
uing the waing up ilk etting
:ing the encloed B!- ! > unken acchiato
plate  the poibilit alo eKit to ue tall glae Bup to
appoK %3 c high>E !o eKaple to pepae latte acchiato
q Kchange
dip plate  with acchiato plate 
q ,lace gla unde the outlet nozzle and daw ilk !oth
accoding to the intuction
q 9hen place the gla unde the co!!ee outlet & and daw
the deied aount o
! co!!ee
3! ! : A 1*
+A  !
>!-C! ?
d 01 ! 9 01 ! 9
-= # "  ) " 
3 #  ' )
) ) )"  $) ) 13 )    )
q et the ota knob & to the iddle
q ee the !oth nozzle & deep into the !
q ,e the =  button
9he appliance now heat up !o appoK %0econd
9hen the liIuid i heated
q nd the poce b epeing the=  button
5!8 $!te cooling clean !oth
nozzle & iediatel 2ied
eidue i di!!icult to eo-e ? ee chapte NRleaning(
Rleaning the !oth nozzleL
d 01 ! 9 01 ! 9
-0 # "  ) " 
6     $)#  #  ' )
) ) )"  $) ) 13 )    )
q et the ota knob & to the iddle
q ,lace an appop
iate cup unde the !oth nozzle &
q ,e button 0 and !ill cup
q nd the poce b epeing the 0 button
 ! 
+A ! :
I *A!
9he appliance ha been et at the !acto o that co!!ee can
be bewed without an additional pogaing
9hee baic etting can be changed with the !unction
button unde dipla
election button
$cce to pogaing ode
a-e etting
9einate pogaing
election button
) )  )$$   " )##
5   )  
9he appliance ut be witched on be!oe the baic etting
can be changed
9he !ollowing etting can be changedM
?7ate hadne
?8ilte etting
?Ruent tie
?9ie !unction
?neg a-ing ode
8acto etting ha-e a ge backgound in thi chapte O
ee eKaple oppoite
  
9o change the dipla to the deied languageM
q 4old down button % on dipla !o at leat 3 econd
q ,e button
% until the dipla !lahe
q elected the deied language with < o >
q ,e button
% to a-e the etting
q ,e the 6 button *ack to tandb
9he !ollowing language ae a-ailableM
  
 $
q 2eteine wate hadne with the upplied tet tipE
A hadne 1
q 4old down button
% on dipla !o at leat 3 econd
q elect   with < o >
q ,e button
% until the nube in the dipla !lahe
q elect the acetained hadne with < o >
q ,e button
% to a-e the etting
q ,e the 6 button *ack to tandb
5!8 t i ipotant !o the decaling pogae that
the0wate hadne i et coectl
! eKtenal wate o!
tene ae ued in the doetic wate
te o i! !ilteed wate i uedE elect  
 (
  
 
 (
 )
 *
8o  a !ilte $ i a-ailable Bode no 6#0%;31> a
an0additional acceo !o the wate tank 
8ollow0the0intuction encloed with the !ilteD
n  the !ilte $ i encloed
8it inet !ilte $E then change the appliance etting
q 4old down button
% on dipla !o at leat 3 econd
q elect 8/9= with< o >
q ,e button
% until the dipla !lahe
q $djut to  - uing< o >
q ,e button
% to a-e the etting
q ,e the 6 button *ack to tandb
5!8 Rhange o eo-e ued !ilte $ a oon a te
eage   i diplaed o a!te
10onth at
the latetD ! a new !ilte i not inetedE check the
etting !o  - and the wate hadne
9he co!!ee tepeatue can be et with thi !unction
q 4old down button
% on dipla !o at leat 3 econd
q elect $ with < o > $
q ,e button
% until the dipla !lahe
q Rhange the etting with < o >
q ,e button
% to a-e the etting
q ,e the 6 button *ack to tandb
3 
 
9he cuent tie i pogaed with thi !unction
9hi0i0eIuied when uing the tie !unction
q 4old down button
% on dipla !o at leat 3 econd
q elect  with < o >
q ,e button
%E hou dipla !lahe
q Rhange the etting with < o >
q ,e button
%E inute dipla !lahe
q Rhange the etting with < o >
q ,e button
% to a-e the etting
q ,e the 6 button *ack to tandb
9he et tie will be deleted
? i! the ain plug i pulled outE
? i! the appliance i witched o!! with the ain witch &E
? i!
thee i a powe !ailue
9he cuent tie ut be input again
9he tie at which the appliance will autoaticall witch
on0can be et with thi !unction
q 4old down button
% on dipla !o at leat 3 econd
q elect   with < o >
q ,e button
%E hou dipla !lahe
q Rhange the etting with < o >
q ,e button
%E inute dipla !lahe
q Rhange the etting with < o >
q ,e button
% to a-e the etting
q ,e the 6 button *ack to tandb
2e'acti-ating the ettingM
q et the tie to0 00100 with < o >
5!8 9he cuent tie ut be et !o thi !unction
to un
9he witch'on tie i etained e-en i! thee i a powe
!ailue o the ain witch & i actuated
I 
 
 
9hi !unction i ued to peci! a!te how an hou
!ollowing the lat bew the appliance autoaticall witche
to tandb ode
q 4old down button
% on dipla !o at leat 3 econd
q elect   with < o >
q ,e button
%E hou dipla !lahe
q Rhange the etting with < o >
q ,e button
% to a-e the etting
q ,e the 6 button *ack to tandb
9he witch'o!! tie i etained e-en i! thee i a powe
!ailue o the ain witch & i actuated
9he nube o! bewed epeoE co!!ee and pegound
i diplaed hee 9he nube o! bew ae counted
q 4old down button
% on dipla !o at leat 3 econd
q elect $  with < o >
q ,e the 6 button *ack to tandb
9hi nube cannot be changedD
+! ! J-F ! !-
q iultaneoul hold down < and > !o at leat
30econd ? all ou a-ed etting ae deleted
(-  !
 
* 
 
@A-  !
$ 
0 0 0 78
0(( !
- 
9he appliance indicate pocee and eage
/ 0 !
No wate ,ou !ehE cold wate into
the0wate tank 
5!8 9hee i alwa a all aount o! wate le!t in the wate
tank 
7ate tank  i iing o
not ineted coectl
net wate tank 
No co!!ee bean $dd co!!ee bean to the bean
containe &
5!8 9he   dipla i lit until co!!ee i bewed
 
7ate pipe te in
the0appliance i ept
,lace an appopiate cup unde
the !oth nozzle &
,e the 0  button
Bpoibl e-eal tie>
 
te heated up b
tea on
$llow te to cool down b
letting out oe hot wate 0
2awe , and dawe !o
co!!ee deg  ae !ull o
contact  ae dit
=eo-e ta , and co!!ee
deg ta E ept and
e'inet Rlean and d
contact 
9a , and co!!ee deg
ta  ae iing
net the ta , and the ta !o
co!!ee deg  until the click
into place
9he illuinated ing on the
+ button 6 i lit ed
=un the cleaning pogae O
ee NRleaningL chapte
9he illuinated ing on the
4 decaling button i
lit ed
=un decaling pogae O ee
N2ecalingL chapte
9he !ilte $ i no longe
e!!ecti-e a!te & lite o
a!te appoK010onth
Rhange !ilte $ Bode no
6#0%;31> o continue opeating
the appliance without !ilte $
Rhanging etting
0 !/
$ 
*ewing unit &6 i iing
o i enteed incoectl
*ewing unit handle &6
i0not locked
nte bewing unit &6 o check
!o coect intallation
9un handle &6 towad
the0ight a !a a it will go
5!8 7hile the eage  E $ 
E   o   ae
diplaedE co!!ee !  bewed
I  AA
d 01 !  !19
-" )"  # " $)   
) ) " )" (
' ##    (
) ) " # 
q 7ipe the outide o! the appliance with a dap cloth
q =ine out the wate tank  and
!ill with !eh wate
q =eo-e and ept ta , and co!!ee deg ta 
Onl the co!!ee deg ta  a be cleaned in the
q Rlean contact 
7ipe out o -acuu the inide o! the appliance Bta>
5!8 ! the appliance i witched on in a cold tate with
d , o i et to tandb a!te bewing co!!eeE the
appliance i autoaticall ined 9he te thee!oe
clean itel!
@- 
! the illuinated ing on the + button 6 i lit ed and
the0eage   i indicated on dipla when
the appliance i witched onE the appliance ut be cleaned
a Iuickl a poible
Rlean the appliance
with the encloed cleaning tablet
   !- : L
9hee tablet ha-e been peciall de-eloped !o thi
appliance and ae a-ailable !o cutoe e-ice
Bode0no03% &;>
7hile the cleaning pogae i unningE the illuinated
ing on the + button 6 !lahe
' "   )##(
) )  7"( ' "   ) )
 
7hile the cleaning pogae i unning ?
oK0%0inute ? pocee and intuction ae
indicated on dipla
   A!
q Ropletel !ill wate tank 
q 4old down + button 6 !   !
q pt and e'inet the
ta , and the ta !o co!!ee
deg 
5!8 9he appliance i autoaticall cleaned 7ait !o
the0neKt dipla BappoK % inute>
q Open the ight co-e o! the appliance & and duct
!o gound co!!ee &
q  cleaning tablet into duct &
q Rloe the co-e on the gound co!!ee duct & and
the0ight co-e o! the appliance &
q ,e the 2 NonL button
9he appliance i autoaticall cleaned 7ait !o
the0neKt dipla BappoK0%&0inute>
q pt and e'inet the ta , and the ta !o co!!ee
deg 
9he cleaning poce i
coplete 9he illuinated ing
on0+ button 6 goe out 9he appliance i ead !o
I A!
  
 
 
  
 
 
 
8 $) ) 13  # $ "
q ee the hoe &* into a eceptacle o! wa wate
q ,lace an appopiate eceptacle unde the !oth
q ,e the =  button
d 01 ! 9 01 ! 9
-= # "  ) " 
3 #  ' )
) ) )"  $) ) 13 )    )
q =un appoK one cup o! wate though
q nd the poce b epeing
the=  button
q 7ipe eKteio o! the !oth nozzle & a!te cooling
q 2iantle !oth nozzle & !o thoough cleaning
n addition to the autoatic cleaning pogaeE
the0bewing unit can be taken out
!o cleaning
q witch o!! unit uing button
d ,
q et ain witch & to &
q Open the doo to the bewing unit &$ with a coin
q 7hile keeping the ed button &6 peedE tun handle
&6 upwad until clicking into place can be head
q Rae!
ull take out the bewing unit &6 b the handle and
clean unde unning wate
Rlean without detegent and do not put into the
q Cacuu the inteio o! the unit o wipe out uing a dap
q /
et the bewing unit &6 and unit inteio d
q nte bewing unit a !a a it will go
q 7hile keeping the ed button &6 peedE tun handle
&6 downwad a !a a it will go
he bewing unit i ecued
q /ock the doo &$ to the bewing unit with a coin
I ! !
I  :
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Siemens TK 69... Owner's manual

Owner's manual

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